Chapter 3

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Your POV

"Heh, no, listen Sasha, I-no, no, I didn-no, not real-WILL YOU STOP INTERRUPTING ME??" You burst out, your conversation with a certain brunette ticking you off by the second. She was insisting that you promised to treat her to a five star restaurant if she got 90% on her test or higher. But you never did.

"Yes you did, (F/n)! You said so!" She argued, you could practically hear the steam escaping her ears. You rolled your (e/c) orbs, for what seems the ten-thousandth time, and continued to bicker with the girl.

"I am not going to continue arguing about this. Goodbye." You quickly hung up before the brunette could speak and shoved your phone into your (colour) bag.

"(F/n)!" You spun on your heels at the mention of your name. Three silhouettes walked you way and soon defined themselves as Mikasa, Eren and Armin.

"Yo, whaddup?" You coolly asked, despite your heated argument with a certain brunette earlier. Mikasa re-adjusted her beanie on her head, that matched her overall outfit perfectly. You bit your bottom lip, wishing you could dress as well as her (her outfit is at the top).

"So, where were you heading to, (F/n)?" Armin timidly asked, scratching the back of her neck.

"Well, I was just arguing with Sasha. Again. So I'm about to go buy some pastries do I don't have to bring her to a five star restaurant." You concluded, running a hand through your hair that made Armin and Eren swoon a bit, which wasn't failed to be noticed by Mikasa that made the ghost of a smile appear on her lips before returning to her stoic face.

"Do you mind if we tag along?" Eren asked, stuffing his hands in his pocket. You smiled and nodded before the four of you walked towards a small patisserie near campus, the one where you first met Sasha.

"Hi, yes, um, I'd like a small strawberry tart, a Neapolitan, some cream puffs and a raspberry cheesecake. Thank you!" You turned to face your friends.

"D'you guys want anything?" They shook their heads before you paid and walked out the store together.

"So, where is this bitch.." You muttered to yourself, unlocking your phone and dialling her number.


"Yo ass cheek. Where you at?" You demanded, slinging your arm over Eren's shoulder and slightly leaning on him.

"Why do you want to know?" She puffed out from the other side of the line. You rolled your eyes.

"You did get 93% on that test, didn't you?" You teased, a smile on your face. You could've heard Sasha lighting up, with a bright smile on her face.

"I'll find you." She said before hanging up. You furrowed you brows, partly creeped out by her phrase. You stuffed your phone into your bag and stumbled a bit when a heavy force grabbed you from behind, pinning you to the floor.

"HOLY SHIT. WHO THE FUCK. GET OFF ME." You yelled, attempting to flip the person off of you. You heard a giggle, and immediately knew who it was. You rolled around and were greeted by dark brown eyes.

"Ugh, it's you." You jokingly spat out, thrusting the bag into Sasha's arms, that protectively wrapped around the paper bag full of sweets.

"So, where are you guys going?" She asked, pulling a cream puff out of the bag and stuffing it into her mouth. Disgusted, you slapped your hands over her mouth lazily, effectively getting her saliva on your fingers.

"Well, I don't know about them," you pointed to Mikasa, Eren and Armin, that were simply watching you and Sasha's banter, "but I'm about to go to a high maintenance store and steal some shit." You declared, re arranging your backpack strap over you shoulder. (ok, in this story, lets say youre super badass n shit, mkay? mkay.)

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