Chapter 1

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Megan's POV

This is the third night in a row that I couldn't sleep. Usually when I can't sleep I turn on a Markiplier video to calm me down, but for some reason it's not doing it for me tonight. I check the time. 1:24. Am I ever going to fall asleep?

I stir out a little from under my covers and pull out my phone. I kind of just give up trying to sleep and start messaging my friend on Instagram. He's in Oregon, so he should be still awake. 

Meg_K: Hey u there?

Dylan is an internet friend. I've been talking to him for a few months now. That's really strange for me, I'm usually pretty 'cautious' on the internet. I don't really have any friends who like gaming and Let's Plays, so maybe my mind just told me I needed to keep talking to this guy. People say you can't trust random strangers on the internet, but I just feel like I can talk to Dylan about anything. Plus he's a fan of Mark, and I don't know anyone else who likes mark. We kind of just clicked or something. There must be some reason why he he's still talking with me.

XxDDawgxX: Let me guess; can't sleep again?

Meg_K: Yeah. Mark's not helping.

XxDDawgxX: ...Oh. 

Meg_K: Yeah...

XxDDawgxX: Anything I could do? To help you sleep?

Meg_K: Just talk to me, I guess.

I tried talking to him for a while, but there was nothing to talk about, so I just said goodbye and tried to go to sleep again. But I just couldn't, and I had no idea why.

*       *       *

I woke up tried and sore. I didn't know at what point I fell asleep, but I must have at some point. I looked at my clock. It was 7:51. Wait, 7:51! My alarm must have 'forgot' to go off again, because I have to leave for work in ten minutes! I hurriedly put on a graphic tee and shorts and poured myself some cereal. I didn't bother to grab a spoon and just dumped cereal in my mouth, spilling it all over the floor. I didn't have time to clean it up, so I just ignored it and jumped in my car. Before I walked in to work I noticed that my hair was a complete mess. I put it in a side ponytail and opened the door.

I work at a bookstore, and it's the best bookstore in the world. It's not some kind of chain book store. It's super cozy, and we have these big armchairs to relax in. Also, it's connected to a cafe, so we sort of share costumers. And you don't have to leave work for a coffee. That too.

"What happened today, Meg? Alarm clock 'forgot' to go off?" Said Jayden, one of my co-workers.

"Are you physic or something? " I said jokingly. Jayden and I go way back. We're... friends. Like, good friends. Ok fine, she's my best friend. The only thing is that we have different tastes in youtubers. Wait, that made it sound like they're some sort of product. Ignore that.

"Don't you think I should be a fortune teller on one of those weird scam websites?" She said. I laughed. This is why we're friends.

"Um... excuse me?" I heard someone say behind me. I turn around to see a boy about age twelve wearing a Markiplier shirt. This kid's got style.

"Oh, hi. What can I do for you?" I respond.

"Do you know where the magazine section is?"

"Yeah, i'll take you there."

"Thank you!" Said the boy when we got there.

"No problem! Nice shirt, by the way," I replied.

"Oh! Thanks!" his face seemed to light up, knowing I was a Markiplier fan. Like he somehow was a part of some secret Markiplier fan club now that his t-shirt got recognized.

"Take care," I said as I walked to the storage to clock in and grab books to shelve. 

"Did you see, that girl was wearing a Markiplayer shirt" Said Jayden.

"It's Markiplier, and yes I noticed."

"Why do you watch gamers? I just don't understand."

I've tried to have this conversation with her before. I really just want her to see that it's not just about the games. It's about the person playing them, the community, making you laugh even when you're really sad. The sense of community, making friends with the common interest (*cough* Dylan *cough*). But she just doesn't realize. She just doesn't get it.

That's Ok.

Some people just don't understand.

Author's Note!

Hi! First i'd like to thank you for clicking on this book. Even that means a lot to me. I plan to update maybe once a week, but that might not always happen. I really hope you enjoy this book!

Thanks! -Planit

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