Chapter 28: I Love Him

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone knocking. I walked to the door, and listened. Lucas was thanking a man in the hallway, so I presumed it must have been someone knocking on his door. With a shrug, I decided to get dressed.

A few minutes later, I slipped out of the bedroom, leaving my sister and best friend sleeping. I made my way downstairs to the dining salon, and found Lucas occupying a table. He gave me a small nod as I approached, so I sat down. I asked for a cup of orange tea and a bowl of fruit, as Lucas finished up reading the paper he had laid across part of the table.

How I've missed the culture of the city.

I sat and drank my tea, until finally, Lucas spoke. "I hope you slept well, Arabella? You're up rather early."

"I woke up when I thought I heard someone knocking on our door," I said, nonchalantly. Inwardly, I was dying to know who had been knocking on Lucas' door. Who would he know here in Itacya?

"Oh, that was someone bringing a message from the palace. I was going to wait until the girls came down to tell you, but Mirabelle has been held up. She's coming tomorrow; so, we have a whole day to kill here in the capitol," he explained.

I felt my heart sink, and my stomach jump to my throat. I'm ready to be on my way; to get back to Galien, and set this whole messy business back to rights. I don't want to spend a day piddling around the city!

I took a noisy sip from my tea. "Well. Alright then. I guess when the girls come down, we'll all go out and try to... amuse ourselves," I said, staring at the window, darkly.

Lucas gave a chuckle and lowered his paper. "Ready to get home, are we, Arabella?"

I blushed a little, and chased my fruit around the plate with my finger. "Not at all. I'm so enjoying spending time with you, Lucas... Why would I hurry to leave your excellent company?" I teased, flicking a grape off of my plate at him.

It hit his newspaper with a thump. He looked up at me, his face stern, and then he broke out laughing. He picked up the grape, and chunked it back at me.

I squealed, and ducked beneath my hands. "Cut it out, Lucas!" The grape flew past me, and rolled across the floor. I laughed hysterically, and so did Lucas.

That was when Pet and Rixie came down to join us. They couldn't understand what was so hysterically funny. Finally, Lucas regained his composure, and informed them of our delay.

Rixie casts sideways glances of concern at me, obviously realizing that I was more than ready to be home. The night before, we had talked about my sour mood, which had apparently arrived when we came into the city. I knew what it was right away. It's being back here, back home. I always thought I'd come back, but I never thought it would be so painful, that my memories of Mother would flood up around me.

Of course, Rixie had figured it out as well. After Pet fell asleep, we talked about it, and she convinced me to at least try and encourage myself. I had forgotten, in my deep slumber.

I gave a minute shoulder shrug and smiled. She noticed, and smiled back, while Pet and Lucas remained oblivious as they chattered away like birds over breakfast.

We decided to spend the day exploring the city, which was more so the request of Rixenda and my sister. Lucas and I seemed to be along for the ride. The girls led us through the city, weaving in and out of the bustling throngs of people lining the streets. We wove in and out of different street markets, and were practically assaulted by venders, who were constantly shoving their wares in our faces, and trying to convince us to buy from them. Rixenda realized that many of them had outrageous prices, but Petronille was frothing at the bit for first one thing and then another. Lucas, meanwhile, was willing to indulge her, and buy her, and Rixenda as well, whatever they wanted. I tried putting my foot down, but he insisted.

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