Chapter 11

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It's time to say goodbye.

I had a great last day at PAX with my new friends, and we promised to keep in touch. Although, Daniel was acting a little strange, I think he knows I was lying to him. I hug my friends goodbye, and Mark and I will meet after they leave to say our own goodbyes. As soon as we're about to leave, I hear a voice with a british accent come from behind me.

"Hey, don't I know you?"

I turn around and I see Lizzie, (yes, LDshadowlady), staring at me.

"Me?" I question and point to myself.

"Yeah, you! I hung out with you at the party on Saturday, remember?"

All of my friends gave me questioning looks.

"Umm, I think you've got the wrong person." I lie. My friends can't find out about this. Not this soon, at least.

"No, you're for sure her. You're Meg, right?"

"Yep, she's Meg." said Laura (the obsessive shipper), with a face that said 'explain yourself'.

"Umm..." I started, "I was kinda invited to this party on saturday, with some youtubers."

"That's it?" Said Daniel. "See guys, I knew she was hiding something."

"Who were you invited by?" Said Chris. He rarely talked, and even he wanted to know what happend.

"Markiplier" I said, tears brimming my eyes. I didn't want them to find out like this. Standing right here is the first group of friends that actually liked me and wanted to hang out with me, and I lied to them? How stupid am I? Stupid, stupid Megan.

Everyone gasped except for Lizzie, who just stood there. There it was. My secret was out.

It was a long time before anyone spoke again, and when someone did, it was Laura.

"Why didn't you tell us... I thought we were your friends..."

"I didn't tell you guys because I knew you would freak out and want to meet him again and that would be the only reason you actually kept in touch with me. " My voice cracked.

Everyone seemed to feel bad for me, after I was breaking down like this, but Daniel was furious with me.

"You knew him and you didn't tell us? When we met him again, was that all acting? He knew you, didn't he. I fricking new it!" He said, angrily.

"Daniel, calm down," Said one of Laura's friends.

"C'mon guys, let's go." Was all he said, and everyone followed after him except Laura.

"You seem like a really nice person," she said, "and I always liked hanging out with you from the start. I hope we can still be friends?"

"Of course we can still be friends," I sniffled.

She gave a sad smile and said "Let's keep in touch." I nodded, and she waved goodbye. And just like that, she left.

I turned around to face Lizzie, who looked like she felt bad for me too.

"I'm sorry, I never meant to do that... I just figured they knew already, since they're your friends. I'm really sorry."

I told her it was ok, and then we hugged, and she was on her way. She said we could keep in touch as well. I'm glad that at least some people learn to forgive. I text Mark.

Me: Hey where are you?

He doesn't respond, but before long I see him come out of the convention centre. I think I'm just getting used to seeing Mark, because this time it doesn't shock me as much. He smiles when he sees me. One thing I can never get used to is his smile. 

"Hey," He says

"This is it." I respond, knowing that this experience was one of a kind. Even if Mark and I stay in touch, I'll never get that feeling of seeing him again for the first time. He frowns.

"Look Megan, before I go I have to talk to you about something, because I just can't leave you like this," 

"OK..." I say. I hope he doesn't say anything that's going to make this awkward.

"After a few months of talking to you, I feel like I know you pretty well." It's true. He knows me better than anyone, even Taydyn. He continues,

"You don't think you deserve the best, do you?"

This surprises me. Mark has always been observant, but as far as I know, I haven't shown anything like this. I mean yeah, I do feel that way, but he would have to be some kind of genius mind-reader to figure that out.

"But, but I don't deserve the best. I'm not as interesting or hardworking or beautiful as some other people in this world." Like you.

"Meg, don't ever say that. You deserve everything that anyone else does, ok?"

"But no-one else gets to meet you like this. There are thousands, millions, maybe, that watch you everyday like I do. That can't imagine a life without you. I'm just like them. Nothing makes me special, I was just picked by luck."

"Maybe, but I also do what I do because of luck then. Think about that." There is silence for a while, as we sit down on a curb.

"I'm not ready for the best. Everything I've done so far is pretty much the opposite of that. You saw how I was at that party

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