Movie nights

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Rachel POV
It's been two weeks since my little food fight with Finn. Finn as  I have officially become friends. I made him swear to me he wouldn't try to get in my pants, while he made me swear I wouldn't seduce him. His swearing made me roll my eyes, since when have I ever tried seducing him? He's such a dork. That night I let Damian explain his absence for our date
"Why did you bail on our date?" I ask Damian still full of yogurt and soda, and squished strawberries
"I didn't mean to, my phone got stolen and my car got it's parts stolen, please let me make it up to you" he begged

As soon as I heard car, I knew it was Finn, Santana once told me anything related to car trouble would be due to Finn. So I decided to give poor Damian a shot.

"Alright, but hold on one second," I say quickly opening the door and closing

I marched up to Finn

"Give me the phone" I told him with a hand on my hip holding my other hand out

Finn finished chewing his popcorn and took it out and put it in my hands. I just shook my head and went outside.

"Here ya go" I told Damian handing him his phone

"Don't ask" I said putting my hand in front of his face "but text me" I said kissing his cheek and walking back inside.
//end of flashback//
Ever since then we've been dating. Damian suspiciously had car trouble in the beginning of our relationship. So I told Finn to knock it off. He listened to me and stopped. Damian never found out it was Finn. Right now I'm watching tv with Santana.

Knock knock

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask kissing his cheek
"I came to see my girlfriend to see if she wanted to go out" Damian told me

Just as I was about to answer Finn walks up from behind

"Hey rach, ready for...hello Damian" Finn said sucking the happiness from his face as soon as he saw him

"Finn" Damian replied in the same stern monotone

They don't really like each other

"Play nice, and I can't it's movie night" I tell Damian

Finn and I made a tradition of having a movie night every Friday, it's kind of our chill day after practicing for the ballet. Santana found out soon enough and joined in on the tradition.

"Oh, how often are these movie nights" Damian asked a little annoyed

"Very often" Finn smirked walking in

"How come I've never heard of these movie nights?" Damian asked in the same tone

"Cause you've never asked," I said in a duh voice

"Rach hurry up, movie starting" Finn yelled

"I'll be there in a minute Frankenteen!!" I yell back

I call Finn Frankenteen,it's like my nickname for him, just like rach is my nickname he gave me.

"Rach? Frankenteen?" Damian asked looking a little angry

"Listen I gotta go, I'll text you later" I say kissing his cheek
"Rachel, puck just texted me, I have to go" Santana said getting up

"Yeah whatever have fun screwing your boyfriend!" I yelled as she walked out

"I will, thanks hobbit!" Santana yells back

Finn just laughed

"What you laughing at Frankenteen" I said looking at him

"Your relationship with Santana is hilarious," he replies

"My relationship with everyone is hilarious" I said while eating some popcorn
Rachel POV
The second movie just finished, and Finn didn't bring any more. All we have here are musicals and horror films, with some chick flicks.

"Alright I'm not about to watch the vow or some lovey dovey crap,like that so let's continue our conversation" Finn says turning the tv on mute

"We have many conversations Finn" I reply confused

"Let's finish the one where we talk about ourselves, and our pasts" Finn said

"Fine why do you love messing around with cars?" I ask him trying to steer the conversation, as to why he loves screwing with my boyfriends car

"Um....let's learn more about you, what's the worst thing you've ever done?" He asks real fast, not giving me time to protest

"Let's see, I've don't a lot of bad things" I say thinking

"You? A lot of bad things? I don't buy it" Finn scoffed

"Hey it's true, I use to be a little troublemaker" I say putting my hands up in defense

"Like what?" Finn asked leaning back crossing his arms and lifting up in eyebrow

"I got a nose piercing once, crashed my moms car into a street lamp, slept with half the guys in my high school, stole nana Lucy's pearls, and set my mothers cat on fire, oh and when I was six  I shaved off nanny number sevens eyebrows off "I finished only listing half of the thing I did growing up, trying to get my mothers attention.

Finn just stood there in shock with his mouth open.

"So what's the worst thing you've done?" I asked smug

"Nothing is going to top those things, I mean shaving your nannies eyebrows? Setting a car on fire? What on earth made you do all that crap, and what the hell did your terrifying mother do about it???" Finn asked shocked

"My mother sent me to an exorcist, they told her that I'm not possessed but according to them I was seeking a cry for attention so she shipped me off to Los Angeles to stay with my aunt Jill for a year" I finished shrugging my shoulders

"Your mother never was around much growing up huh?" Finn asked all sympathetic

"Nope, but I stopped caring when I tuned sixteen" I replied "alright enough of this pity party, tell me about your childhood growing up?" I say

"Not much to tell, I lived a normal life, baddest thing I did was set someone's car on fire, but everyone knows that" he said

"Alright tell me about your brother" I tell him

"Uh, he is a huge drama geek into Broadway musicals and crap" Finn said annoyed

"Don't even mention Broadway, to me" I say

"Why, I mean I don't like them cause I don't understand it, but your mothers a broadway star" Finn replies exaggerating Broadway and star

"My mother is making sure that's exactly what I grow Up to do" I say tired

"But you don't want to?" Finn asked confused

"No, I've always wanted to be a teacher and live somewhere far away where my mother can never find me" I reply telling him my dreams, which I haven't told to anyone but aunt Jill

"So why don't you?" Finn asked looking at me serious

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