Chapter thirteen

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Who could it be? Was all Frostbite could think when they followed the Orange and green RainWing back to the throne room.

"Their right here, your majesty," She flicked her tail to the hut.

"Thank you, Pomelo," Queen Glory replied.

Frost, the Queen, Darkflame, Terracotta and her mom landed each with a thump on the platform.

"There in here," One of the guards smiled goofily and flicked his tail to the door. "And they're awake!"

"Already?" The Queen hissed.

"You see," the other guard explained. "They are still quite groggy- we sent Pomelo after you a few hours ago, but she couldn't find you."

Glory nodded and beckoned them all to follow.

When Frost looked in, she gasped.

There, laying in front of her- shaking their heads to snap out of their sleepiness, was her winglet. Well, except Umber.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed, narrowing her eyes at them. "I told you not to follow me!"

Kinkajou looked up to her, turning from deep green to bright neon pink.

"You are here!" Kinkajou's flower necklace bobbed up and down as she jumped in excitement. "I told you she would be, Winter!"

"Frost?" He asked, "oh! It is you!"

He shot me a weary smile and then clumsily smacked Qibli over the head.

"Watch it!" Qibli barked at him and then glanced at me. "It's great to see you again!"

The Queen was having a hasty argument with Jambu that these dragons were not a threat.

'What are they doing here?' Darkflame contacted me.

'I don't know,' She internal growled. 'Idiots, I told them not to come after us!'

"What do you want?" She asked flatly, not really in the mood to deal with them.

"Our bracelets broke!" Cascade exclaimed. "So we payed you a visit!"

"Broke?" She hissed in confusion.

Qibli nodded and dumped all the Jade Braces on the ground.

Instead of being a vibrant green, they were dark and cracked.

A split of panic shot through her, she quickly took the Garnet braces out of her to see that it was the exact same. Looking to Terracotta her bone had turned black.

This is for your own good. Darkstalker's voice whispered to her. I destroyed them so that they could not contact you. I looked into the possible future- and they cost you your life.

Not Darkstalker again. Ya, well you brought them here!

"Oh!" Moonflower smiled. "Who are your friends?"

"They are not my friends," Frost replied. "They are dragons I know. Anyways. That's Winter and Qibli and the others are Kinkajou and Cascade."

Kinkajou gave her a hurt look.

"And they don't know how to leave a dragon alone," She continued. "In fact, that dragon would like to know why they are here."

"We just wanted to say hi!" Qibli answered. "Make sure you were all right."

The spikes on her back bristled as she searched Qibli's head.

She doesn't seem happy to see us, his thoughts said. In fact, she looks like she hates our guts. Darkflame is too close to her- I don't like that. Who is that NightWing that asked about us. Can't trust her. Oh wait- I forgot! She's probably listening to me!

"You bet I am," she growled- making him jump. "And since you were wondering. Guys, meet my mother."

Kinkajou nodded her head. "Oh, so that's who she is! Your mom!"

"Yes-" Frost paused, then added. "Now that you've checked up on me- you can leave."

With that, she turned and slid out the door- not looking back.

She was sick of them- just plain sick. The last thing she wanted- or needed, was them getting into her business and back into her life.

'Remind me again why I ever gave them those animus objects,' Frost asked herself- but never got an answer.

"Frostbite!" Deathbringer trotted up beside me. "Queen's orders, I can't let you out of my sight. We don't want you getting attacked by a NightWing"

"I can take care of myself," she stated. Great, now a psycho protective- strangely attached NightWing was on her tail. "Go protect my cousin- she's the one you should be worried about."

Was that a treat? Is she here or steal the throne? His mind jumped to conclusion.

No, it was a simple way of saying GET AWAY FROM ME!!! Her mind roared an answer.

She opened her wings and took to the night sky, leaving the frantic ex-assassin and his jumbled, worried thoughts behind.

The Stars wrong sparkling like her silver under scales, complementing the dark, night sky. Only one moon was full, leaving the others to be just slivers in space. Below her, was the tree tops and the brightly lit village.

It feels good to be alone, Frostbite closed her eyes- enjoying the cold but humid wind.

Alone wit me, Darkstalker spoke the line that was a hi-light in her memories.

Won't you just go away? She sighed as she flew onwards- away from the village.

Tucking her wings in, she plummeted into the sark part of the jungle- where no dragon would find her.

Her talons barely made any sound as she landed, the layer of leaves littered there masked the loudness.

As she looked around, she spotted a nice tree with it's roots sticking up.

Curling up in it, she fell into a dream that she would soon regret.


Frost awoke in a dimly lit room. The light was coming from a candle that was perched upon a table.

The table also had a rough looking scroll with what looked like words jotted down on it, there was a small bowl with dark ink inside and a large feather sitting beside it.

A dizzy, yet forceful energy came over her- and it was only then that she knew what was happening.

Her talons were yanked forward until they rested on the feather pen. The strange force made her dip the pen into the ink bowl and move until it was hovering above the page.

Below the prophesy, that she had made when she was still at JMA, she wrote;

'Beware the darkness of the betrayer,
Beware her plots and her schemes,
Beware her talons of power and magic,
Beware the one who is not what she seems.

She is coming to wreck the earth,
She is coming to destroy the ground,
All will bow to the the darkness and destructor,
Unless the stone of Infinity is found.'

And just like before, the scroll rolled up and was placed into her talons.

Frostbite awoke with sweat trickling down her forehead and her breathing hard.

What was that?" A new voice asked her.

Her head shot up and she saw a strangely familiar dragon sitting in front of her.

"Wings of Water and Rain," she murmured. "Your one of us!"

The dragon tilted her head. "What? Um, you must have me mistaken for someone else- my name is Rainstorm."

"I meant to say; Hello Rainstorm, I'm Frostbite," She replied as she stood up. "And we have a lot to discus."

Wings of Fire- Frost Biting (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now