26 :: Overnight Criminals

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CHAPTER 26: Overnight Criminals

I rushed down the stairs, two steps at a time. I fought my way inside the circle. The mindless assholes surrounding them were still cheering. And there I was... not knowing what the fuck to do!

I've never been in a fight before. Well, I have. It was that fight against Louie in third grade. And I think we all know what happened there. What am I gonna do now? Throw tater tots at Diego?

Just then, Donnie's frantic eyes saw me in the crowd.

"Trevor, help me!" she yelled, trying to yank Diego away from her brother.

No time to wimp out, Trevor. A surge of bravery ran through me and I leapt forward, tackling Diego off my best friend.  

The curly-haired boy landed on his back, grunting. My head rang when I hit what I can only presume as a six-pack, but I'd like to think I knocked the wind out of him because he didn't stand up after that.  See? Even abs couldn't save you at times like this. Sometimes, you just gotta use your head.

Diego stayed flat on his back long enough for me to catch a glimpse of the notebook jutting out of his jeans, roped in by his waistband. Without a second thought, I snatched it and scrambled up.

"Let's bail!" Donnie screeched, helping Lou up, and all three of us hauled ass to Romanoff.

In hysterics, Louie reversed and drove us from the mansion.

"What the hell was that?" I questioned, light in my tone because I was still high on the fact that I tackled Diego to the ground. Ever since I read about him in the diary, I had the urge to do that. Man, it felt good!

"Mr. Spaghetti won't quit eyeing Donnie," Louie answered. "What better than a black eye to stop him from gawking?"

"He was still eye-raping her?" I asked, pointing at Donnie.


"That little jerk. Kaye just told me he wanted to get back together with Sage and all of the sudden he's making googly eyes at Donnie."

"Whoa, whoa!" London interrupted. "Sage and Diego?"

"Yup," I answered, "Kaye told me."

"Does that mean Sage is your—"

"It does. Kaye took Sage's diary and brought it to me when Diego broke up with blondie. As the best friend, Kaye thought she had to find someone new for Sage and for some fucked up reason she thought I'd do great," I filled them in.

"What?!" Donnie couldn't believe it.

"I had the same reaction!" I said. "All of this shit happened because Kaye just couldn't keep her nose in the right place."

The sound of Romanoff going up to 55 mph replaced our voices. We made it past Westmont's entrance. That's when Louie spoke again. "What did Sage say?"

"Nothing. She doesn't know that I know."

"Aren't you gonna tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"That you're sorry for everything you caused her? That you think she's awesome?" Louie provided. "Isn't that why we did this search in the first place?"

Louie was wrong. We did the search in the first place because I just wanted to make sure the diary girl wasn't pregnant. We're way past that now. I knew she wasn't pregnant. I could've just stopped the search then. But I didn't. Because I wanted to find her.

I wanted to find the diary writer, not knowing all this time that she'd been by my side. God, how stupid can I be?

"Well, I found her. The search is done," I said.

"And?" Donnie prompted.

That one word stumped me. I was too obsessed of finding the owner, I didn't even know what to do when I did. So what now? And? Is that the end? Do I stop there?


"And I want to give Sage her diary back."

London beamed at me. "That's my turd."

"Ew," Louie remarked at the driver's seat.

"But there's a slight problem."

"What?" both siblings asked with a tone that was just waiting to hear what stupid thing I'm about to say.

"I don't know how to," I confessed, all of the sudden feeling sheepish.

"What do you mean?" Louie asked.

"Well." I scratched the back of my neck. "I don't wanna just hand it to her. I've done a lot for this," I explained, waving the newly-reclaimed journal. "I got bitch-slapped for this. I almost got arrested. Shit, I tackled an Italian dude for this."

"I thought you tackled an Italian dude for me." Louie pouted.

"You? Nah, I would've let him batter you to a pulp."

Louie rolled his eyes while London snorted back a laugh. Still smiling, Donnie reached her hand out to the backseat and pulled the journal from me.  She flipped through the pages while I continued.  

"I wanna do something grand. After that shit at the mansion, Sage is probably gonna find out about me knowing her identity by the time she wakes up. I don't know how she's gonna react now that she knows that I know."

"Now that she knows that you know?" Louie repeated.

I nodded. "It's goddamn confusing. I don't know why she didn't just tell me the diary was hers in the first place."

"What did you expect her to say?" London quipped. "'Hey, Trevor. You may not remember but you porked me once and I thought I got pregnant. Now you have my diary. May I have it back, please?'"

"You have point," I said begrudgingly. "But then why did she act like nothing was wrong? She even helped in the search."

London shrugged. "Maybe she just didn't want you to find out. Besides, Sage is a thespian. Acting is her thing. She's had theater training and all that jazz-- Wait!"

Louie stomped on the brake. Luckily, both of them had their seatbelts on so they stayed in their seats. I, however, got launched against London's seat.

"I got it!" London had her Eureka moment, holding the diary up in the air like it was Simba and she was Rafiki.

"What?" I groaned, slumping back on the backseat. 

"Sage's play?" she said, trying to elicit a response from either me or her brother. When she didn't get any, she explained, "At the Montaño Theater. They're having their year-end production. Sage is the lead!"

"Right!" I remembered. "But what does that have to do with anything?"

Donnie, the soon-to-be-valedictorian and Ms. Brains, groaned. "The performance is this weekend.  You want something grand? How's a theater full of people for 'ya?"

  You want something grand? How's a theater full of people for 'ya?"

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It's nearly midnight and I didn't expect to update at all today. But it's kinda unfair to make you guys to wait, especially when the last chapter ended with Louie getting pummeled to death. What do you think of Diego now?

This chapter was edited by: edoggypaws

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