Dancing partners

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Finn POV
Yesterday I didn't go to dance class instead I was making out with Quinn. I was trying to get Rachel out of my head. Plus I don't think she wants to see me after the video of her partying went up. I don't know why but I feel so attracted to Rachel, so from know on I'm going to be the douchiest guy ever, because I don't think I can handle being just her friend.
Rachel POV
Damian and I hit it off really well yesterday. He walked me to vocal class and asked me out for coffee, let me just say that cup of coffee was the best!After I told Santana she was so happy for me,and she also told me puck called her after dance class. Were finally getting good guys, but for some weird reason I feel like I'm betraying someone, weird. Oh well, Damian and I are officially partners. So I'm actually happy to go to dance without having to dance with Finn.
I was stretching as usual when Damian come over

"Hey Rachel, want to eat lunch today?" Damian asked me
"Sure" I smiled

Then miss July yelled

"Alright dancing idiots, the school is making you perform Swan Lake, so I'll be picking your parts and heading you for your final grade of the semester" before she could finish Finn walked in, late

"Ahh, Finn so nice of you to join us, as I was saying" miss July continued
Finn glanced at me once and winked, I just roll my eyes, I don't have time for his flirting when I might get to date Damian. My thoughts are interrupted by miss July saying my name
"Rachel you'll be dancing the part of odette," miss July informs me and Damian kisses my cheek
"Lauren you'll be odile, Finn you'll play prince sebastion, and Damian you'll be rothbart, the rest of you are dancing swans, start practicing" miss July finished
Great I'm playing the lead with Finn. How wonderful

"I wish i was playing the prince, so you could be my princess" Damian told me while grabbing my chin, he's so romantic I was about to reply when he just had to interrupt

"Alright let's start dancing princess" Finn says

I just roll my eyes

"Can you just give us a minute" I tell Finn signaling that I'm talking with Damian

"Sorry can't, you heard, miss July" he says pulling me away
Finn POV
I was late, but I walk in to find I'm playing the lead roles with Rachel. Great just what I needed. I see her talking with some dude, and it looks like he's about to kiss her, ew, he can't do that in public with her. So I of course help her by saying we need to dance already. She just rolls her eyes, so I pull her away.

"What he he'll was that for? I was talking with someone!??" She yells
"Oops" I said innocently
"You really are an ass" she tells me
"That's not very nice of you to say" I reply pretending to be hurt
"Well I don't really care" she replies
"You know if we're going to play love interests you have to like me"  I tell her smugly
"No, I don't have to like you, I just have to tolerate you"  she replied
"Do you tolerate him" I say motioning my head toward Damian dancing with a red head
"Yes because I actually like him," she replies
That hurt
"Really? How so" I ask
"I like him very much, so I'd appreciate it if you don't ruin that for me" she says

Oh sweet, sweet Rachel, that's exactly what I'm going to do

"Pshh, of course not" I tell her

She stops and looks at me right in the eye

"Please, as my friend, don't do anything" she asks me with those big beautiful brown eyes

"Fine, fine," I say in surrender

We continue dancing in silence, then I say

"I'm your friend? Since when? I thought you didn't even like me?" I smirk
She just rolls her eyes, and smiles
"Yes your my friend, and since you saved my butt at that party" she replies
"Ok, friend" I say twirling her
"Don't make me regret it" she says

I just smirk, that smirk of mine, which I know she hates, but will soon grow to love.

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