Chapter 8

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Two hours before my second day at PAX is supposed to come to and end, I got a text from Mark.

Mark: There's gonna be a party after today. You should come.

"Oooo, who ya texting?"Asked Laura, a part of group. She wasn't being nosy, just curious. She was a pretty obsessive shipper.

"No-one..." I said, but I knew that wouldn't give her satisfaction.

"Is it a guy? What's he like? Do you like him?"

"It's just my friend." I said, and she settled down. For now.

Meg: Who's coming?

Mark: Me, Felix, Jack, Ken, Bob, Wade... uh... I think most popular youtubers at PAX.

I immediately started feeling nervous. I couldn't pass up a party with the biggest gaming commentators on youtube. People would kill for this chance. But parties on their own make me nervous, imagine one with youtube idols! Plus, nobody would know me. I'm just a fan, anyways. I would ask Mark to stay with me at the party, but I was already pretty demanding of him, I bet he just wants to hang out with his friends. He didn't have to invite me to this party.

Meg: And... where is this exactly?

Mark: idk, some place. I'll tell you later when I get more info.

Meg: Well, unless something comes up, I'll be there.

Mark: Yes!! See you there.

Can't back out now.

What am I going to wear? I didn't pack for this. Who am I going to hang out with? What if I see a youtuber? You idiot, of course you're going to see youtubers. This is a youtuber party. What if I get drunk and say stupid things? What if other people get drunk and say stupid things? Why am I even going to this in the first place? What am I going to say? Uh, yeah, Markiplier invited me, I swear. Nobody knows I'm going except-

"Hello? Earth to Megan!" Said Laura, waving a hand over my face.

"Wha..? Oh, yeah, hi." I replied, snapping back into reality.

"You look worried. What's wrong? Is it that 'FRIEND'? Are they cheating on you?"

"Don't you think I would be mad instead of worried if someone cheated on me?" I asked, smiling.

"Shut up." She said, laughing. If only she knew.

~ ~ ~ 

When I got back to my hotel room, I tried to pick out an outfit that was suitable for a party. I loaded on makeup, because I wanted to look good, and  I end up putting on a leather jacket, a camo snapback, and I went out and bought a red lipstick. It's so not my style, but I guess I don't want to be recognizable. Mark already texted me the location. Somehow I convinced myself to go. It's not too far away from my hotel, so I start walking there. 

I got there, and there were already a lot of people. I definitely didn't expect this many people, I thought I was just going to be youtubers, but there are a lot of people I don't know. I can't see Mark in the crowd of people, so I just find a couch and sit down. I look around and search for youtubers. CaptainSparklez and some girl with red hair were standing talking together, Syndicate was at the bar with some friends, and I think I see Seananners, but I'm not sure. For some reason, I get super nervous, make my way to the bathroom.

I lock myself in a stall, and all I want to do is just leave this party. I'm so afraid someone will point out that I'm not a youtuber, and I'll be embarrassed forever. I don't belong at this party. Mark probably wants to hang with his friends, I can't go find him, I'm screwed. I hear one of the stall doors open. Crap. I wait a minute before coming out, and I see LDShadowlady washing her hands. She smiles at me, and I smile back. I'm so nervous but I try to ignore it.

"You enjoying in the party?" She asked, and I was so surprised that she talked to me I didn't answer for a few seconds.

"Honestly, I can't find my friends. It's not going well so far."

"We can stick together, if you want. All of my friends are with other people."

"That would be awesome. What's your name?" I asked her, even though I already knew her name.

"Lizzie. And you?"


We left the bathroom and I was hit with a blast of music. Lizzie and I tried to talk, but It was too loud. She ordered a beer while I got a Coke. It was then when I realized that nobody knew me at this party. And that meant nobody (well, except mark) knew what my read personality was. I could just pretend to be fun, and extroverted. At first the idea seemed silly, but I was now seriously thinking about it. I chugged the rest of my coke and threw it out. Tonight I won't be shy and boring Megan, but I'll be outgoing and fun. Something I never get to be. 

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