Chapter 5

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I looked up from my phone and could not believe my eyes. Markiplier was standing right in front of me.

"Oh my gosh, hi Mark," I said, bewildered, "Yeah, I'm Meg,"


"Why are you here?" I asked, not in a 'I want you out of my face' way but in a curious way.

"Well..." He paused, "I'm Dylan. I was messaging you that whole time."


It can't be Mark.

WHAT? When I thought I was messaging Dylan I was actually messaging Mark? So he knows about me wanting to be his friend and stuff? So... there is no real Dylan? I'm dreaming right now. This has to be a dream. There's no possible way It could be mark

"What?" I exclaim, while pinching myself to see if it is really a dream.

"I thought you wanted to... y'know, get to know me and stuff. And why are you pinching yourself?"

"Because this is too good to be true," I said.

"It's real, Meg," Mark said, smiling.

"So... there's no Dylan? You don't really live in Oregon, and you have been to PAX a whole bunch of times, and you've of course 'met' Markiplier and..."

"There's no Dylan."

"So you lied about that?"

"Well how could I have messaged you on Markipliergram and have you not freak out? I had to do it this way."

"I'm probably still one of a whole bunch of people you're 'internet friends' with on Instagram."

"No, Megan. I just messaged you."

"Well why me?"

"I don't know! I thought you would like this, not start to challenge me."

"I don't mean to challenge you. I just really hoped that Dylan would be real. And now it's changed cause now you're... Markiplier... and things won't be the same."

"We can still message... and hang out... right?" Said Mark, unsure of why I was acting like this.

"Well, it's not like I'm going to treat you like Dylan. I'm going to treat you like how a fan treats you. I just can't help it."

Before he could respond, A fan came up to him and started asking for an autograph and a selfie. Because of that, a few more people started coming up to him. "Bye Mark," I mumbled and walked away just before a group of four came up to him.

What am I thinking? This is Mark Fischbach, and he wants to get to know me? Am I CRAZY? I just wasn't thinking straight. Cause, shock. I just walked away from that chance. It could have happened, and I ruined it. I felt my throat go tight and tears welled up in my eyes. I sat down in front of a wall and just cried. One of the few things I want in life is to know Mark. That could have happened and I let it get away. It's too late now. I can never forgive myself.

Nobody noticed me crying by the wall. I tried my best to be silent. Dylan would have noticed me cry. I thought. But Dylan isn't real. Would Mark notice you crying? Probably.

So I waited. I waited to see if Mark would pass be me and notice me crying. But he never passed by. He never noticed me. Why would he? I'm no more special than any other fan. But didn't you want more than to be just noticed? I pulled out my phone and started to message him.

Meg_K: I screwed it up.

Meg_K: I messed it up, didn't I?

Meg_K: I'm really sorry Mark.

Meg_K: I was about to call you Dylan there.

Meg_K: You were just trying to make me surprized, and I took it the wrong way.

Meg_K: I hope we can go back to normal.

Meg_K: Whatever 'normal' is in a situation like this.

Meg_K: Cause I'm a mess rn :(

He didn't text me back. I was so used to getting a reply quickly so I was caught off guard. He probably wasn't just ignoring me though. He wouldn't do that. He's just the busiest man on earth today. He's probably signed in to is Markipliergram account, also.

I took a look at my mental checklist for PAX:

▢    Meet Mark. Check!

▢    Meet Dylan. Ex.

▢    Get to know Mark. ... kind of? Maybe?

Maybe if I can get to know mark and hang out with him more this PAX won't be a complete failure. But first I have to find him. I walk around for a bit, drying off my tears as I went. I'm going to find him. I can't let this get away from me. At least, not again.

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