Chapter 9 Paulina P.O.V. In The Darkest Of Times. . .

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Felix was hugging me tightly. He was yelling but I couldn't understand everything.I knew he was screaming my name. Then he shook meI felt a cold breeze then another warm hand on my shoulder. Quickly the hand let go I started to feel light very light.I want to sleep I feel warm and cosy. Plus I can feel Felix's body holding me I can feel him. The same hand came back and placed their hand on my shoulder; then something touched where my wound was. At first nothing. 1 Mississippi, 2 mississippi. My injury started to quickly get hotter. It started to hurt a lot.I couldn't help it I let out a scream. The pain was too much I want to die. Please let me die. . .I blanked out
I woke up yet I couldn't open my eyes. When I did or when I believe I did there was only darkness..
" amI . . . Dead?"I asked
" no" a voiced said right next to me " you nearly did though" it continued " my father was excited to meet you Paulina. That asshole who wants to see me suffer."I heard him spit my guess to the ground."I was able to heal your artery you will live.I have called Jack . . . Your brother to take care of youI need to go check on the battle see where we at." He said.I didn't hear him move.
Knock. Knock. There was knocks on the door. " come in" said the voice sitting right next to me. Ahh Jack. . . Andrea"I heard him stand up and hug them both.
" Robert " Jack said
" yo. . . Take care of your sister. . . She's badly wounded. Some neurotoxic poison is affecting her sight. Luckily it will wear off in . . . Now" Robert stopped talking but I was still seeing pitch black. Some light started to reach my eye.I had bandages on my eyes.I quickly reached to my face and removed the bandages.I saw Andrea, Robert and my brother standing looking at me.
" well I best take my leave" Robert said as we walked out of the room.I looked to the clock on the wall.
Jack walked to my side and hugged me.I held him.
" hey" he said
" hi "I responded
He backed away and looked at me with a smile. Then the smile died. " what were you thinking" he said
"What?"I said
" Paulina you nearly died. What were you thinking helping Felix." He said
" what is wrong with you"I shouted at him
" Paulina answer me " he growled
"I didn't help himI wanted to save Miguel."I said trying to get the heat off Felix.
" hmm Paulina sorry but you can't do things like that you haven't even mastered swordsmanship" he said
"I don't care he needed help."I said
" getting yourself killed doesn't help it only affects the soldiers morale negatively" said Jack.
I lowered my head. A idea came into my mind" train me so I can master it."I said at Jack.
" ha no" he said seriously.
" uh why not"I asked
" because umm I'm busy training Felix" he responded
" humiliating Felix like you did isn't training. Plus you can train two people at a time. . . " Jack cut me off
" no I won't train you." He yelled and looked down."I don't want to lose you. Not to death not even to that idiot of felix." Jack said
" Jack. . . " choked a sob.
" we left this camp with 9 Aphrodite children and 3 Ares children. You andI know that didn't end well." He said sad
" it wasn't your fault. . . You saved me."I hugged Jack.
"I killed Jackie and Lewis ". He said remembering. Jackie was a ares child who thought she was the best. She was just annoying. Lewis was jack's brother. No not half brother. Same parents. He had to kill them. They were poisoned by a snakes and spiders. We tried to leave all of this crazy place all of this death. We ran away from this camp no one stopped us. No one knew. 9 foolish aphrodite children, wanting a way out of hell. We were a day out. We started to hear things so we ran. We ran in circles through the dense jungle. Then three Ares children captured us. Jackie lead the operation. She hit Jack on the head and scolded everyone she said something closed to " first learn how to fight then run away." We headed back. As we arrived at the gate a couple of spiders attacked us. Out of thin air snakes appeared and also attacked us. A three way battle. Then quickly a ares child was pounced on by a spider and killed by the spider. Jack ran for his sword, a golden sword, the one he uses. A reminder of those who have died. Jack killed the spider but behind us we had already lost half of the Aphrodite children.I mean half one of our demigods friend a girl named Alex was cut in half by a spider. That spider quickly died by the hands of a snake.I grabbed Alex and pulled her close to meI talked to her crying.I was trying to ease her pain, her death.I held her hand as the renaming demigods formed a circle around me.I could see Alex's intestines coming outI could see the blood rushing out of her body. Alex looked at me and gasped for air her final gasped. she laid quietly.I stopped, and cried on her. The next thing I know Lewis yelled at me and tackled me, we both rolled out of the Circle I shouted at Lewis but I saw him gasping for air, a snake bit him. Jackie was the last Ares child left she looked at the gate and started to scream for help. She abandoned us; the last spider pounced on Jackie and injected its spinneret into Jackie's back . She fell to the ground the snakes ignored us. Lewis gasping for air, Jack was catching his breath while I cried, afraid. The snake killed the spider on top of jackie, but Jackie was bad. The snakes ran off into the jungle. Jackie started to yell. She yelled for help she yelled to end her suffering. Jack stood and did as Jackie asked. Jack killed her. He walked to Lewis.I turned him around. Lewis looked at jack's blade then to Jack. He nod his head. Jack let out a small cry he put the sword on top of Lewis' heart. He said that he's sorry . He's sorry for a foolish idea of peace. A foolish idea that he had, a idea that killed everyone. Jack let the sword fall. It went through Lewis's Rib cage and stopped at his heart killing him. Soldiers rushed out and pulled me and Jack in, the rest those who died were let to rot in front of the gate.
