Chapter 6

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     "wwhat the hell are ya doin'?" A smooth voice asked from behind me. I was sat at my desk, playing World of Warcraft (yeah ii'm that much of a nerd *ga2p*), and Eridan had been watching me for at least the past minute.

     "well riight now? ii'm contemplatiing haviing fii2h diick for diinner." I regretted saying that. So bad. Eridan burst out laughing behind me, and Loo stirred on my lap, licking at my pant leg as if to apologize for letting me fuck up so bad.

     "oh my cod sol, your face!" he finished his giggle fit after a minute and I rolled my eyes. "you looked so fuckin mortified after you said that, you nerd." He wiped accumulating tears from behind his glasses and let out a last breathy chuckle. 

     "ii ju2t never realiized how horriible my braiin two mouth fiilter i2." I shrugged, picking up where I left off in my game. Eridan giggled again behind me — that stupid fucking adorable giggle — and leaned down to rest his chin on my head.

     "so again, wwhat are ya doin?" He asked again. I shrugged.

     "ju2t fuckiing around liike alway2."

     "okay yeah wwhatevver i don't actually care." Despite saying that, I could feel his eyes watching my character on screen. "but ya knoww wwhat?" I know it's not intended for me to actually ask what, "i think... wwe should all go on a date."

     "why?" I asked incredulously. 

     "because it wwould be fun. me, you, and kar, just goin to see one a his stupid movvies or somethin." He rested his arms on my head and twirled some of his stupid rings around on his fingers.

    "you know you liike hii2 moviie2 two."

     "shut up, but ya knoww wwhat i mean? kar's been in a pissy mood a lot lately and i think it wwould help ta just havve a nice day for once."

     "he'2 been iin a pi22y mood becau2e kankrii'2 moviing iin wiith your brother and he ha2 two fiind a place."

     "yeah i knoww, sol. im not fuckin dense." He huffed and I could feel the magnitude of a pout. 

     "2o maybe we 2houldn't plan hii2 tiime away when he need2 two fiind a place." I pointed out.

     "ugh but you dont havve ta look for an apartment all day, do ya?" 

     "kk ha2 two. iit'2 not alway2 you get piitiied by a douche and end up moochiing off of hiim."

     "hey! i am fuckin payin ta livve here noww!" He defended.

     "you weren't the fiir2t month." 

     "yeah but i am noww."

     "2tiill. my poiint 2tand2."

     "ughh." He groaned, "wwhy can't he just livve wwith us, then? wwe could all movve into that apartment that opened up abovve us. it has plenty a room, and wwith all three a us payin, it wwouldn't be too hard to afford wwould it?"

     Okay, he had a point. That could work. I weighed it in my head and shrugged. "ii gue22 you could briing that up wiith him." 

     Eridan perked up. "an this is wwhy wwe need to havve a date! im gonna go call kar, dont starvve in the meantime." And he walked out, pulling out his phone.

     I stopped moving my character around and leaned back in my chair, petting Loo. He began to purr steadily, and I sighed. If I ever thought up this happening in my life 5 years ago, I would have been a pretty good fucking writer. I figured I would just be a computer nerd who always lived alone and stayed in an apartment I couldn't technically afford.

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