Chapter 2

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I pulled up into the beach parking lot, and as I turned off my car and got out, I saw Feferi run off in the corner of my eye. I shut the door and locked it and walked in the direction she went. I stepped into the sand and hoped to gog these shoes didn't suck. I looked up and saw Feferi sitting next to Eridan, both barely getting hit by the waves. I figured I would stay back and see if they both left, so I leaned against a nearby tree. I watched the two figures across the beach. Eridan was slouching uncommonly, and Feferi seemed stiffer than usual. Feferi occasionally glanced in my direction, and once Eridan caught her, he turned around to stare at me. He was too far for me to make out his distinct expression, but it didn't look like it was on the happy spectrum. He snapped at Feferi and stood up, brushing himself off and storming away. Feferi stood up herself and walked over to me. She looked up at me, brushing the hair out of her face. ")(e's making a bad decision, Sollux! I don't know w)(at to do to stop him!" She sniffled, tears beginning to run down her face. She hugged me quite suddenly, clutching on to me like her life depended on it. I tried to comfort her in my awkward anti-social way, a little pap to the back as she sobbed into my chest.

Eridan came back in only his pants - from what I understand it feels weird to swim with clothes on, which is pretty fucking reasonable. He glanced towards us, a look of desperation on his face before turning stone cold and into a snarl. He turned away dramatically and waded into the water, before diving in. And in a splash and the glimpse of his elegant violet fins, he was gone. I look back over to Feferi who was pulling off her over-shirt and slipping off her shoes in a rush. She had on a swimsuit top - that's all she ever wears - so it's not like this was weird. She left her skirt thing on and began running towards the water, going in after Eridan. As I watched the fuchsia fins disappear I realized I was just ditched. Wow, okay. Whatever. I pushed myself off of the tree and looked around at the few people among the beach. It was a perfect day for the beach, but this town was actually pretty dead in the summer because there was a great vacation spot close-by. I turned around and walked back to my car, slipping in and turning it on. I didn't start driving yet, I just laid my head down on the steering wheel. What the hell was Eridan doing now?

That idiot caused a lot of problems. He was always mouthing off and being an utter douchebag to anyone that was in the vicinity, and always thought he was superior. Hell, if he met the president he would still probably think he was better. Someone needs to smack some sense into that fish. Honestly if he did just stop being stuck up and an idiot, maybe he would be able to see that he had a great bunch of friends, and a great life. But he makes his life miserable himself. It's like he didn't have parents to teach him how to not be a douche. Honestly, I wish his life would turn truly miserable so he can jump into reality like the rest of us.

I sat in my car for a bit, mulling over it before realizing my car was running and pulled out. I drove to my apartment and unintentionally slammed my car door shut. I startled some cat, making it shriek and jump away. I watched it go and burst out laughing. It literally shrieked. Cats are weird - I would know. I locked my car and began the tedious climb to my apartment room. As I opened the door, I felt the presence of two sets of eyeballs glaring at me. I threw my keys down on the little stand next to my door and 'tripped' face first onto my couch. Time for Sollux nap time. It didn't take long for me to black out. I won't lie when I say my sleep schedule is horrible.

I was forced awake by pestersome vibrating in my jeans pocket. There was also the annoying beeping that was constantly streaming from the annoyance. I attempted to reach for my pocket, but found a lump of furry cats on my back. My inner part of my squeed a bit at how cute the fuckers were, all curled up together and on my back, but another part was hella pissed. I just maneuvered around the felines and snatched the phone out of my pocket, fixing my glasses and unlocking the phone. I was nearly fucking blinded by how bright it was, nearly dropping it and hissing. I squinted my eyes and rushed to turn the brightness down. Fucking- ugh. Phones. Why can't we all go back to times when people wrote letters dear god. Let's go back to the fucking Oregon Trail so none of this stupid technology shit ever happens. Telegraphs is all we need - not this fancy fucking touchscreen shit. Okay who am I kidding, I live on the fucking internet.

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