I hugged Jack as my thoughts came back to the present.I laid my head in top of jack's head. " I'm sorry you had to feel that."I said
" I'm sorry you had to witness it" Jack said knowing what I was thinking.I looked at Andrea who laid on a bed asleep. How long wasI in that day dream.I looked at a clock two hours had past since Robert left.I didn't careI closed my eyes and laid down.
" shit. Jack clear a table."Robert's voice boomed on my head I opened my eyes and saw Robert and Jonathan entering the infirmary holding Andre. andre was covered in blood.I sat up on my bed and looked at Andre.I must of stood up too fast my head started hurting really bad.I laid down again and closed my eyes for a second.
" he's going into shock." Robert. Yelled again." Bring the morphine. . . Andre . . . Andre. He's not responding Jonathan quick. JackI need a needle ready to get the morphine."
" he's dead don't waste the supplies on him." Jack said and I opened my eyes I turned to see Robert and Jack. Robert quickly walked to Jack he punched Jack in the face." Don't fucking say that. I'm not losing anyone else.I saved your sister I can save my friend" Robert barked at Jack. Robert grabbed the needle and Jonathan handed the morphine. Once the morphine was inside, the needle Robert injected it onto Andre.
" five minutes to bring him back to life" Robert said " Jonathan give him CPR. Get his heart going I'll look for what is wrong." Jonathan followed orders while Robert analysed andre." Damn it "I don't find anything he's not breathing or anything damn it Andre." Robert looked at the clock on the wall " 4 minutes" Andrea stood up and pulled a dagger. She stabbed Andre on the chest closed to the heart and retracted the blade. Blood spilled out. Too much blood. Robert pulled out a tube and carefully inserted it where the knife had made a wound. More blood came out.
" how did you know his lungs were filled with blood?" Robert asked looking at Andre's blood coming out now in a slower pace.
"I didn't" she said. Robert looked at her in disbelieve he opened his mouth but Andrea beat him " just playing around when you brought him he was coughing too much, also blood came out." She said
" 2 mins" Robert turned and looked at Andre he placed two fingers on Andres wrist.
" he's stabilizing Jonathan that's enough he's back on the land of the living." Robert paused and looked at Jack. Roberts eyes were full of hatred towards my brother
" never declare someone dead. never give up. Friends or family alike." Robert said as he walked to Jonathan.
" what happened where is Felix and Miguel." Jonathan looked at Robert with sad eyes.
" what happened" demanded Robert
" Arachne happened" Jonathan said.
" go on" said Robert.
"We found Miguel and looked for Arachne. in the room where you found us. We engaged Arachne. Me, Andre and Miguel We tried torching her but one, with only flames she wouldn't catch on fire so we tried putting alcohol on her. Two. We couldn't. SoI tried putting wine on her maybe get her drunk. On my first strike I missed right away Arachne retaliated.I couldn't block the attack I knew I was going to die so I closed my eyes. There was a clash I looked Andre held his sword against arachne's leg.I pulled my sword and got ready to attack but then Arachne striked again with another leg this time. Andre was caught off guard and stabbed on his lower shoulder, he yelled in pain . Then Arachne attacked again she swept me and Andre away. We fell on the floor. A side of my body hurt a lotI couldn't get up. Andre was knocked out. Arachne advanced towards us Miguel jumped in and held Arachne.I tried to get up but I couldn't my ribs hurt too much. Miguel fought Arachne like a pro. Then a spear was thrown at Arachne that bitch caught it in mid air. . ." Jonathan paused he looked at me and then back at Robert." Felix threw the spear at Arachne it only distracted her. But quickly Arachne charged at Felix. Miguel to ok the chance to attack a leg. Arachne just glowed. She turned to a women, a really pretty women. She deceived Miguel and killed him." She was fast Miguel wasn't able to even go into last stand. He was killed" Jonathan choked a sob.
