Chapter 6

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I soon realized that finding Mark in this sea of people would be close to impossible. But I wasn't about to give up just yet. I had to find him. I can't give up now. C'mon, Meg. I check his Markipliergram account. He just posted a new selfie. Goddamnit, Mark.

After searching around for a little bit, I decide that this is not what I wanted my PAX experience to be like.  I pictured walking around with Dylan, and just catching up and laughing about stupid things.

"Nice t-shirt!"

I look around to see who said that, and spot someone looking at me. Actually it was a group of people who were all looking at me. I hesitate, before saying, 

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah! You're shirt's cool."


"You wanna hang out with us? We're Markiplier fans too."

This seems pretty sketch, going around with people I don't know, but I mean, it's a convention. And plus, I don't have anyone else to hang out with.

"...Ok. Sure, I'll come with you."

The guy that said my shirt was cool (Who's name is Daniel) was telling me everyone else's names, while we were walking around, and going into different booths. We were talking about youtubers, gaming, and pretty much everything in between. It was a weird feeling, just meeting a group of people, and suddenly becoming friends.

"Are you going to any other panels?" Said the girl walking beside me.

"I don't know," I said, "Which ones are you going too?"

She didn't get to answer before one of the boys walking in the front of the group said, "Guys! there's Markiplier!" 

Yes! I'll finally get to talk to him!


I can't talk to him with my possi. They can't know.

As we approach him, I pull out my phone and message him one last time. On his Markipliergram account this time, though.

Meg_K: I'm with this group of people act like you don't know me k

He gets a notification on his phone and pulls it out of his pocket. Hopefully he read it, because before he responds, Daniel catches his attention. Mark looks around at the group and spots me at the back. He looks at me briefly before looking again at Daniel. Everyone gets to talk to him for a bit before they start talking to Jack. Mark whispers to me when people aren't paying attention.

"We'll talk later."

"Ok." I whisper back to him, before going to join my group again.

As PAX day one draws to a close, we all start to say goodbye in the main lobby.

"Can I hang out with you guys tomorrow? I don't really have anyone to go with."

"Sure! I'll give you my number so you can call me to meet up." Said Daniel.

"Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow, then, I guess."

"See you tomorrow!" They all say, as they walk outside. I text Mark.

Meg_K: I'm sorry.

Markipliergram: I should be sorry.

Meg_K: Why are you sorry?

Markipliergram: Because I freaked you out. I shouldn't have done that.

Meg_K: Are you kidding? I was so in shock I went insane. I mean, you're Markiplier! Thats crazy!

Markipliergram: Yeah, I guess so. Who were those people you were with?

Meg_K: I just randomly met them when they complemented my shirt. It's not my fault someone ditched me.

Markipliergram: Actually, for the record, you ditched me. Just sayin'.

Meg_K: Yeah, I guess I was just mad. Sorry about that...

I call a cab, and then check to see what he replied.

Markipliergram: Maybe we could talk today? ... Sometime?

Meg_K: idk, It's pretty late. Why don't we talk tomorrow when you're free.

Markipliergram: Hm... I don't know If I have a free spot. Sorry.

Markipliergram: Wait! maybe we could meet BEFORE pax...

Meg_K: Like, tomorrow? 

I step into the cab.

Markipliergram: Yeah. Since it starts at 10:00 we could meet at like 7:30 or 8:00

Meg_K: I could find a breakfast place.

Markipliergram: Yeah. Do that. That'd be great.

Markipliergram: You want my number so you can text me instead of instagram messaging?


Meg_K: I mean uh yeah sure that would be

Meg_K: Convinent

Markipliergram: XD I trust that you're not going to give it out or anything...


Markipliergram: K, it's [number here #]


Meg_K: You have to remember that i'm still a fangirl here.

Meg_K: So excuse me, but...


Meg_K: Ok i'm done.

Markipliergram: K. I'll text you later.

Meg_K: I'll tell you when I have a breakfast place.

Markipliergram: ttyl motha trucka

I smile at Mark's last text. I feel so happy right now, being at PAX with friends. I can't believe I got new friends today. Maybe PAX won't be so bad without Dylan after all.

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