Chapter 4

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A loud, irritating ringing noise filled your eyes as you groaned un-ladylikely and screwed your eyes shut, knowing it was your goddamn alarm that was waking you up at 6 am to hurry your ass up and get ready for your classes. Muttering colorful words under your breath, you groggily got up, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. Lazily, you grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and a black wool sweater that showed a bit of collarbone and shoulder.

You quickly got ready, as you needed to take pictures of the sunrise for an extracurricular Photography club. Letting out one final yawn, you hung your Canon camera around your neck and slipped on your brown fake leather boots that reached to your mid-calf. You grabbed your (color) purse and left your beloved dorm room, heading to the nearest coffee shop for a quick breakfast before climbing a small hill to take the photos.

On the way to the small mountain, you bumped into a person softly, muttering a small 'ow' before realizing it was a small blonde with bright blue eyes that sparkled in the dark, as it was still about 45 minutes until sunrise.

"Krista?" You wondered out loud, slightly confused at the sudden appearance of the kind girl, as the last time you saw her was at Jean's place, where you first met everybody. The blonde looked up at you and smiled shyly.

"Hi, (F/N)." She uttered, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. You grinned at her before noticing the thick strip of black leather wrapped around her neck, trailing down was a moderately sized camera, probably around the same size as yours.

"Hey! Since when were you in the Photography club?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows as you knew that you had never seen her during club hours before.

"Oh, well, uh, I just joined recently. Marco had convinced me to join. Did you know Jean was in this club too?" She said, looking up at you. You merely shrugged before continuing to climb the hill, looking for the perfect angle to take the pictures.

After a few minutes of walking around, you found the perfect place. You kneeled on the slightly damp grass and prepared your camera. Falling on your back, you raised your Canon camera and focused the lens to the scarlet sky, with the various shades of orange, red and slight shades of pink and purple. Snapping a few photos, you smiled happily to yourself as you sat up again, shutting your camera off and putting it in your bag. Your sketchbook slipped out, but instead of putting in back in, you found a pencil and began drawing.

You set the rough draft aside, picking through your bag to look for you colored pencils, to fill it in. After about an hour of coloring, sketching and erasing, you got up and left the scene, heading back to campus to get ready for your other classes, but it was okay, since you only had them until 12. Sighing, you opened the door to your dorm to find a certain brunette laying on your bed, scrolling her phone as she hummed quietly to herself.

"Yo!" You shouted, startling her, making her jump in surprise and fall off your bed, landing on the carpeted floor with a thud.

"What in fuck's sake are you doing here?" You growled, narrowing your (e/c) eyes at her, giving you an aura of destruction.

"Hehe, you see, I wanted some food, but I'm broke, so I came here to check if you wanted to buy me some pastries?" She sheepishly replied, looking up at you with the best puppy dog eyes she can muster, which, quite frankly, was oddly unsettling.

"Why didn't you go to Connie?" You sighed, placing your index finger and your thumb in the bridge of your nose, ticking irritably. She giggled and suddenly appeared in front of you, an innocent smile on her face.

"As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. The Con-Con man had things to attend to. Besides his dorm is super far, and he also shares it with that Thomas kid. I didn't want to deal with him. He drives me crazy." Sasha inwardly shuddered, as if chills were running down her spines. Grinning, she stuck her tongue out to you and added, "Guess you're stuck with me now."

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