Chapter 7 Miguel P.O.V Nathan

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I looked at Felix with a giant smirk. Him and I we could clear this dungeon, this dungeon that has been under this camp for eons. It was built to kill any prisoners whom tried to escape underground. A good place for Arachne children to feed and grow. I finally broke the silence " stay on your feet" I jumped down. I landed quickly on top of a spider. Squashing the spider it still moved I drew my sword and finished the spider. I looked up and thought why is Felix taking so long. Then right in cue Felix hit the ground on his back.
" I told you to stay on your feet" I said teasing
" shut up" said Felix angrily
" ohh someone is mad" I said " welcome to a dungeon" I grinned" fight or die " I finished and turned to see spiders running towards us I smiled and charged at the spiders away from Felix and started to swing my sword at the spider in front of me. This is fun. I thought I kicked the spider and sent it flying. Another leaped and I stuck my sword allowing the spider to meet my sword. The sword went through the spider like butter.
" agh!" Yelled Felix in pain I turned and saw a spider who sunk his fangs onto Felix body
" Felix" I yelled as I ran towards him but two more spiders attacked me I jumped and dodged the spiders attack . I slashed one killing it. I turned to Felix and I saw him starting to get stabbed by the spider. No i thought hold on Felix.
A spider jumped at me trying to use it spinneret I dodged and cut the spider in two. I turned again and looked at Felix. I dropped my sword. The spider now on top of Felix had his fangs plunged into Felix shoulder and its spinneret has stabbed Felix. Felix was gagging for air as his veins started to pop.
"Aghhhhh" I yelled as I tackled the spider of Felix. I pulled a knife from my pants and killed the spider. I grabbed Felix in my arms and shook him.
" Felix look at me" I said " look at me" he started to feel cold his eyes were turning white completely white his pupils were disappearing.
" no no no mierda Felix no Mueras por favor no" I let out a sob. I leaned my head to Felix chest. T-thunp t-thump ,t- thumpp. It slowed down. Then there was nothing. Felix was dead.
Dead like Nathan my son, Felix was the second casualty of my retardness. I should've learned with just my own son's blood. Then my mind snap.
I was sitting in a vehicle. My son Nathan sat right next to me on my left to be precise. On my right angel. In front of me Andre. The transport car was pack seven people were on it. Even Jonathan was here helping the hunt for this demigod. Jonathan was talking but I couldn't tune in to his words.
" ehy papa" said my son. I turned and faced him his smile was warm. I wanted to speak but I had no words.
" padre" he said " por fin vamos atrapar a ese maldito, el nos ah causado muchas penas pero hoy, esto se acaba" my son assured me. Then there was silence I have already been through this but I couldn't remember how things go wrong. I thought trying to remember.
Wooooooossshhh!!! The vehicle started to turn violently. Then it stopped crashing on the floor.
" aggghhh what the fuck was that" said Jonathan as he started to get up" he continued " sound off" he ordered
"Angel alive" said angel
"Andre, hurt my leg, but I'll live" Andre said in pain.
" Nathan, scratch on my face but good" said my son.
" David, a bit shaken up but good to go" said David drawing his sword out.
" Robert, still kicking" he said as he reached over for his medic supplies.
" Miguel, I'm okay . . . What on earth hit us." I said
" a missile or rpg. . . Let's get out of here" Jonathan ordered. We bursted out of the vehicle we were not on a road. I turned and saw from where we have been. We fell down from. It was too high and risky to climb up to the main road. We were in a cliff the only way we could be save and reach our objective was to go towards our objective by foot. A castle.
We hurried armed to the teeth
" Jonathan" Robert asked " who we hunting"
" she's the daughter of Erebus. Lord of darkness and shadows " said Johnny
" well that's pleasant. . . At least my father ruler of the underworld isn't the most evil thing" Robert said joking around.
We got out of the forest into a clearance right in front of the castle.
" hey umm how we supposed to get in the gates are shut" said David and right on cue the doors opened. A female stepped out with two guards. The girl looked at us she had her eyes fixed at one of us.
" Robert you are here hunting me as well" the girl said
" crap . . . You had too defect didn't you. . . You had to kill my men . . . Damn it Efah, . . . what happened to us, why. Agh forget us why did you kill hector" Robert said
Efah smiled coldly hers sword drawn ready to strike. Robert step forward. " you will pay for their deaths. she's mine" he said as he drew his sword
" I'll back you up " Nathan stepped forward " no you will help with the guards" Robert said
" Nathan help Robert, Jonathan, David, angel, Andre and I will deal with the guards." I said encouraging my son.
" no you will follow my. . . " Robert said but stopped Nathan charged for an attack. We watched as my son strok Efah, she just deflected and grabbed my sons arm. She leaned in and whispered something to him. She proceeded to knee my son in the gut then kicked him away. She raised her sword to finish him but Robert moved quick enough to catch efah's hand before she killed my son.
" your mine" Robert yelled at Efah
" no I broke up with you remember. . ." She kicked Robert and he backed away." Remember I killed hector and seven more soldiers. Obed was next but he had fled. There's where you caught me and ended our relationship. . . Well I did."
Robert swung his sword Efah blocked.
