03 :: Two Girls Down

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CHAPTER 3: Two Girls Down

"I have Anglo-Saxon Literature with Leslie Altman. I'll find out if she's the mystery girl," Louie said as he shut his locker.

"Cool," I replied.

Monday. And we've made it our mission to follow through with our diary investigation.

I went off to my first period class which was History. I had the whole night to clear my head of that diary but it can't go away! I kept thinking about the girl... whoever she is.

"Hey, Jettison!" I heard a girl chirp beside me. At first I thought I was hearing things since I saw no one. But then, I looked down.

"Oh, hey, Sage," I greeted back to the blonde shortie, patting her head just to rub her height in her face. She was so tiny, it was adorable.

She swatted my hand away with a grimace. Man, I really don't get why little girls don't like being reminded of how little they are. Isn't it supposed to be endearing?

"What's up with you? You seemed tense just a while ago," she asked.

I chuckled a bit. "A lot actually."

"Oh, yeah? What happened?" she asked, tilting her head up to me since she was a lot shorter than me.

"I just found out that one of the girls I slept with had a pregnancy scare," I said bluntly. There was no need for secrecy with Sage. She was one of the few girls who I could consider as my friend. You know, since I've slept with most of the female population in Westmont High and it's kinda awkward to keep them as friends.

But Sage? Well, she was fun, down-to-earth, and resistant to my charms. She belonged to the population of rare girls that I haven't done the horizontal tango with... yet.

"Which girl?"

I paused. Which girl? Whoa, am I that infamous at being a man whore? Damn, I really gotta stop sleeping around.

"I don't even know." I shrugged.

"You don't know?" She raised her eyebrow at me. "Then how did you know about the pregnancy scare?"

"I read it in her diary," I answered.

"You stole her diary?!" she exclaimed, causing a few students to stare at us.

"Sshh!" I hissed at her. "I didn't steal it. I found it in an alleyway."

"Oh," she mused.

"Yeah. Louie and I are figuring out who the diary belongs to," I said.

"Damn, that sounds interesting. I'd love to write about it for the school paper."

I scoffed. "An exploit on my sex life? No, thanks."

She chuckled. "Well, good luck on finding your mystery writer. Let me know how things turn out," she said as she stopped at the doorway of Mr. Lowenstein's classroom.

"I will," I called back to her, waving goodbye.


I haven't seen any of our potential suspects all morning so I haven't had the chance to find out if one of them owned the diary.

At lunch break, Louie and I did as the other students; went to the cafeteria.

"Leslie isn't your girl," Louie stated, as we made our way to our table with trays full of food. "I got a look of her essay paper and her penmanship was way different than the one on the diary."

"Oh. That's okay, it's just Leslie," I said.

"Just Leslie? Are you rooting for someone to be the mystery girl?" he asked, smirking.

I smiled and nodded. "I'm kinda rooting for two."

"Which two?"

"Kaye and Melissa," I answered truthfully. "Kaye is really cool and Melissa's the hottest girl in the list."

"Ye-yeah!" he raised his right hand for a high five. I didn't leave him hanging.

Kaye Montgomery is a straight-A student but you couldn't consider her as a nerd because does have a social life and she's really hot. To add to that, her parents own a fast food franchise which helped get their millions so... cha-ching!

Kidding! I'm an asshole but I'm not that kind of asshole. Or am I?

Melissa Greer, on the other hand isn't nearly as smart as Kaye, but then again, Kaye is running for valedictorian so who can beat that? But in terms of the looks, Melissa wins. She looks like a younger, less botoxed version of Megan Fox.

Just then, two girls approached our table. I wish they were the two girls Louie and I were talking about, but the world isn't that generous. No. I looked up and saw a blonde shortie and a dark-skinned beauty.

"What are you two bozos talking about?" London, Louie's sister, asked as she sat down at our table with Sage.

"Melissa Greer," Louie answered casually.

"Oh, yeah. She's definitely worth high-fiving about," Sage commented, setting her tray down.

"Look, Trevor." Louie nudged me and pointed to the table near the cafeteria door where Melissa was sitting. "Let's go."

"Ladies," I excused myself from London and Sage as we went over to Melissa's table.

"Hey, girls," Louie greeted Melissa and her friend. "Can we sit with you? Trevor has something to ask."

"Sure," Melissa answered, smiling. "What do you wanna ask?" she said to me, batting her lashes. The moment I sat down next to her, she stroked my arm and leaned towards me. It was clearly a signal. Knowing that she was making a move, I lost focus until Louie elbowed me.

"Oh, right," I paused, trying to find the right words to say. It was a task easier said than done since Mel was still flirting, biting her bottom lip. But I had to ask her. I had to. So screw the right words. I just blurted out, "Did you lose your virginity to me?"

Nice choice of words, asshole.

Her flirty attitude disappeared and she scoffed. "Well, you were there, too. Couldn't you have told whether I was a virgin or not?"

"I --uh. I kinda forgot because I was really drunk that night and the memory's kinda fuzzy--"

She cut me off. "So, you're saying that you only slept with me because you were drunk?!"

"Well, yeah. I mean, no! No!" I tried to correct.  "What I meant was --" And that's when her palm whipped at my cheek.  Oh, wow! Getting slapped by beautiful ladies seem to be my agenda of the month.  I've been slapped twice in the past three days.  And all because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I wish there were an Olympic event called Be-An-Asshole-Get-Slapped.  I'd probably get a bronze medal - maybe even gold.

Melissa stood up, her friend tagging along with her. To add insult to injury, Melissa grabbed her fruit punch and threw it at my face.

Mmm. Lemon.

"And just for the record, no! I did not lose my virginity to you!" she spat at me before storming away.

Louie sat next to me and squeezed my shoulders. "Maybe next time we could ask more subtly."


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