Chapter One-A New Call

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I hate my dad.

I know, hate is a strong word. But I had many reasons to. My dad was an asshole. Yeah okay, I don't exactly know my dad all that well, but all I know is that he left my mom, sister and me all alone with nothing five years ago when I was nine and my sister was just born. That's why I hated my dad, he left without saying anything, not even a note. He just got up and left one day and never came back. He broke my mom's heart, she was never the same after that.

I tried so hard to get her to do something with her life, but who listens to a 9-year-old girl? So, that's how she died. Of heartbreak and alcohol, only a year after he left. She died and Starry and I were left alone, without a family or a home.

And it's all his fault!


"ROCKET!" Quill yelled from the cockpit, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SHIP!!"

Meanwhile in the 'living room', Rocket sighed and rolled his eyes, "I didn't do ANYTHING!!" Rocket stood up and climbed the steps to the cockpit were Quill was fuming at the controls.

Quill wiped around and glared daggers at the bad-mouthed racoon. "See!" he said, pointing to the controls, "You did something!"

Rocket sighed again, getting really annoyed with Quill's idiotism. "I didn't do anything!" he walked up to the controls and turned off the auto-pilot. "You're just an idiot," and he walked out of the room.

"Um...oops?" Quill said and returned to flying the ship.

It was a year after the battle with Ragnarok. And a few months after the Guardians latest expedition. And all of the guardians, including the Alpha Team, were recovering from the battle. The five original guardians were on the Milano. The Alpha Team were on Xander, helping the planet recover and rebuild.

The Alpha Team and the guardians hadn't seen each other in over 6 months. But this would probably be the last time that the Guardians would leave Xander for more than 2 or so months at a time.

But the reason the Guardians were going to Xander is probably more interesting to you. You see, Jenevieve "Jinx" Pierce, leader of the Alpha Team contacted them, not only because they (the Alpha Team) wanted to see them again. But because they had...found something or someone that they needed to show to the Guardians.

Jinx didn't offer much detail. Firstly, because they only talked for a couple of minutes before Rocket transferred the call over to his personal tablet and took it to his room to talk to Jinx. And secondly, because she said she needed to show them. Not tell them about it.

So, as the Milano started to approach the planet. Rocket stared nervously at the approaching ground.

"What's wrong, Rocket?" Gamora asked, appearing beside him.

Now, you all probably know Rocket fairly well. And if you do, you would know they Rocket doesn't like sharing his feelings or thoughts with anyone (except Jinx of course).

But for some reason, Rocket told Gamora what he was feeling. "What if she doesn't like me anymore?" He asked. The insecure tone caught the green alien off guard.

"Who? What do you mean?" She asked, looking down at the gun-wielding racoon.

"I mean, Jinx. What if she doesn't like me anymore. I mean, we've been gone for basically a year. That's loads of time for her to find another boyfriend or fiancé or-"

Gamora cut the rambling idiot off. "You honestly think, that Jinx would've cheated on you? Have you seen the way she looks at you? The way she talks to you? Jinx really likes you Rocket," Gamora patted him on the head. "Don't worry...but wait...did you say 'another boyfriend'? You and Jinx are boyfriend and girlfriend?! Why wasn't I aware of this!?"

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