Let's Leave

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Rachel POV
After my mother said that I stood there in shock, she can't keep me away from Finn! I'll see him wether they like it or not. If mom and aunt Jill think they are sending me away to Wisconsin to get me away from Finn, they are dead wrong
Rachel slams the door angry
"Rachel it's best if you break up with me" Finn said almost about to cry

"What? No! I'm not letting them do this" Rachel says determined

"I don't want to be the cause of your family tearing apart, I rather die than let you choose your family over me" Finn said letting a tear slip

"They already tore it apart by trying to send me off to keep us apart, and I'm choosing you because I love you" Rachel said holding his hand, crying

"I love you too, but I don't want you to get shipped off because your family doesn't approve of me, I rather have you stay here close by, and let you be here, apart, if I get to see that beautiful smile everyday" Finn replied holding her hand tightly

"You make me smile, because  i love you so much and you love me and nothing is going to change that, not my mom and aunt, not anything" Rachel replies almost sobbing

Finn just caresses her cheek

"I don't want you to lose your family because of me, they care about you, and you need there care more than mine, especially because there's is worth more" Finn replies sad

"Don't you get it? I don't care! As long as I'm with you, and you care about me, that's all that matters," Rachel says in tears holding his hand

"But your family...." Finn said

"We'll make a new family of our own, we'll run away, I don't care as long as I have you" Rachel cried

Finn just stared at her and hugged her tightly, breathing in her scent. Rachel huffed back doing the exact same thing.

"Ok, let's do it, let's run away, together" Finn said serious

Rachel just smiled broadly, and hugged him once more.

"Let's go, let's leave and start a family of our own" Rachel replied smiling causing Finn to smile
Since Rachel and Finn didn't want to wait around for Rachel's mom and aunt to pick her up to take her away, they started packing immediately. When they were all packed they payed a visit to Santana and puck giving them there new info and explaining why they were doing this. They understood and supported them. Rachel pulled out all her money from her trust fund. Which was a lot, with that money they bought plane tickets to California and a house, the rest they stashed. Rachel was getting her degree in a local community college while Finn owned his stepdads new tire shop in LA. They were all set to start there lives together.
Rachel POV
I can't believe were actually doing this! I'm so excited to start my new life with Finn, it's going to be awesome. I'm also happy nana Lucy always put money into my trust fund, never thought i'd need it. Whatever, I'm so happy I decided to run away with Finn. Now they'll never find us, and they won't be able to stop us from being in love. I know for some people this might seem crazy, but I have the right person, and that's all that matters to me. That's exactly what I wrote in the letter I left behind for aunt Jill and mom to read, explaining what happened.
Finn POV
I'm super excited to leave to California with Rachel. She truly is the one for me. At first I didn't know how we were going to pull it off, but Rachel's like super smart, and loaded with money so we figured it out. My family already knows what I'm doing with Rachel and they totally support us as long as we stay in touch. They've met Rachel on holidays before so they trust us. To help us with our lives, Burt's growing tire shop business is I'm LA and they let me run it! So while Rachel's at school I'll already be working. We really are only going to stay in contact with puck, Santana, and my family. I'm so pumped to start my new life with Rachel, I think that I'm going to propose to her. I love her so much, and I know were ready.

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