Chapter 38: Bloom

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 Dawn fluttered through the window, and with it came not only consciousness, but the worst case of butterflies I have ever known. I couldn't eat a single bite, and only drank of single cup of hot tea because I feared Thea would pour it down my throat if I didn't.

"We can't have you fainting as you walk up the aisle, my lovely. You've got to put something in your stomach."

While I drank my tea, the royal hairdresser, who had come with Mirabelle and King Orlan, brushed, curled and arranged my hair. The extravagant curls were pinned so that they lay in cascading tiers down my neck and back. Then she did my makeup, making sure that it looked natural, but amplified my features.

Next she took care of Mirabelle's hair and makeup, which took a mere matter of minutes, and moved on to Rixenda. Again, her deft fingers braided and tucked her hair in a matter of minutes. Petronille's hair, however, took her nearly an hour. Each section had to be straightened, and smoothed before it could be braided. It was still, however, the simplest style we could have picked for their hair.

Together with an entourage of maids and stylists, the four of us made our way to the servants' stair, and then to a room near the back of the castle. We wanted to make sure there was no way that Galien could see my dress before the wedding, so Thea, who of course was more than happy to help, had loaned us her chambers for the day. Once everything was in place, we would exit a side door of the castle, and make our way to the front entrance of the castle. The wedding itself would take place on the grand staircase, with those observing in chairs in the entrance foyer. Afterwards, the wedding party would exit out of the front doors, to the terrace, while the guests were moved to the grand ballroom for the reception. Once they were settled, the wedding party would once more enter from the terrace up the stairs and into the ballroom.

Since two of my three bridesmaids were redheaded, I had decided that our wedding colors would be midnight blue and Kelly green. The groom and the groomsmen would all be wearing the military uniform of Agaia. The bridesmaids would be wearing midnight blue dresses trimmed out in Kelly green. The dresses were beautiful on the three of them. I watched them help each other get into their dresses, and button up the backs, and I thought of how remarkable Rixenda really was. The dresses were floor length midnight blue silk, with a green silk sash around their waists.

Once they were all three dressed, Rixenda opened Thea's wardrobe, and before me hung the most exquisite dress that I would ever see in my entire life, with no question.

It was made of white silk that shimmered in the light of the room, like liquid. The capped sleeves would cup my shoulders, but leave my collar bare and open. The silk flowed down, and at the knees began to flow outward, forming a large trail that would follow behind me on the ground. The sweetheart neckline was modest, and the bodice was covered in diamonds that formed a very elaborate damask formation. Beads and more stones formed a boundary along the waist, and made trails down the skirt. Around the bottom of the dress, the damask pattern was resumed. The back of the dress was just as spectacular. Not only did it have the same pattern as well, but it was interrupted in the center by not laces, but buttons that would fasten the dress closed, and run all the way down my spine.

"Oh Rixenda, it's so beautiful!"I said, my eyes brimming with tears.

"Oh! Don't cry, you'll muss up your makeup!" she exclaimed, blotting the corners of my eyes with a handkerchief that she produced from the realm only knows where.

She and Petronille got my dress off of the hanger, and held it up as Mirabelle gathered the bottom. They lowered it over my head, being extremely careful to make sure that it in no way touched my face or hair.

Once I was in my dress, they smoothed down the petticoats underneath it that gave it its body, and buttoned up the back. Petronille put my leather slippers on my feet, and then we were once more on our way. Mirabelle and Rixenda carried my skirt, making sure that once we went out of the side door of the castle it didn't drag in the dirt. Petronille carried my good slippers, made of white silk as well, in her hand, and held my hand as well, helping me to maneuver the uneven ground carefully in the bulky, awkward shape of the dress.

When we made it to the terrace in front of the castle, Petronille put my shoes on for me, and handed my leather ones off to a butler who was waiting there. The rest of the wedding party was standing there, waiting for us.

Except for Galien. He was inside, waiting for me to come walking through those doors, on my way to marrying him.

Father stood, ready to take my arm. Lucas was there, to escort Rixenda, as were two men I didn't recognize on sight. One of them was Prince Jarrett of Brundineen, who would be escorting Petronille, and the other was Mirabelle's new fiancé, in a show of good faith.

I however, had no idea which one was which. The night Galien and I had seen Jarrett in the mirror had been so long ago, I couldn't remember very well exactly what his face looked like.

One of them stepped forward, and hugged me, gently. "Not to be handsy, but I want to welcome you to the family, and introduce myself properly. I'm Prince Jarrett, the annoying one who's like Galien's brother."

I laughed. "It's nice to finally meet you, Jarrett. I have heard quite a bit about you."

"Don't believe any of it. It's all probably much nicer than I am!" he said, laughing. "Now, which one of these two redheaded beauties is your sister?"

I looked at Petronille, who was staring at him, open mouthed. He was quite handsome, and I hadn't thought to warn her teenage heart at all.

I placed my hands on her shoulders, and pushed her towards him. "This one. She's in shock from all of the hullabaloo, you'll have to excuse her."

Jarrett smiled. "I understand. And, don't worry about her. Galien asked me to look after her, and to make sure she had a good time tonight, on pain of death. So, she will be absolutely entertained, and perfectly safe. You know how these foreign men can be," he said with a wink.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you mean," I replied with a laugh. He took Petronille by the arm, and they lined up between Mirabelle and Prince Vikyor and Lucas and Rixenda.

Father stepped to me, and kissed my cheek. "Ready, my darling?"

At just that moment, someone behind us cried out, "Wait!"

Oriabelle came running from the gate. She was filthy, and her clothes were in tatters. "I came. Henri forbade it, but I couldn't not be here. You're my sister!" she exclaimed, stepping towards me.

"Oriabelle, darling, don't hug her. You're filthy," Father said, as gently as possible.

She nodded. "I just, I wanted to be here, and I had to run away to be, and he said that if I left..."

Her voice trailed off, and I knew what she meant. Henri would beat her, maybe even kill her for disobeying him. "You can stay here, if you need to. One of the butlers will take you inside. Ask for Thea, and tell her who you are. Once she's finished with you, come to the reception, please."

She smiled. "Thank you, thank you, Belle! And, good luck."

"We need to go, people!" Jarrett called from in front of me.

"Open the doors!" Father gave the call, and we made our way inside, up the aisle, as the packed room watched.

Father gave my hands to Galien, and took his seat. Galien looked as handsome as he always did, with a smile across his face that matched mine: brilliant and broad. We listened to the official as he spoke, and we made our vows of enduring love and care for one another.

It took what seemed like hours, but finally, the official asked the question that I had been waiting for, and with all of my heart, I said, "I do."

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