Chapter 36: The Dying Rose

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With that, Galien's face lit up into a smile that burned through me. "You do?"

"Isn't that obvious? You wouldn't have woken up if I didn't."

"I mean since then. You still love me, even after all of this confusion and misunderstanding?"

I nodded, and he sighed, an exhale of relief. "Well, then I have something to do."

He dropped down to one knee. I gasp in shock at what he was doing. "Stop it. Get up. Get up, Galien. You can't do this. I-I'm... oh."

He shushed me with a motion of his hand, as he stood.

Come on then." He took my hand in his, and pulled the doors open before us. He led me through the ballroom, around the gilded walls, weaving around the people and the columns, up to the grand dais.

He stopped me in front of the center of the stairs, and then strode up them in a single bound. He gave a gesture to the orchestra, and they ceased their playing. The crowd murmured a bit, but was soon dwelling solely upon Galien, and me, for I stood between them and him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for the interruption, but, I have a special announcement to make, and it is the reason that I have invited you all here tonight. I beg your indulgence with me for just a few moments, and then we shall continue the party."

Complete silence fell throughout the ballroom.

"As you all have become aware, I have been away from my kingdom and my duties as king because I was not in a condition to rule. I was ill; I had a sickness that made my heart weak. It was disintegrating with every beat, like a dying rose's petals in even the most gentle breeze."

"And then, someone came along, and discovered how to fix my heart, and to her I will be forever grateful. Under her gentle care, I not only recovered, but was restored to my former health; and, along the way, I fell in love with my caretaker. I present her to you, as my fiancé, for she has agreed to make me the happiest and luckiest man in the Realms. Miss Arabella Passerose Durand, ladies and gentlemen." He reached down, and placed his hand upon my shoulder, with a tenderness that made my heart flutter like the wings of a butterfly.

Applause rang out throughout the room, as did a few cheers that I was sure came from Rixenda, Lucas, and some of the castle servants.

However, our moment of happiness was short lived. Oriabelle staggered forward from the crowd, her face pale.

"How, how can this be? They told me you were dead, that a monster killed you!" she cried, stumbling forward, grabbing at me.

Some of the people from my village began to whisper, and a few spoke their agreement. "Yes, she's supposed to be dead!" "Henri told us he saw a monster kill her!"

Those speaking turned to stare at Henri, as though they expected an answer. Instead, they found him backing away from them, towards the door, his face pale, and his eyes went wide with panic.

"Well, m-maybe she wasn't dead... But there was a m-m-monster. You all came to the castle, you saw-"

"We saw Arabella, standing inside the gate. We never saw your supposed monster!" someone cried out, cutting Henri's stuttering speech off.

They circled around him, like animals about to go for the kill.

Oriabelle began to scream protests in her husband's defense. I turned and looked and Galien, eyes full of concern for my sister.

"My good people! May I have your attention, please?" he asked imploringly, and though he shouted, he could barely be heard over the din.

"I said, may I have your attention?" he bellowed, in that same voice that had petrified me when I first met him. Total silence fell throughout the room, as the people turned back to us, but mainly, to him.

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