25 :: Confessions of a Meddler

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CHAPTER 25: Confessions of a Meddler

I'm not dumb. I'd like to believe that I'm not. But when Diego said Sage, my brain went kaput. It rewired, and I couldn't move.

"Trevor?" I heard Diego ask in concern. I saw him, too. He was waving a hand in front of my face. When he noticed how unresponsive I've become, he looked around. I could see the awkwardness in how his eyes shuttled from left to right. He cleared his throat. "I'm – uh - going back inside."

My head was stuck in one direction, facing the gazebo, but I heard Diego's footsteps blending with the music.

15 minutes later, my brain finally worked! The frost finally got to me.

"Sage?!" I yelled at the empty lawn.

Diego had already made his way inside the house. Meanwhile, I was left with my mouth hung wide open.

How in hell's bells did Sage become the diary owner?! I've never slept with Sage!

... Or have I?

My hand found its way to my aching head. I gazed up to Diego's room again. The lights were now off.

I wanted answers and I knew where to find them.

My feet shuffled me back to the party. I maneuvered through the mass of bodies in the living room. It seemed like an eternity to get to the stairs. The music had been drowned out by the volume of questions in my head.

Why Sage? She was never even a suspect. I'm fairly sure I never slept with her. And I'm definitely sure that she couldn't have written the diary because we've been friends since junior year but she never showed interest. So how could it be her?

The door came in view. My breathing got a lot more labored as I imagined of how this whole confrontation would go. Should I wake Sage? Would Gwen even let me back in the room? What if Diego's there, too?

I guess I'll never know the answers to those hypothetical questions, because when I reached for the doorknob, the door flung open and a seething Kaye Montgomery rushed out.

"Kaye --"

"Shh!" she hissed, grabbing a fistful of my shirt and shoving me backwards. My back hit something. A door, which Kaye opened and hauled me in to. She checked to look if anyone saw what she just did before stepping in with me and locking the door behind her.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. She just pushed me into a fancy-looking bathroom. What the hell is this girl up to?

But instead of an answer, I got a smack in the head. "You idiot!"

"Ow!" I rubbed the area she just hit. "I'm sure you're right, but why?"

"You gave Diego the diary! Why did you do that?!"

"I thought he'd be a better fit for the job," I shrugged, but then did a double take. "Wait," I said, peering at her. "How did you know I gave him the diary?"

"Because I was eavesdropping!"


"Because my senses tingle whenever someone does something stupid!" she deadpanned and groaned. "You were supposed to give the diary back to Sage! Not him! Now my whole plan is ruined!" she wailed and sat on the toilet with slumped shoulders.

"Your plan?" I questioned. She knew about Sage. She knew about everything. "Kaye, what did you do?"

She looked up at me and sighed. "I suppose there's no reason to keep it a secret now, since you've ruined it already." She motioned for me to sit down, so I did. I sat on the rim of the bathtub, facing her.

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