Chapter 11

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I woke up at 10 in the morning. The house was so quiet. I look up to see all the blankets folded. It seem like everyone left.

"I know this isn't a surprise party because my birthday isn't till tomorrow." I whisper.

I got up to my feet. I hop to my clothes and grab them. I still had on my bathing suite from the day before. I took my time going downstairs to see if Nicco was there. I check in his room and there he was laying in his bed wildly. His hair was a mess. One of his sock was on and the other chilled on the floor. Not to mention his body was half off the bed. I looked and shook my head.

I went into his bathroom because I wanted to take a shower since I was already down there. His bathroom was black and white. It was actually clean for a boys bathroom. Nicco had some weird technical shower like I couldn't start it. I didn't want to bother him but I knew if I wanted to take a shower that I might have to.

"Nicco?" I whisper knocking on the door

I peeked in to see if he heard me.

"Nicco I need help with the shower." I opened the door more than half way. He still didn't answer me.

"Ugh." I say hopping towards his bed .

"Will you help me ?" I shook him. He turned away from me and made some random noise. So I shook him again.

"Nicco!" He turned around and looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Girl, you don't ever wake up the king of sleep and that's it." Nicco turned back around.

"Can you help me with the damn shower!? I need to take one." I shook him some more.

"Ugh what the fuck man every time somebody has to interrupt my damn sleep!" He got up and walk towards the door leaving the room.

"Well, he's an asshole." I whisper

"There you go. Your shower is set Queen Elizabeth." Nicco got back comfortable turning on his fan he had facing him. " Nah not Queen Elizabeth.... You can't be her." He nod.

"Hmm sleep fucker. Yep that's better." Nicco whispered under his breath.

I got up and hopped to the shower. Nicco is a piece of shit when he wakes up. I really don't think I'm going to be able to deal with that every morning. When I got out the shower I realized I didn't have a towel. That just fucked up everything because now I have to wake him up again to get me a towel.

"Nicco!" I yell

"Damn shit I can't get 20 minutes of sleep? What you want?" Nicco shouted.

"I need a towel please." I smile

"Oh a towel okay." Nicco sounded all excited like he was about to come In and see me.

Two minutes later Nicco came with my towel and he tried to open the door.

"Nope. All you need to do is crack the door and hand it to me. You don't have to open it all the way." I laugh

"Shit! You lucky." Nicco walked away.

I dried off and put on my shorts with a black crop top. I brushed my curly hair and put some hair gel in it. I knocked on Nicco's door.

"Thanks for the towel." I said wondering if he heard me, but whatever. I hopped back up the stairs. My ankle was still a little sore. The doctor said it would take a week to heal.

I finally reached the top step and I heard Ms. Maria singing a Spanish song. I didn't want to walk pass the kitchen cause I know she'd ask me where did I just come from. So I sat there for a couple of minutes until she came into the living room.

"Es mi amor despierta....oops I mean is my love awake? Sorry I forgot you don't speak Spanish." Ms. Maria gazed at me.

"Who? Nicco?" I ask smiling

"Yes him. I made you and Nicco some lunch....Empanadas. You'll like it." Ms. Maria smiles

"Nicco is sleeping I think." I glanced around knowing he was still sleeping.

"What time is it ?" Ms. Maria looked at her watch. "It's 10:30 oh no he needs to wake up. Nicco!" Ms. Maria started down the stairs.

I hopped into the kitchen to get my plate. I sat in the dining room eating. Then Carla and Tajj walked in all loud.

"Where were you guys?" I put my empanada down on my plate.

"We went to your house. Your mom called and said that the air people will be there to fix the air conditioner and someone needed to be there while they were fixing it. You were sleep so me and Tajj just went." Carla shrugged.

"Where's everyone else at ?" I ask

"They are with Jon. He's dropping them off at Ms. Maria's sisters house. She's having a cookout."

"Oh."I took a bite of my empanada. "This shit good." I shook my head.

Two minutes later Nicco came upstairs. He was arguing with his mom.

"¿Por qué tienes que despartarme? ( why do you have to wake me up?). Nicco spoke Spanish so fast and sexy. I liked when he was mad it made me wanna do lots of things to him, If you know what I mean.

"Chico que no es mejor que dormir en esta Atardecer en el culo en la cocina y comer."( Boy, you know better then sleeping in this late get your ass in this kitchen and eat.) Ms. Maria yelled with her hand on her hip.

I loved Ms. Maria she's always been a mom figure to me. She's very feisty but nice at the same time. Well.....that's Ms. Maria for you. Her Spanish accent reminded me of when I was kid. We'd always make fun of the way she talked.

Nicco walked in the kitchen they were still arguing in Spanish. Of course we had no clue what they were saying.

"Soo?" Tajj glance around looking at the pictures on the wall. "Aw look at baby Jayson." She point and started to laugh.

"Oh hush." Carla says "Wait is that Rod?!" Carla blurt.

Ten minutes later I finished my food and went in the kitchen to clean my plate.

Nicco and Ms.Maria were upstairs they were laughing and everything. I thought that it was strange how they could go from arguing to laughing in 2.4 seconds it's actually kind of cute.

I put my shoe on my right foot. I grabbed my crutches from beside the door and went outside to my house, Carla and Tajj followed along.

We walked into my house. The air conditioner was fixed. I cut on the cable and watched more teen mom. That show always had my interest, like I didn't understand how some teens can drop all the partying just to take care of the child.

Carla told Tajj and I that she'd be back tomorrow for my birthday because she had to go out with her family. We gave her hugs and she left.

Tajj made us some popcorn and we sat on the couch talking about what to do with the rest of the day. A few hours later my mom walked in.

"Hey ladies how was the beach?" She smile

"It was fun." I sat up. "How was your evening with your 'boyfriend'?"

She just smiled but didn't answer my question. She sat next to me and hugged me. Then she went upstairs and took a shower.

"Hmm I wonder what that was about." I whisper.

Tajj was sleeping so I just sat there and turned on my favorite movie 13 going on 30.
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