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Today, i just known that... I men, old men, i see once or twice a week, wanted to kill himself in front of the coffee. We always see him there. And this evening... He had a knife and was ready to end up his life.

It makes me realise... I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't really ready to finish with my life... It's like i was pushing myself to do it.

I felt the pain, he feel... I felt all the emotions i forgot in one week...

Sometimes, you feel an emotion but it's bigger than just being sad, you feel like your heart been riped or something opened my rib cage (?)...

I was staring, feeling that... And i can't just forget it now...

I'm a loner. But these days i would like someone to cudle with, sleeping and kissing... Do you wath How i met your mother? If yes, you know that Ted's searching his future wife but it takes 9 seasons... He looses faith, come back with a crazy bitch, and still being the Ted's in love with Robin...

I love watching t.v. shows... I love being with these characters... But when my computer's closed... I'm alone in my room... Ted, Marshall, Lily, Robin and Barney are gone. OUAT and The vampire diaries too. When i have to stop reading, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are gone.

I'm still alone everytime.

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