Chapter 1

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"Aw shit, bro!" -Dave protested. - "Why the fuck did you bring in Lil Cal?!"

I sighed deeply in disbelieve. Dave knows how much this smelly ol' puppet means to me, but he somehow... scared of it. I tuck Lil Cal off of Dave's lap and rest him on my shoulder, but not before I gave him a quick fist pump.

Dave huffed in disgust.

"I swear, if I see that stinky ass puppet while I sleep, I'll chop it in half like a damn ninja."

"Jesus, man. Chill out." - I said. - "Lil Cal is gonna stay in my room so no need to worry. Not like I was planning on taking him to the beach with us. California isn't ready for this puppet's cool hag. That'll be ridiculous."- It would be kinda cool though...

"Well you better fucking swear." -Dave raised his voice not much at the edge of screaming, but straight and clear enough for me to hear.

"I swear, bro." - I cross my chest in a shape of an 'x'.

Dave zips the rest of his apple juice box, still looking at me with his usual poker face. -"Good."- as in those words, Dave puts on his shades and earphones back in place that they were before. -

I lay my back onto my chair again as I close my eyes. I rub my face in frustration and with anxiety. This flight sure is taking a while.


After a luggage miscarriage and a few trips to the bathroom (Dave didn't stop ordering apple juice), we walk out of the plane and head out to the exit. When we head down on the electric stairs, I easily spotted a big white board that spelled my name in a poorly dramatical matter.

"Drik Stirder... jesus man this chick has a problem with grammar." -Dave chuckled.

"More like drinking problems I'd say." -I huffed quietly to myself.

Behind the board, I could see Roxy waving her hand towards us. I also spotted her little sister Rose. I walked towards them, pulling Dave by his shirt since his distraction towards his phone almost caused him to fall the staircase.

Roxy ran towards us and quickly jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I accidentally sniff the edge of her hair. Even her hair smells like vodka.

"Diiiiiiirk! You've fnally mad it! I mean, finally made it!" - she squealed as she took a few steps back. -"How was the flight?"

"It was cool." -I replied. "Kinda boring, if you ask me. Mister Strider Pooplord Jr. wouldn't stop complaining every five minutes."

"Well some creepy puppet banger forgot to pack enough apple juice" -Dave growled at the side.

Rose glared both of us with a grin.

"Hello, Mister Strider. Hello, Dave"

Dave and I answered with an simultaneous 'S'up'. We looked as cool as ever.

Roxy coughed and caught our attention. - "Welp, let's get goin. Our cad is waiting for us. Uh, cab."


I drop the suitcases to the floor. Man, these shits are heavy. I massage my shoulders a little bit and stretch my back. Dave and Rose run pass thru me, bumping my shoulder.

"Oh mah gawd Rose don't run inside!!1!1!!1!!!" - I heard Roxy yell from outside.

Rose giggled and turned around the living room, walking slowly to what appears to be a wine seller.

"Relax, dear sister! I am purposefully trying my best to surpass the shitty speed skills of a rather ironic coolkid"

"Oh shut up!'- Dave growled at her.

The Sea Dweller's Little Helper: A Mermaidstuck fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now