Chapter 7: Inside the Castle

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I breathed heavily in the darkness. Although it was freezing cold, both in and outside of the castle, the air was heavy and stagnant. I couldn't see anything.

"Arabella where- there you are!" Papa cried out, grabbing me by my wrist.

"I can't see anything," I said. "Maybe we should just leave."

As if the walls could hear me, the lights all around us shuttered to life.

Torches lined the walls of the entrance foyer, their light casting shadows around the room. As the torches fluttered against the wind, I quickly turned and shut the door, not wanting them to gutter. The fireplace, whose function was clearly to make the room warm and comfortable for all guests, roared to life. I peered around the room in amazement.

As menacing as the exterior of the castle looked, the interior was almost exactly what one would expect to see in a castle. It had high vaulted ceilings, and it had a golden glow to the whole huge room. Delicate chandeliers hung from the roof, dripping diamonds that shone rainbows from the light of the suspended candles. Thick, intricate marble columns seemed to hold up the roof, and the etched archways overhead. The mantle place around the fire was the same carved marble, and shone a brilliant white in the light of the fire. The floors beneath us were made of white stone, as were the walls. They were the plainest part of the room, and yet they too were elegant and beautiful. A mahogany staircase led up from the back of the room, and on either side of it were doorways that lead into blackness that was surely more of this magnificent castle. The whole room seemed to possess a life all its own.

Forgetting all about what I had already been through that night, I turned to face Papa.

"Can I look around?" I asked, eyes wide with excitement. This was the kind of place that I had dreamed of for years. Surely there was some adventure to be had in this magnificent place.

Papa shook his head. "I'm not sure that it's such a good idea A-

"Let the girl explore if she would like. She can do little harm," came a deep booming voice. It seemed to emanate from everywhere and no where all at once, filling the space around us like smoke. "You are both welcome to stay the night here. All I ask is that you stay downstairs, and take only what is given to you. Simply ask for whatever you desire, and it shall come to you."

"C-could we have some food, maybe some water as well, kind sir. We were attacked-

The boom sounded again. "By wolves. I know. I am sorry that I could not help you, but you are safe here. You will find the dining hall on your left." And with that the voice was silent.

The door to the left of the stairway lit up, as though torches had been lit on the other side of it. I strode forward, Papa trailing in my wake. Through the doorway was a grand dining room. This room too had vaulted ceilings and dripping chandeliers. But, the cold stone floor was replaced by warm mahogany that matched the long table and chairs perfectly. This room glowed a golden hew as well. It was lovely. But the best part was what lay on the table.

The richest food I had ever seen lay spread across the white silk table cloth. It was placed on plates and platters of the finest silver and china, and all the plates contained hand drawn or chiseled designs that made them unique and as beautiful as though they were artwork themselves. The table was set with two empty plates, two shining silver goblets, and silverware for two. The goblets were full of water purer than any I had ever tasted. I fell upon the food ravishingly; there was beef, and mashed potatoes, a sweet baked chicken, and fresh fruit glazed with honey. I ate until I couldn't eat anymore.

Sitting back with a sigh of contentment, I glanced at Papa, to find that he too was finished.

I was then assaulted once more by the booming baritone of the Voice. "Now, I will show you to your rooms, where dry clothes and soft beds await you."

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