24 :: She Lies on Velvet

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CHAPTER 24: She Lies on Velvet

I wanted to haul ass the moment Louie parked out front Diego's address. Diego Navarro's address. As in, Familia Navarro's private property.

Yup. It was the mansion Emma and I trespassed on that night of the date. Fate just loves pulling tricks, doesn't it?

Holding in a load of anxiety -- and possibly bile, too -- I entered the gates with the Steffenson siblings.

Italians must have a different understanding of the phrase "small get-together" because what we stepped into was a full-blown party. Half of Westmont High was probably there!

I spotted Cassie with a red cup, looking like she needed some company. But I shook my head at that. I already fucked up with that kind of thing earlier. I'm at this party for one reason only, I reminded myself.

"Gwen!" a familiar voice cut through the thumping music.

It was Kaye. She was hollering at the girl I was trying to find, who I just then discovered was a meter to my left. At Kaye's call, Gwen whooshed past me to go to her friend. But before she could go, I caught her arm.

Her eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Hi," I managed to say with a steady voice.

"Hello," she said with an awkward smirk and eyes wandering towards Kaye.

"Can I talk to you?" That was London and Louie's cue to leave.

"Maybe later, Kaye's calling." She shrugged my hand off but I didn't let go. That's when she looked at me weirdly. "What are you doing?"

"I need to talk to you."


Both of us snapped our heads towards Kaye by the living room. It looked like she was dragging something -- someone towards the couch. Judging by my familiarity of the frizzy, blonde hair attached to the girl she was dragging, I bet Sage got shitfaced again.

God, how many times will that blondie interrupt me?

Gwen had managed to get out of my grip and made her way to help out. I followed her. I could help out, too, if that meant I'd get to talk to her sooner.

"Trevor! You came!" Kaye chirped when she saw me.

Gwen only groaned in annoyance when she noticed I followed her.

"My God! How is she drunk already?" Gwen questioned, grabbing Sage's hand.

"Vodka shots."

"Why would she even want to get wasted tonight? And with Diego here?" Gwen stressed.

Kaye made a face that was telling Gwen to shut up. That was before her eyes flitted towards me for half a second. Gwen must have gotten whatever Kaye was trying to tell her because she shut up. I didn't get any of that.

"Let's just put her in his room," Kaye stated. "I'm sure he won't mind."

"Of course not," Gwen scoffed as if it were obvious. I swear, somewhere between those three words, I heard jealousy in her voice.

"Trevor, help us out," Kaye asked, so I did.

"This is the second time, Dewirth," I whispered in Sage's ear when she slumped against me.

Gwen opened the door to the room at the end of the second floor corridor while Kaye and I dragged the passed out girl inside. I'm starting to think Sage has a drinking problem.

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