Chapter 6

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Carla and I left Nicco's house and went to my house I text my mom and told her we are going to the mall with Nicco.

Carla and I went inside my house. Out of no where I fell then tripped on the bottom of my dress making me twist my foot.

"Ahh shit!" I yelled "Ouch! Dam it."

"AHAHAHA! You fell !!!" Carla screamed pointing at me

"Shut up it hurts!"

I tried to get up but fell back down.

"Ouch oh my god."

"How'd you fall?" Carla asked sounding serious.

"I don't know I tripped on my dress."

   All of a sudden we heard a knock. I felt so embarrassed Nicco's at the door and now I have to tell him I can't go to the mall because I fell and bust my ass and I hurt my foot to where I can't stand.

"I'll get it. Stay here."

"Well duh Carla I can't even stand." I said looking at her ridiculously.

"You guys ready?"

  Nicco's voice sounded so sweet. I tried to look in the hallway but I couldn't I was to far back.

"Well I am. Nicole fell so I don't know about her."

"Ha where is she?"

"Right there."

She pointed down the hall. Nicco walked in like he own the place.

"Damn girl get up."

"I can't If I could I would of been up."

"Let me help you."

Nicco bent down and picked me up like I was a toy. I felt his muscles flex a little bit. He put me on the couch.

"let me see your foot."

"Ooo Nicole thats your-"

"Not another word Carla." I said smiling.

"aha thats her what?" Nicco asked.

"nothing!" I yelled before Carla could answer.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah can you take me upstairs? You guys can go to the mall without me."

"What do I look like to you your handyman? Sike yea sure."

  I thought he was going to say no but he didn't.  He carried me upstairs and put ice on my foot. My foot had swelled up like a balloon. I told my mom what happened and she told me she'd be here soon to look at it. Carla and Nicco decided not go to the mall anymore so they orderd chinese food for dinner and ate in my room.

"HAHAHA what the fuck this dumb ass." Nicco said out loud.

  I love the way he talked. I started dazing off at him chewing his food. He's just beautiful. I felt my heart warm up I didn't know if this was love or not but I couldn't stop thinking of us being together.

"OH SHIT NICCO! THATS YOU." Carla laughed pointing at the tv She messed up my day dream.

When I looked up at the tv there was some guy getting his ass whooped.

"Oh hell no. I know how to fight. Nahh" Nicco said shaking his head.

  Carla started laughing "Yeah right."

  Twenty minutes passed before my mom finally got home.

"Im home!"

"Mom!!" Carla yelled racing down the stairs leaving me alone with Nicco. His face was stuck to the tv. His eyes wide open.

"So Nicco your moving in with Jon?" I asked trying to start conversation.

"Yeah" Nicco said still staring at the tv.


  He turned his head slowly and took another bite of his food. It took him some time to answer my question. He was so busy chewing.

"Cause I'm a grown ass man. Im 18 I don't want to live with my mom. She's annoying." He laughed and looked back at the tv.

"So who pays for your car its pretty damn nice."

"I do. What you think? Im a Dj for this club. Trust me I get paid."

"Oh" I laughed "Well then."

"Nicole." I heard my mom yelling my name "Where are you?"

"Im upstairs."

  Trying to get up I forgot my leg was all messed up


"I don't know why you even tried." Nicco said lauging


Nicco started looking at me with one eyebrow up.

"Awe my poor baby."

"Mom really?"


"Hey I got to go. My bro is outside bye mom and Nikki" Carla said sticking her tongue out. "Bye Nicco."

My mom started checking my foot out. She figured she should take me to the doctor. Nicco left and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Ofcourse my heart chattered. His lips felt so warm against my cold cheek.

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