So about that weird thing from the England X Reader I was talking about?
I feel like I should tell everyone what it is 😆😖
It's not like... Gross, or anything, it's just...
I mean, for lack of a better term.
It's kinda in reference to (what I assume) was a typo, or little joke that became much bigger than predicted, where in one of the things...
I don't even remember which character said it... Or what chapter...
But I remember someone was leaving as fast as they possibly could from wherever they were so they just... (No exaggeration, this is exactly what it said)
So, it became a joke in the comments for every other one-shot, during a really emotional moment in the story, where a character was saying their like, 'final words' or whatever, for everyone to comment "pipipcheeriogoodbye!"
...And I just kindamaybetotally thought of that when I was writing out England's final words in "Knives Could Never End It"
( ̄ー ̄)
There. I've admitted it. The suspense is gone. I really hope no one finds the one-shot book I was reading back then. Cuz I read it awhile ago.
{Also, if media shows, can we take a second to admire how hot England is as a pirate? He's actually a former pirate. It's canon \(//∇//)\ So hot... Imeanwhat}
Deeper Into A Fangirl's Thoughts
Rastgele((Sequel to "Thoughts of an Insane Fangirl)) WELCOME BACK EVERYONE Expect even more randomness, even more fandoms, even more of me threatening the media if it doesn't work, and of course… MORE FANGIRLING! I also want to thank everyone who read t...