New York

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I was curling my hair in my new dorm here at NYU. My roommate kept yelling at me to hurry up or we'll be late, as weird as it seems the girl yelling at me is my new best friend. We met at student orientation back in July. She was from somewhere in Ohio, but me, I've been stuck here in New York my whole life.
"Rachel your phone won't shut up!" My roommate whines
"Here give it to me" I told her while finishing the last strand to curl
"It's probably your crazy mother" she snickers
"Probably" I laugh as well

My roommate Santana knows all about my fame obsessed mother.
"Hello?" I answer
"Rachel have you settled in yet? Remember you need to show that your the best, you can't show any weakness if you're going to succeed on Broadway,.." She scolds
"Hello mother" I interrupt
"Rachel, are you even listening? No distraction! Do I make myself clear!??" She yells

I pull the phone back while she yells Santana signals me that we have to go

"Rachel!?? You better be listening!!" My mom yells some more
"Yes mother, I know, listen I have to go" I say interrupting her yelling
"NO DISTRACTIONS!" She yells before I hang up
"Love you too" I mumble after hanging up
Sometimes I wish she could just be a mother to me for once. Maybe even cry because I'm leaving for college, like all regular moms do. But no I get stuck with a women who started packing for me when she heard I got accepted. Thats my mother for you.
"What did the wicked mother of Broadway say this time" Santana asked me while walking
"Oh you know the usual, no distractions! Show your the best!" I say mimicking her, even pointing my finger like she always does while she yells at me
"Haha, sounds like her" Santana replied

She met her when I was moving in the dorm. Taylor, our butler couldn't get all the bags out so my mother had to help if she was going to get to her interview on time, in the process she gave me her notorious speech about succeeding and don't be the weakling Rachel, no one like a weakling. So Santana knows all about her and witnessed her being a "mother" to me.
Me and San were mimicking my mother while walking when we bump into one of the sororities sister of beta.
"Ah fresh meat! Would you like to join Beta, all girl power everyday all day?" The blonde "sister" asked

Me and Santana just laughed and walked away. Before school started we vowed to not join those stupid sororities.
Both Santana and I are in dance 101. It's a dance class for the top performers, the only good thing about being raised by mother, is that I'm really talented, or so I've been told.
I was stretching when one of the guys I met in the coed bathrooms comes up to me.

"Your Rachel right?" He asks
"Yup" I say still stretching
"Your Shelby Corcroans daughter!" He yells
Everyone looks
"Yea, that's me" I reply rolling my eyes

Due to my there fame, I have known to make fake friends, I know Santana's real because she didn't even know who Shelby Corcroan was when we met

"Do you think I can get her autograph?" He asks
"No" I say getting up and waking away
"Whatever be a prude like that" he yelled

I rolled my eyes as another guy comes toward me

"Listen I'm not getting you an autograph" I say before he could even talk

"Relax baby, I just wanted to say you can be my dance partner" the tall guy said winking

"First of all, don't ever call me baby, second,  never gonna happen" I say walking away
I was stretching when Santana comes and joins me while saying

"Rachel, do you know who you were just talking to!??" She whispers in my ear

"No, why?" I ask curious to know why she's freaking out

"That's Finn Hudson, schools bad boy, I'd steer clear of him, if I were you because it looks like your his next victim"

"That's not a problem and what the hell do you mean by next victim?" I say stretching

"I heard he ran the geology teachers car into a tree because he said the teacher reported him stealing his money" Santana rambled

"Fascinating!" I say sarcastic "and while your at it tell me how he can fly into the sky when the sun rises, because I'd believe that too!" I say sarcastically

"Laugh all you want Corcroan but it's all true" she answered so sure

"Even if it's "all true" it's just his desperate need for attention" I reply

"Says the girl who set her mothers cat on fire" she replies snarky

"Hey I was five! And I stopped looking for attention a long time ago" I say
Santana didn't get to answer back because the teacher yelled

"Alright losers pick a dance partner and start showing me what you all suck at" the teacher yelled most likely drunk, I presume 

I was looking for a dance partner but that Finn guy was telling all the guys left something. They all glanced at me, and walked the opposite direction of me. Finn made his way toward me showing me that horrible smirk of his. Oh god, what now?

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