The Mind of Finn Hudson

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(back to the night of the party)
"Why did you want me, I'm not very pretty" Rachel says laying on the bed dozing off

I can't believe what she's saying. She's like gorgeous, how could she think otherwise?

"Your beautiful Rachel"I tell her

She looks at me and starts kissing me. At first I'm shocked, but I don't pull away, I mean this is what I wanted. As I'm falling on the bed, about to do her, I feel something I've never felt before. It's like the Fourth of July while I'm kissing her, and I realize. I can't take advantage of Rachel because I think I actually like her. I can't hurt her like this

"I can't do this, I don't know why, but I just can't do this to you" I say getting up
"Why? I thought this is what you wanted" She asks confused
"I did too, but I don't ok!" I yell running out

I don't know what wrong with me. Usually I jump at the chance to sleep with someone, but this time it's different. This time it's Rachel, and I don't what it is about her, but I feel like I can't take advantage of her. I need to get rid of this feeling so I go look for Quinn.
"Hey, Quinn" I say approaching her
"Hey finny" she says twirling her hair, it feels different when she says it

I need to get her out of my mind

"Wanna make out?" I ask her with my classic half smirk

"Sure" she replies jumping in me

Rachel kisses better, even if she's drunk, uh what am I saying! Snap out of it Hudson!

After five minutes of making out with Quinn I decided to check on Rachel. I push her away and walk back to my room.
As I walk in I see Rachel sleeping peacefully. She looks so beautiful.....wait what did I just say? Crap I think I'm falling for Rachel. Pic need someone to make this go away. I was going to walk away when I hear

"No, stay" Rachel mumbles

I feel like I owe her, so I do just that I stay.
I wake up to someone puking their guys out, so I assume Rachel's up.

"Someone's awake" I yell as she rinses her mouth
"Uh don't yell, but what the hell happened last night" She ask holding her head
"Wait, what's the last thing you remember?" I asks
Maybe she won't remember the kiss
"You giving me that drink" she tells me hiding under my pillow
"Oh, niceee" I respond
YASSSS!!! She doesn't remember
"Why is that nice" She asks through the pillows
"Umm, because you wouldn't want to remember it anyway" i reply nervous and super fast, I don't want her to find out, she could make fun of me
"Oh my gosh! What time is it!???" She asks yelling at me
"12:23, why?" I yell her, why is she going crazy?
"Where's my bag??!!!??" She ask searching the room like a maniac
I grab it from under the bed and still confused to why she's freaking out
"Right here, why what's going on?" I ask
"Because we missed dance class and my moms going to kill me" she tells me while grabbing her purse and searching her phone
"Who cares and how would your mom know?" I ask chilling on my bed
"She calls me every morning before class to make sure I attend" she tells me walking down the stairs causing me to follow
"why don't you just ignore her calls or tell her to call back later" I ask, I mean who still listens to their mom?
"You clearly don't know her at all" she replies searching the room for who else know what
"What's the worse she can do?"I asks sarcastically
"You don't even want to know, where the hell is Santana??" She tells me annoyed
"Oh her, she's with puck," I say! remembering them walking up the stairs together last night
"and you couldn't have said this like ten minutes ago!??" She yells
Damn someone's grumpy this morning
"You want me to help you find her or not?" I tell her
"Fine whatever, lead the way" she replies following me up the stairs

We hear a loud knock on the door and

"I know your in there Rachel Barbra Corcroan!!!! Now open this door, I can't believe what you did last night!!!!! Open this door or I'm going to break it down!!" I hear a lady yell, I assume it's rachel mom and she's kinda freaking me out

"Lead the way faster" Rachel says scared pushing me up
"Great idea" I reply a little scared because know I know what Rachel meant by me not wanting to know what she could do

We open a room to find puck without a shirt and Santana in just shorts laid on top of him, they're both passed out. I go to the bathroom because there only one way to wake puck up

"What are you doing?" She asks me
"Waking them up" i state
I'm about to dump the water when I hear her whisper
"Just do it already"

I spills the water and we both cover their mouths when they jolt up

"My mother is downstairs probably ready to chop my head off, let's go" Rachel tells Santana say grabbing her shirt that's all the way across the room and throwing it at her.

"See ya next time" puck winks at Santana
I was about to tell puck everything when
"Back for some more hot mama" puck winks
"No! You idiot, my moms downstairs checking everyone for me, so I need an escape plan and now" Rachel whispers
"There really is no way out unless you use the front door" I tell her knowing there's no way out
"So your saying I have to leave by facing her on my way out! You know I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you" she yells at me getting real close to my face
"Hey, hey, don't go blaming me , your the one who decided to do body shots off of Santana!" I yelled back
Got to admit, that was pretty hot
"I did what!??!!!" She widens we eyes
"Yeah and no one forced you to do that, you did that all on your own" I smirk, cause Rachel sure knows how to party
"Yeah it was pretty hot" puck smirks causing Santana to blush

"Rachel? Are you in there!???" I hear the lady yell

I didn't want Rachel to get in trouble so I hide her in the closet
"Where is she??" The lady yells at us
"Sorry lady I don't know who your talking about" I reply trying to play it cool
"I'm not playing games, she missed her dance class, now you tell me where she is or I'll have you suspended" she yells
"Yo, lady who's she?" Puck asks

She gives up and walks out
I just saved Rachel's ass, so when she walks out I say
"Your welcome"
"Thank you....I owe you one" she replies
"I'm cool with that" I say knowing what I have in mind
She walks out and I just smile. Im going to try and get Rachel to like me. I'm not ready to admit my feelings for her, but I at least want her to like me first.

"See ya around" I hear her yell

And with that she's gone

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