the night i forgot everything

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So, the first thing that i want to share right now is how i feel lonely. I feel alone so bad... You know, i passed a night to see the morning come up i was on front of a fire with my friend and two uncles. We were talking, joking and they made me cry. Yup! One of them realized i didn't felt great and when the others wasn't there he asked me if i was okay and i answered him no, he asked me if i wanted to tell him, i said no. So he just took me in his arms and i cried. And in this night, i forgot everything! I forgot my life! My problems! I just felt so much at my place like i've never been in my life!
After hours and hours we saw the sun come up. It was the first time i stayed awake all night! Soon, my friend and i became a little bit closer.
Voilà! So that's my first "chapter" and there will be news after, it's just gonna come when i won't feel great.

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