Chapter 4

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XxDDawgxX: Wake up.

XxDDawgxX: It's PAX today.

I got those two notifications on my phone, and as soon as I saw them I remembered what day it was today. Today is PAX! Ahhhhh! I forget all about being tired as I open up my suitcase and put on my Markiplier t-shirt, along with some pink shorts. 


XxDDawgxX: Wow, I never seen you get this excited before




Dylan and I already planned a place and time to meet. We'll meet up at 11:00 inside, walk around for a bit, and then watch the Markiplier and friends panel after. And then we go to his signing right after!

I comb carefully through my hair, put on some make-up (because today it counts) and put on my backpack of 'things to bring to PAX'. I eat two granola bars that I brought with me and exit my hotel room. I go downstairs, outside, and hail a taxi. "Washington state convention centre" I say to the driver, who nods and starts driving.

"What's going on at the convention centre today?" Says the driver, trying to make light conversation.

"A gaming convention called PAX."

"Oh yeah. I've heard of it." He says, and that's the end of the conversation. 

The car eventually pulls up to the convention centre. I pay him the correct amount and exit the car, with a toothless smile on my face. I open the doors to the building and the line to get in is already huge. I wait for about half an hour in line before actually getting through. I check the time. 10:56. Perfect. I walk over to our meeting spot and I see nobody there. A little disappointed that he's not there yet, I wait for him. And wait. And wait. And wait. Now it's 11:24, and I'm getting restless.

Meg_K: Where are you?

XxDDawgxX: Sorry, I got here late, still in line. Go browse by yourself, and we can meet after the Markiplier panel.

Meg_K: But after his panel is his signing.

XxDDawgxX: Oh, ok. Then after his signing we can meet at our spot.

Meg_K: I swear if I'm being stood up...

XxDDawgxX: You're not! I swear I'm here.

Meg_K: Alright fine. You're still coming to the panel and signing though, right?

XxDDawgxX: I wouldn't miss those for anything.

Meg_K: K. See you after then.

I didn't bother to see what he replied after. I was kind of mad at him, he can't just be all like 'sorry, I was late.' Like seriously, come on. But I wasn't going to let that little hiccup ruin this incredibly important day to fangirl. I only could browse and walk around of fifteen minutes before I went to go sit down before the panel. I wanted to get a good seat, and since I've gotten used to waiting today, I might as well wait some more.

The panel was pretty cool. They didn't answer my question, which is ok. My mind just couldn't comprehend that I was in the same room as Mark, Bob, and Wade. The three youtubers left the room to go to their signing room, and a few other people went and followed. I snapped out of the daze I was in and went to the signing room.

The room was smaller than I expected, and there was already a long line of people waiting. I joined the line and was waiting again. 28 more people. 13 more people. 10 more people. 6 more. 4 more. 3. 2. 1 more person. The butterflies in my stomach were getting increasingly more intense. The girl in front of me moved away from Bob and was going to Wade. Bob looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Hi..." I said nervously.

"Hi!" Bob replied.

"Could you sign my badge for me?"

"Yeah, sure." He said, as I took off my badge and handed it to him and he signed it quickly.

"Anything else?"

"Uh, no thanks"


"Thank you." I said as I moved on to Wade.

"Hi." said Wade, "What's your name?"


"Hi Megan, anything you want me to sign?"

"Just my badge, please"

"Ok," Wade said and I passed him my badge. I decided to ask him something.

"Hey, have you met a person named Dylan yet?"

"No, not that I can remember," He said while finishing signing, "Did you need anything else?"

"No thanks. But thanks. For, signing." I said awkwardly, and Wade laughed.

"No problem."

As I left Wade I set my eyes on Mark. I couldn't believe it. Don't cry. Don't cry. I walked towards him and when he looked at me I almost lost it. 

"Hi!" Said Mark, smiling at me.

"Oh my gosh" I whispered. I blinked and a tear left my eye, but I rubbed it away before anyone could see.

"What's your name?" He said.


"Hi Megannn" He said, dragging out the 'n'. "Want me to sign anything?"

I simply nodded and passed him my badge. He signed it and passed it back to me. 

"Anything else?"

"Yeah... can we take a selfie?"

"Sure!" He said, and I took out my phone. We took a selfie, and I had to say goodbye. But I hated that feeling, because I wanted to spend more time than just meet him. But like Dylan said, we have to start somewhere. And I would have rather meet him than not meet him at all.

I leave the room feeling ecstatic, and walk towards our meeting spot. And guess what? He's not there. I can't take it anymore. I message him.

Meg_K: Where the hell are you?

I wait for ten minutes, and no response. I look down at my phone and start to type out a message.

Meg_K: Look, if you're trying to stand me up, you could have just said so when I was waiting for you so I could spend more time walking around instead of waiting for your -

"Hey... are you Meg?"

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