29 :: Aliens

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CHAPTER 29: Aliens

It's been four days. Four fucking days since the parking lot fight and Sage still hadn't talked to me. It's not like I haven't tried to to talk to her. I've seen her at school. Whenever I went up to talk to her, she'd weasel out! For a girl with short legs, she sure could run.

There was one time, early at school, when I spotted her out the hallways. Her blue eyes widened when she saw me. She panicked, threw her books in her locker - literally - and ran away. I ran after her, yelling that I just wanted to talk. I swear I was about to catch up. But she locked herself in the comfort room. The male's comfort room.

God, what a dork.

I knocked. I talked to the door. She didn't answer. "Sage, I have to pee!" I lied. She still didn't answer. I decided then that it was hopeless.

I didn't even know why she wouldn't talk to me. Was it because of the poem? Or because she saw me getting knocked out after a single punch?

The questions didn't leave me, even at lunch time.

"You okay?" Louie asked, chewing his sandwich.

"Hmm? Oh -- yeah!" I tried to sound casual about it.

"You're not a good liar."

I rolled my eyes.

"She still won't talk to you?" he asked.

"Nope." I sighed. "I don't know what I did wrong. I thought she warming up to me after that incident in the theater. I mean, you guys said it. She even came to the hospital."

London pursed her lips. "Maybe she just needs a bit of time. The whole ordeal with you and Diego must be hard on her."

I slumped down on the table. Pushing away my food tray, I sighed even louder. I didn't have the appetite to eat.

I didn't picture it out to result in this. After that poetry thing, I thought I'd finally be able to return the diary. I'd finally be able to get Sage. But the diary was still in my backpack. Sage still wouldn't talk to me.

At that moment, Kaye passed by our table.

An idea hit me. It wouldn't have been enough to get Sage to talk to me again. But at least I'll finally be able to return her diary.

I shot up. "London, you get a pen?"

"Mm-hmm," she mumbled with a mouth full of noodles. She reached down on her handbag and extracted a pink pen with a fuzzy ball hanging by the end. Despite its utter girlishness, I snatched it away.

With a paper napkin, I drew a makeshift coupon that said, "Free theater help". I remembered I haven't kept up my end of the bargain with Sage. She lent me a motorcycle, but I never helped at her theater.

I grabbed the diary from my bag and flipped to an empty page. I racked my brain to remember the date of when I almost ran over Sage. It was the day before my date with Emma. It was a Friday, I remember. December 2nd!

I wrote the date down on top of the page. I've never written a diary before. I didn't know how it went. But I just went with my gut. I recapped that day.

"December 2, 2016"

Hmm... how do I start? I got it!

"I almost ran over a dwarf today.

My car broke down because I swerved to miss her. So if you think about it, that dwarf's responsible for wrecking my car. But I forgive her.

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