Chapter two

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Frostbite awoke to a Lime yellow dragon in her face.

"Ack," she blinked then grumbled, "I told you not to do that."

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, today was the first day of class! She reached her talons behind her table when no one was looking and grabbed her bag. Strapping it onto her back, she helped Kinkajou get Cascade out of the water and out the door.

"We have usually history first," Cascade explained while walking with them, "but today we meet our winglet. It's a small group discussion."

As the dragons quickly made their way down the busy, noisy hall, Frostbite cleared her mind snow.

'I wonder if they'll like me,' one Rainwing thought. 'Everybody will hate me,' a Nightwing gloomily believed. 'Ohhh, I wonder what's for lunch' a muscly Mudwing wondered. There was a whole lot of other voices that were not worth mentioning.

"Actually," She let her blizzard blow once again and informed them, "remember we're having a welcome feast first, then we meet our winglet, and then the rest of the day off. It is the seventh day."

Her claw mates nodded and the group changed direction.

Letting go of the snow, she listened to the thoughts of others. The noise seemed to sooth her, back home the arctic tundra was too quiet.

When the group got to the prey centre, kinkajou pulled them over to the pile of fruit. Closing her mind reading, Frostbite complied.

"Do you like fruit?" The happy-go-lucky dragon asked.

Cascade wrinkled her snout, "I'll just have fish."

Kinkajou shrugged as Cascade walked off and joined some other Seawings. Looking hopefully up at Frost, she held out a dragon fruit.

"Why not?" Frostbite smiled as she grabbed the red fruit out of her friend's talons. She opened it up by slicing through the uneatable shell to find white food with many small, black seeds. It tasted delicious, to be honest. She never had fruit before, but this was as good as meat.

Kinkajou seemed surprised and delighted that Frost had eaten the whole thing. Letting go of her internal storm, Frostbite started to eaves drop.

When she got a better look at the place, it was pure chaos. There was prey all over the place. Shaggy, bleating sheep blundered helplessly under dragons' talons, yelling in panic. Several speckled brown chickens, quail, and pheasants were racing around the floor, periodically bursting skyward in an explosion of feathers and squawks. In one corner, a fat black bear was squaring off with a dragonet twice its size, growling.

Clay, meanwhile, was standing on a tall boulder in he middle of the cave, trying to shout over all the noise.

"Everyone stop moving!" He bellowed. "Especially you, chickens! CHICKENS, GIVE UP! WE'RE GOING TO EAT YOU! THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! STOP RUNNING AWAY RIGHT NOW!"

"SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWK!" The chicken shrilled back.

'Oh no, this is out of control. Why did I think of this?' Clay thought.

Frostbite chuckled, this whole room was in a hysterical mess. Suddenly she herd it, a streaking voice, not of a dragon.

'Help, help, help, heeeeeeeeeeelp!' A un-dragonly voice shrieked.

Frost bolted up and turned toward the exit. A small.... Scavenger, yes, was entering, being chased by a crowd of dragon.

"Catch it!"
"Mine! I claim it! Mine!"
"It went that way!"

All Mudwings and Skywings abandoned their chickens and joined the frantic chase to catch the strange animal.

'Oh poor thing, I can't let them eat it!' She thought herself.

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