I Just Have To Now...

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So about that weird thing from the England X Reader I was talking about?


I feel like I should tell everyone what it is 😆😖

It's not like... Gross, or anything, it's just...


I mean, for lack of a better term.

It's kinda in reference to (what I assume) was a typo, or little joke that became much bigger than predicted, where in one of the things...

I don't even remember which character said it... Or what chapter...

But I remember someone was leaving as fast as they possibly could from wherever they were so they just... (No exaggeration, this is exactly what it said)



So, it became a joke in the comments for every other one-shot, during a really emotional moment in the story, where a character was saying their like, 'final words' or whatever, for everyone to comment "pipipcheeriogoodbye!"

...And I just kindamaybetotally thought of that when I was writing out England's final words in "Knives Could Never End It"

( ̄ー ̄)

There. I've admitted it. The suspense is gone. I really hope no one finds the one-shot book I was reading back then. Cuz I read it awhile ago.

{Also, if media shows, can we take a second to admire how hot England is as a pirate? He's actually a former pirate. It's canon \(//∇//)\ So hot... Imeanwhat}

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