" you talk a lot . Crazy bitch" Robert punched her in her stomach and cut her left arm.
" Ughhh" she yelled in pain " you will pay for that"
" not before I spill your blood" Robert said. Efah signaled her guards to attack. We all charged and fought the guards, we allowed Robert to push forward by himself. My son besides me. We had the two guards under control. " Nathan go help Robert " I ordered him "yes dad". He ran off. My memory didn't stay with me it followed my son run to stay with Robert. Now inside the castle.
"Efaaaaahhhh!!!" roared Robert as their swords clashed. Equally powered. They fought. Robert started to get the upper hand his hatred was consuming him, his strength grew. Each strike through Efah out of balanced. efah striked Robert but he just blocked it he then countered with a back hand. Efah spun around her back facing Robert. "Ahhhhh!" Robert yelled as his sword went into efah's body. Robert pulled his sword out. Efah fell to the ground.
" y-you actually did it yo-you stabbed me." She said in disbelief
Robert stood catching his air without saying a single word.
" Robert" yelled Nathan " are you alright. Robert turned and as he did Efah rose with a dagger. She grabbed Robert by the hair and quickly cut his neck. Blood started to ooze from Robert's neck. He held his neck trying to stop the bleeding.
"Hahahhahahahahah" laughed Efah " you are a moron after all. Hahahha" she laughed as Robert struggled to stay alive
" you crazy bitch" Nathan threw his sword at Efah. She disappeared in thin air. The sword hit the wall and fell down. Efah re appeared in front of my son.
" to hell with you" she said as she stabbed my son in the leg. She then stabbed him in the stomach and chest. She went crazy and started to stab my son, one after another. Blood started to come out of every cut in my sons body. She stopped " hmm I love it, red suits you." She said joking as she slashed my son's neck. Blood oozed more intensely out of my son. At this point Andre, angel, Jonathan, David, and I bursted in the room.
" Nathaaaannnn!!!!" I yelled in despair
Efah smiled and grabbed my son by the hair she turned him towards me and started to finish cutting through my son's neck. She finished and detached his head. She looked at it and threw it to the ground.
" noooooooo!!!" I yelled in pain. Angel and Andre looked each other and attacked. They were quickly knocked out by Efah. Jonathan and David followed. They attacked Efah, David was slashed across his chest, while Jonathan got stabbed on the legged and knocked down. I charged in range she hit me on the face and I fell down. She walked over me holding her sword ready to execute me. I was dazed I looked at her as she raised her sword.
" you die now guardian" she yelled
" get over here!" Robert threw two daggers one on her hand dropping her sword the other right on her back. Then Robert disappeared into darkness and appeared in front of Efah. " you will pay " Robert said as he grabbed Efah and they both drifted to darkness. Minutes later Robert came back. He helped everyone get up on their feet.
I asked" how you survive"
" my father hates me and doesn't want to see me in the underworld. Ohh and I can control how much blood my heart pumps so I slowed that down lost some blood but not enough to die, then I decided to seal the wound." He said as he showed a dagger. that was glowing orange. "Efah where is she" I asked
". . ." Robert stood in silence
" where is she" I said in anger
" dead" Robert replied
I stood up and say my motionless sons body. Just like Felix is right now. I snapped back to the real world.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" I yelled I summoned my axe
" malditas arañas las matare todas " I yelled as a wave of spiders came rushing. I swung the axe killing all of the first wave. All the spiders were cut clean.
" ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I kept yelling and killing spiders I saw soldiers drop down and engage the spiders. One after another , I turned and kept slicing the spiders I wanted to see them bleed.
" Miguel what the hell is going on." I turned and saw Jack, and Max standing and commanding the forces.
I yelled " Felix. . . Save felix" as a spider pounced on me. I grabbed the spider by its two front legs and kicked it. Then I proceed to kill it with my axe another clean cut through all of the spider. I rushed to the front lines with now my allies were holding their ground. I looked and saw John a soldier who was brought to the infirmary due to a Lycan biting him. John twitched and dropped his weapons he went on all four and started to morph. He became a Lycan and pounced on several spiders as we fought several caves entranced appeared in the walls spiders poured out we were starting to get surrounded but John the Lycan went ahead and took on a while entrance himself. Max and Jack divided forces and went to different entranced to hold the spiders. I kept fighting in the original tunnel and I advanced further with some soldiers.
The battle was costly I lost five soldiers out of the ten who went to aid me. Worst part was that those who died their bodies were dragged away by the spiders one of the men who was taken was still conscious he yelled as he was taken. We held the tunnel and collapsed it to buy some time. I ordered the last five soldiers to stay near the collapsed tunnel and hold guard. I ran to jack
" we closed the tunnel" I said as more men came to report that they to closed the tunnels. I felt tired my eyelids were heavy I felt something wet and cold run down my cheick it was a tear. I saw John talking to someone so I walked toward him. John moved out of the way revealing Felix standing holding a bow. I lunged at him dropping my weapon. I hugged him with all my might.
" I'm soo sorry Felix" I said breaking the silence " I-I thought you were ready. . . "
"Save it" he yelled at me
" Felix" I said " I meant no harm"
" I fucking died there" he yelled at me " fight or die I chose both. . . Hell it was painful"

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