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I'm kinda down.

I don't even know why I'm writing this, because the last thing I want is for anyone to worry about me,

But this is just where I come to vent.

Just a little sometimes.

So yeah, there is a particular reason, but it's incredibly stupid.

I just... I wanna vent by drawing but it's almost midnight where I live so I can't go and get the paper.

So I just kinda decided to write some crud here.

...Yeah... That's kind of it... I've just been laying in bed, listening to some-what sad music.

I mean, I guess I could direct some of this sadness into my Hetalia fanfic but I feel like it would end up getting just more gloomy than the mood I'm going for.

Oh look, I'm pointlessly rambling...

Maybe I should just go on Google again and look at Hetalia stuff...


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