Chapter Six-That Little Shit

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"The little girl that came in today? Where is she?" Tawny asked the robot nurse in the medical wing.

"She is in room 57," the nurse said in the monotone voice. "I must go now." Then she spun on her heel and walked away. 

"Goodbye?" Tawny said, awkwardly waving as the nurse walked away. The plant humanoid shrugged and turned to go find the room. 

After walking down the hallway that seemed to go on for forever, Tawny finally made it to the 50's. And just up ahead she could see room 57. Tawny walked forward, but before she could reach the door, it opened.

An alien with peach skin and long white hair pulled into a bun stepped out. She was wearing the typical white coat and had a tablet clutched against her chest. She sighed and closed the door, then noticing Tawny and Groot standing there. The doctor gasped and jumped back. Then smiled when she realized who it was.

"Tawny, it's so good to see you again." The doctor said. "It's been too long!"

Tawny stared wide-eyed at the alien for a moment before smiling. "Kifa! Wow, it's been what...three years?"

Kifa smiled again and laughed. "Yeah, it has. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Still with the Alpha" Tawny awkwardly grinned.

"Of course you are! You were one of the best at the Academy. Me on the other hand." Kifa laughed and rubbed the back of her neck. 

"Don't say that!" Tawny urged. "You were amazing too. Just, fate decided you needed to pursue other things."

"Thanks," Kifa said, smiling even wider if that was possible. "Anyways, what brings you to the medical wing?"

"I was actually going to room 57. I was on the mission that saved the little girl and I was wondering if we could" Tawny trailed off.

Kifa's face fell, and she stepped forward. "I'm sorry Tawny. We've done everything we could possibly do. She is very malnourished, has a few broken bones and isn't responding to half the treatments we've given her. I...I don't think she'll make it through the night. I'm sorry." Kifa looked down to her shoes, trying her hardest not to get emotional.

Tawny gaped at the doctor and didn't say anything for a few moments. While Groot looked back and forth between the two woman in shock. Then, he jumped off Tawny's shoulder and ran to the door.

"Groot! Wait!" Tawny called, but the small plant humanoid had already rushed through the doorway.

Tawny ran after him, Kifa right on her heels. They both entered to see the girl lying in a crib, sleeping and Groot sitting beside her head, stroking her hair. He looked up when they entered with a heartbroken expression on his face.

"I am Groot," he said, staring a Tawny with pleading eyes.

"Kifa says there's nothing the doctors can do for her. I'm sorry Groot." Tawny sighed and started to walk over to the crib. "We should say goodbye--"

"I am Groot!" Groot yelled, he stood up beside the girl and crossed his arm. 

"Groot, I'm serious. There's nothing the doctors can do! We need to leave now," Tawny said in a stern voice. She reached out and brushed a loose lock of hair from the toddler's face and smiled sadly. "I'm sorry I can't do more for you, sweetie."

"I am Groot!" Groot runs to stand at the top of the girl's head. He points to Tawny and then to the sleeping girl.

"What?" Tawny asked, staring at the small plant humanoid in confusion.

"What did he say?" Kifa said, coming to stand beside Tawny.

"He says that..." Tawny trails off and realization dawns on her face. "Of course. Groot, you're a genius!" Tawny smiles and turns to Kifa. 

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