Chapter 5

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In a blushing mess, his arms around your fragile body protectively, you and Jean arrived at Krista's dorm about twenty minutes later. It could've easily only taken about five minutes, but with all the confusion, with the class changing and such, the two of you got lost in a matter of seconds. You knocked on the wooden door of the timid blonde's dorm.

"Jean, (Y/N), you guys made i--" She stopped short when she saw the position of the two of you. Her blue eyes scanned you oddly, widened in shock. In an instant, the two-toned hair boy detached himself from you, hiding his arms behind his back while you bit your plump lips nervously, never leaving your eyes from the floor.

"Um, d-did something happen between the two of you?" Her question had triggered the two of you and in a flash, both of you were sprouting lame excuses and timid shouts. But before you could continue, she giggled.

"I was only joking, the two of you didn't seem to get that..." Her eyes shone with mischief, and when she spoke, a tone of amusement was hidden in her quiet voice, "Overreaction usually hides the truth.."

"Krista, is anyone the– oh. Hi, (F/N), Jean." Marco laughed when he saw the two of you and checking his watch, "Wow, what took you so long? You're like, twenty minutes la–" He trailed off when he noticed Jean's slightly disheveled and your untidy looking clothes.

You noticed his uneasiness and scanned yourself and Jean's, looking for something odd about them. When you realized what Marco must've been thinking, you jumped up with a burning face. "No, no, no, no! Jean and I– we didn't– I mean– we were just– nothing happened."

The taller boy lit up at your statement, which confused you for a bit, however you didn't show it. Instead, you grinned and wrapped your arms around the freckled teen, which made him turn a faint pink colour, that, of course, you didn't see. Over your head, Jean was currently sending glares to his best friend, boiling with such jealousy of not being the one hugged by you. As your pulled away, you looked up at Marco.

"Haven't seen you in fucking forever," You said with a laugh, playfully punching his chest as a small smile formed on his lips. He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, well, I've been busy."

"Ah, you're here." A new voice spoke. You looked up to see Ymir and Krista standing behind Marco, dressed to go out.

"Yeah. Let's go?" Jean said impatiently. You tilted your head to the side in confusion, wondering why he seemed so pissed off suddenly. Nevertheless, you nodded and looped arms with him, in the hope of cheering him up, which, incidentally worked pretty well.


"God, Jean, that was hilarious!" You yelled out, fighting for breath as you leaned on the two-toned hair boy for support. Marco laughed loudly beside you. Jean shrugged, snickering.

"I mean, it was the fucking waitress' fault for disgustingly flirting at me! The glass of water just . . . slipped out of my hand. It could've hit anybody, really." He explained with a sigh, smiling at you and Marco. The golden-eyes boy checked his watch.

"Jeez, it's alread–" His eyes widened. "Shit! I have a class to get to in three minutes! Fuck! Well uh, see you guys later!" And with those words out of his mouth, he sped off. You watched his retreating figure, giggling silently to yourself as you heard his profane swearing, even from such a big distance away. You twisted your body at the sound of a small cry.

"Marco, do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" He couldn't even get an answer as you had run off in the direction of the sound. He watched you before chasing after your running figure. I'm not crazy right? You asked yourself. There's definitely something there.

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