Chapter 2

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Reader's POV

You glanced at everyone laughing and pushing each other on the way to the restaurant, which you would have to take a metro to, since it's in Sina. Suddenly, you heard a crash and the sound of pieces of glass shatter on the ground. You looked up and saw Connie stand up, looking bruised and bloody, from the accident. Jean seemed to be apologizing frantically to the buzz haired boy, who waved his hand dismissively to him, trying to clean himself up. A wailing sound was heard and everybody snapped their head to the source or the noise, including you. Red and blue reflected off the walls and everyone panicked.

A policeman walked out the car and demanded answers from you and your acquaintances. You sighed and walked up, looking at the superior straight in the eye, trying not to show any trace of emotion.

"It was me, sir. I thought it would be funny to throw a rock at the window. Unfortunately, it seems that I threw too hard, which caused the glass to shatter. My sincerest apologies." You said monotonously.

"Then why is the boy injured?"

"He tripped while looking at the damage I had caused." The policeman let out a small grunt and grabbed you by the wrists. Your acquaintances looked worried, some sad, Jean and Connie even looked guilty.

"You will have to pay a fine of 150 dollars and spend a few hours in jail. At the end of those few hours, you will get one call to get someone to bail you out."

And few hours later, you found yourself behind iron bars in a cold, dark cell, curled up in a ball, not even regretting the decision you made. A man had walked to the front of your cell and unlocked it, ushering you to come out.

"You get one call. Go." You rushed to the telephone and quickly dialled Hanji's phone number, waiting impatiently for her to pick up. It only took one ring for your friend to pick up.


"Hanji, bail me out. Right now. I'm fucking starving right now. Hurry the hell up, okay? See ya." You said quickly, ignoring the low growls from your stomach. You hung up and tossed the phone to the officer, plopping on one of the chairs. A few minutes later, the doors burst open and revealed a brunette with glasses, panting heavily as her dark brown eyes scanned the room. They locked with yours and you sent her a small smile and a wave. The two of you walked out the police station triumphantly, towards the direction of the Shiganshina University. As Hanji unlocked her door, you let out a yawn. When you stepped in her dorm, everyone bombarded you with questions, looks of worry plastered on their faces.

"Guys, guys! It's fine. I got out safely, no need to worry." You yelled over the noise, silencing everyone at once. You noticed a buzz haired and the two toned haired boy open their mouths, but before they could say something, you waved a hand at them.

"It's fine, Jean, Connie. Don't sweat it." You said with a smile that made their hearts skip a beat, making other boys jealous. You looked at Hanji and flickered your (e/c) hues to the fridge, and said, "Yo, shit-face," The brunette with glasses looked at you, her crazed smile not affecting you, "you got any food?" A few people snickered at your colourful language, others, horrified.

You flung the metal door open, revealing an box from Pizza Hut, waiting for you to eat it's contents. You let out an exaggerated gasp and looked at everyone, who's attention was all on you. You put a hand on your heart sadly and stared at them straight in the eyes.

"You bastards! Y'all ate fucking Pizza Hut? Without me?" You yelled out in mock fury. Connie, Jean, Eren and Sasha covered their mouths, trying hard not to laugh while you yourself forced yourself not to let out a small giggle. Others looked at you in disgust, like they actually bought your little joke. Unfortunately, a chuckle escaped your lips, causing everyone else, including you, to break out in laughter, you clutched your stomach.

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