30 :: Warm Flurries

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CHAPTER 30: Warm Flurries

I couldn't sleep. I was laid flat in bed, counting bumps on my ceiling. It was nearly midnight, I was finally getting tired. My eyelids were giving up. I was finally drifting to some dream land when suddenly, there was a clash right outside my balcony! I shot straight up.

That stupid cat's back again! Jaw ticking, I got out of bed and walked over to the entrance of my balcony. The curtains were drawn. I opened it so hard, I thought the rails were gonna fall off.

But Whiskers wasn't in my balcony. Nothing was. I peered through the glass door. Still, I saw nothing but snow and darkened streets. I swear I heard something! So I inched closer to the glass. There had to be something that caused the ruckus. My forehead rested on the cold glass now.

"Hi!" A face outside leaped into my vision and bumped into the glass.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, toppling over.  I crashed down on my back and my head hit the foot of the bed. Jesus Christ! From the floor, I craned my neck to see the person again. She still had her face pushed against the glass. Her nose was getting shoved. I scrambled to my feet.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed, opening the door. "Sage?! What are you doing?"

I shut the door when she got in.

Sage reached into her coat's pocket. "I got your message," she replied, extracting the diary. She said it so casually while brushing snow off her beanie and shoulders.

"Oh," was the only thing that came out of my mouth.  Suddenly, a fresh heap of embarrassment flooded my system. It felt warm in my cheeks despite it snowing outside.  Sage, however, seemed to have not shared my awkwardness I felt. She just sorta looked around. She crossed my bed to get to my drawers.

"Nice room," she commented, going over to my drawer.

My eyes narrowed and I tilted my head. "Thanks," I muttered but then asked, "This the first time you've been in here?"

"Yeah," she answered, shrugging.

I was doing the maths as Sage browsed through the shit on my bedside table. The proof that Sage is the owner of the diary would mean that she lost her virginity to me. Then how come she's never been in my room? Where'd we do it, then? In the woods?

"Wait, wait, wait. Hang on a minute." I crossed over the top of the bed to inch closer to her. I was kneeling on the mattress. Sage faced me. From that position, I didn't look too much taller than her. We were nearly eye-to-eye. "How come you've never been in my room? It says there that you lost your virginity to me," I said, pointing at her diary.

"You really don't remember, do you?" 

"No. Damn, I must've been really shitfaced that ni--" I cleared my throat. Sage already had a pissed expression. Best not finish the sentence. "No. I don't remember."

She scoffed. "Figures."

"Was it that Prom Night? -- no, I took Gillian Thorne to that one. It was the Fall Dance, wasn't it? In the auditorium back at schoo -- wait, that wasn't you either. I think that was Cassie? I don't kno--"

"Trevor, shut up. You're making it worse."

I zipped my mouth. "Sorry." Damn, how stupid could I get in front of this girl? It's like her effect on me magically reduces my IQ into that of a rock's. 

"It was the party at Louie's lake house. Kenny Driver swung from--"

"--a vine to the lake!" I finished. Oh, sweet mercy! "That was you?!"

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