Tim Burton & J.K. Rowling

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Yesterday my friend came to my house with a muffin! :) and there was my other friend and my sister so we just laugh, talked about wattpad and then, we watched Harry Potter 3, 4 and 5 :)

At this moment for the third time i watched Harry Potter I realized how much our world is dumb, real and so much sad. We don't have magic, people don't believe in magic!

I wonder how people would react if they knew that magic is real. I want magic to be real but it's just so hard to really believe it. But you know, i think there's magic but in another way than we know it. Like exemple: I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book. -J.K. Rowling

God, if i could talk to her like just some minutes i would so happy. It would make my courage for a lot things, almost everything! Her and Tim Burton are my idols. I read Tim Burton's book twice but still love it. He talks about the way he sees his movies to his life. I felt like there was really someone different, you know. Someone who thinks different. Not superficial.

I love him so much.

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