Chapter 16: An Unexpected Gift

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When Thea knocked on my door the next morning, I thought I would cry. I felt like I had just crawled into my bed the night before. Or rather, at dawn. Even though my night with Galien had been so pleasurable, I was exhausted. I pulled my blanket over my head and moaned.

"Late night I'll presume, love?"

I moaned again, confirming.

"Well, I hate to bother you then, but Master rang for me, and when I got to his chambers, he told me that he would like for me to tell you that he has requested breakfast down stairs. I trust you can dress yourself, for I have a meal to cook, dearie!" I heard the door click back shut.

I sighed in relief at the silence. I was nearly back asleep when her words clicked into place in my mind.

Galien - rather, Beast - wants me to meet him downstairs for breakfast. But yesterday was the new moon. Jacqueline said he never comes down the day after the new moon.

I sprung out of bed as though someone had lit me aflame. What could be going on that couldn't wait until tonight? Why was Beast coming-

"Belle, are you decent?" came Beast's deep voice through the door.

"No! No, I apologize, for I am not. Give me just a few moments, and I will be!" I exclaimed, racing to the dresser and ripping out a dress. I didn't even care which one it was. I just wanted to put clothes on, and quickly.

As I struggled into my dress, my normally nimble fingers seemed to have turned to lumps of useless stone. Of course, when I was in a hurry, I could barely manage to function. Finally, I tied the sash of my dress, and practically ripped the door to my chamber open. Beast was pacing the hallway outside impatiently.

"Oh, there you are, Belle," he said, as he turned to face me. "I was beginning to wonder what was taking you so long."

I smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry! I was having difficulty with my dress, and getting dressed."

"You should have told me, I would have-"

His eyes went wide, as he realized what he had said. "I didn't mean it like- I mean- ugh!"

I laughed. "Don't get so flustered! I knew what you meant, and I didn't take it as impropriated. I know you better than that."

The stricken expression on his face faded. "Good. I know you probably planned on sleeping in today, especially after how long of a night we had last night... I have another surprise for you; but there is a condition to you getting it."

"So you give presents with conditions now. Hmph!" I exclaimed with a laugh, feigning offense. "Well, what is it?"

He laughed. "You answer anything I ask you."

Well that's an odd request, I thought to myself. "Ok."

"Meet me in the dining room in five minutes," he said, as he turned and walked rapidly away down the hall.


I was waiting for Beast when he came barreling into the dining room.

"Here!" he exclaimed, thrusting a box at me.

It was rather small, as boxes go, and ordinary. I shook it, and thought, this is what all the fuss has been about? It made just a slight thump, as though what was in it barely moved.

Curiosity won out in about 10 seconds. I slid the lid off, to find it was filled with a balled up white shirt. I peered across the table at Beast, one eyebrow cocked.

"It's wrapped up in the shirt. I did NOT give you an old shirt, Belle! I'm not that terrible of a gift giver... At least I hope I'm not?" he replied, reading my mind. Our eyes met across the table, and the room filled with our uncontrollable laughter.

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