Chapter 10: The Library

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It was a week before the Beast would allow me to venture outside of my room. Everyday Thea brought me meals. Simone came by to help me dress, and after the second day, brought me new dresses, that were more comfortable for sitting around in. Montrell brought me books, and would always scamper off quickly. However, on the third day, he brought a friend with him, the voice I'd heard before, named Chandler, who was apparently the butler in the castle. Chandler came to visit me frequently, and would sit and talk, and tell extremely humorous stories about the days before the castle was "in this state". I asked him about what he meant by that one day, but all he would tell me was that the Beast would tell me when he wanted me to know. I also noticed that Beast was never a character in any of his stories.

"Miss Belle," he would say, "you should have seen this castle. It was the most beautiful castle anywhere. It was shining and golden, surrounded by the lush forest, and close enough to the river that you could hear it's rushing late at night when the whole realm got still. Oh, it was magnificent! And the balls that we used to have, you would have loved. Ladies in full silk gowns, that rustled as they twirled around the ballroom on the arms of handsome gentlemen dressed in their best, glowing in the soft light of the candelabras that line the room. Even now, that it is dust coated and dark, the ballroom is stunning, so you can imagine..." his voice trailed off, reminiscing.

"Where is the ballroom at, Chandler? I have never seen it."

"In the name of the realm! I cannot believe that master has not shown it to you!" Chandler smiled, mischievously. "Miss Belle, please, follow me."

I laughed, at my obvious inability to do so. The book on my dresser levitated, and began to float across the room, towards the door. I followed.

The door opened, and out went Chandler. "Shhhh," he instructed softly.

Together we padded down the East Wing to the platform of the stairs. I expected him to turn and go down it, but he kept going towards the West Wing. I grabbed at where his elbow should have been. Despite the fact that I couldn't see him, I felt his arm in my hand. He was skinny, or at least his arms were. He gasped at the contact.

"Miss Belle, you frightened me! I have not been touched by someone in... well, years. Now come along."

"But, it's the West Wing! Are you crazy? What if he sees?" I didn't even have to explain who, as I felt his invisible muscles quiver beneath my hand.

"Just come on."

We crept quietly and swiftly through the West Wing, to the back stair.

"I thought this stair would have less traffic than the grand staircase would. Now, follow me." Chandler instructed, once again.

The staircase ended on the third floor. We walked back to the right, and past two doors.

"Where do those go?" I asked.

"Oh, that's the library. It's next to the ballroom; the queen used to sneak out of more formal events and go read. She was a delightful woman, rest her soul..." Chandler continued on after that, but I didn't hear him.

I turned and walked to the door to the library, and pushed it open, hoping to catch a tiny glimpse of the shelves full of books. I never expected what I saw.

The room didn't just hold some books. It was lined from floor to ceiling with shelves that were full of books. There were books lying on a table, and cushy arm chairs sat around the room, in different nooks and corners. There was one by a large bay window that looked like a particularly pleasant spot to curl up in. The torches were lit in the room, unlike the rest of the castle, and a large fire blazed, keeping the room toasty.

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