Chapter 1

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I do not own Attack on Titan, much less the characters of it. I only own this idea of a story! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

You stare at your (f/c) watch and tap impatiently on the cold cement below you. You were currently waiting for the bus, and apparently, it was late, which fucking sucks. You weren't the patient type of person, clearly. Out of annoyance, you storm away, instead deciding to walk back home in the freezing rain. Giving absolutely no fucks, you stomp in the puddles, not even trying to cover yourself from the cold.

You round the corner to your building when you hear commotion in the local bakery. Groaning, you step inside and discover a girl with brown hair tied in a ponytail who's been trying to convince the owner to let her eat all the sweets for free. The owner, who's name I learned is Bob, then started to go bat-shit crazy and threw a bunch of crap at her.

Taking in a deep breath, you plastered on a fake-smile on your face and walked to the owner.

"Hi, I'm so sorry about my friend here. I was supposed to meet her earlier, but I got lost. She must've been impatient." You lied through gritted teeth, draping an arm over this random girl's shoulder. The owner, who must be completely oblivious to our discomfort, believed your lie and let you two off the hook. Still dripping wet, you dragged her arm to the booth near the window, taking a seat across from each other. The brunette opened her mouth to speak, but you silence her with a motion of your hand.

"Don't sweat it. It's fine." You said, waving your hand. She gave you a smile and said sweetly, "Actually, I was going to introduce myself. I'm Sasha Blouse."

"Well, Sasha, I'm (F/N) (L/N). Nice to meet 'cha." You said with the smallest of smiles. The two of you got to know each other for the next few hours. You learned that Sasha was also in the same university as you, also as a first year, and that she was quite popular and had a good number of friends. You two conversed about sweets when Sasha thrust her phone in your face.

"Let's exchange numbers!" She chirped happily, already taking your phone and tapping her digits in the device. You chuckled and entered your phone number and made the contact name Master (F/N). You handed her phone back as she gave you back yours, exchanged good byes and left the bakery. Sasha also had a dorm at the university, but she said she had some errands to run.

As you walked your way back to the university, since you had a dorm there, you heard a ding from your phone. You pulled it out and a message flashed across the screen.

Sasha (5:39 pm): hey! I'm going out with friends tomorrow. Do you want to come with us?

You (5:41 pm): sure. How many friends?

Sasha (5:42 pm): 15 people, including me.

You (5:42 pm): boys?

Sasha (5:43 pm): 9 boys. Why? You nervous? 😏😏

You (5:44 pm): haha. Yes. Exactly. I've never had a bf in my life.

Sasha (5:45 pm): haha we'll see about that ;)

You (5:46 pm): omfg no Sasha what the hell are you gonna do?

Sasha (5:47 pm): hehehe... Meet me in my dorm at 6. It's dorm # 572

You (5:48 pm): omfg Sasha why?

Sasha (5:49 pm): hahah you'll see.

Sasha (5:52 pm): btw I hope you like boys with abs 😏😏

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