I got up and said " where's Felix"I hadn't thought about him he wasn't in the room.I looked at Jonathan he was quiet his gaze was down.
" Felix charged at Arachne. He struck her like a madman. Then something happened Arachne trapped Felix in a cocoon and carried him off" Jonathan said
" we must go after him"I shouted
" agreed" said Robert " everyone in this room will be the rescue team we won't lose Felix . . . Again." Robert finished.
Andre sat up. " ready for round two" he said.
" let's do this"I said
" Paulina" Jack roared at me " you are not going"
" Jack you can not stop me I'm helping"I responded.
" no you are not " Jack snarled at me
" let's go I'm opening a portal to our safe point where max and John are commanding"Robert extended his arm" it's a one way ticket I can't extract us anymore I used too much of my ability I'll be weak in this fight" the portal opened" go now!!!" We all charged in. Jack, Andrea, Andre, Jonathan, Robert and I. We appeared in a the middle of a battle. A bloody one too. Demigods laid dead. Some were in cocoons and were being taken by spiders. Max had a tunnel under controlled by himself while John in lycan form was closing tunnels. Meanwhile the remaining demigods fought for their lives. My eight companions charged into battle.I stood in shock so many lives lost. Some were on the floor bleeding out some were ripped in half. A few were missing their heads.I moved my hand to pull out my sword.I was weaponless.I looked around and found a sword.I picked it up and asI did a spider pounced on me . I'm sick and tired of these spiders.I blocked and countered.I cut the spiders legs and ended its life.I looked up more and more spiders started pouring in.I looked at my allies we were about 20.
"Form a line" yelled Robert everyone made a line.I joined the ranks, as soon asI didI heard a large explosion behind us.I turned and saw a new tunnel have been made. ThenI saw 5 large spiders. Almost three times larger than the ones we fought.
" behind us"I yelled Robert turned and saw the enemy
" form a circle" he commanded and everyone obeyed. We were all surrounded. There was no escape.
" we need to hold this post. If we are pushed back we get further away from our friends." Robert yelled.
" leave no eight legged freak alive " yelled Jonathan . The spiders charged at us the big ones just circled us and allowed the smaller ones to attack. We clashed.
A soldier next to me was killed instantly. A spider attacked with its legs, he could only deflect two legs attack before getting over runned by the rest.I cursed and avenged him.I killed the spider and turned to see a spider jumping at me.I quickly jumped at it and kicked it.quickly I fell back to the circle.
" there's too many we need to fall ba. . . " yelled a soldier but one of the big spiders jumped on top of him eating his head. The circle was broken. Left and right I saw demigods trying to survive. So did I. One soldier lost his balance and fell to the ground and the spiders ripped him to shreds.I was shocked.I couldn't move. In fear I looked behind me and saw a spider slowly making its way to me.I couldn't move.
" Paulina!!!!" Yelled Jack as he grabbed a sword from a fallen ally. He threw it at me.I reacted due to the spider pouncing on me.I dodged the pounced once I dodged the spider I kicked the spider in what I believe was his chest.I kept him in the air long enough for the sword to hit the spider killing it.
"This way" yelled Robert holding his rib cage. He was bleeding. " we make our stand here" we all ran to RobertI saw some allies who didn't make it. The spiders wouldn't allow us to live they pounced on those who ran and they stabbed them with their fangs or spinnerets.I reached Robert and turned
I saw only eight demigods left on their feet. Robert holding his wound but fighting. Jonathan, Andre, max, Jack, Andrea, and one remaining soldier. Nine demigods we are doomed.I thought I turned and saw Robert taking a knee. He was coughing blood.
" damn it " he turned and looked at me then back down.
" my body will be drained but I need to get back up." He pulled out a bag and threw the content of that bag to the floor.
" fallen warriors. . . Raise and fight one more battle. . . Death doesn't bound you any more. . . All of you are my warriors. Join me the son of hades into one more battle. . ." He paused." Father give them life and protect us." He said and fell on his side. The ground started to shake. Arms popped out of the floor some had flesh some where pure bones. Multiple dead soldiers rosed. And something disturbing happened. Not only did Robert summoned dead soldiers but those who had fallen this battle also rosed. Old friends who were dead. Robert controlled them.I turned and looked at him. He was out cold. The spiders quickly turned towards the living dead and went out to fight. Some of the remaining 9 demigods dropped to the floor and rested. Jonathan rushed to Robert side and picked him up.
" you overdid it. . . Damn you" Jonathan cursed at Robert. Jonathan summoned wine and nine wine cups. He reached into Robert's bag and pulled herbs a lot of herbs. " Andre need a pot" Jonathan asked " really weed . . .I don't have paper sorry" Andre replied. " no you idiot a pot to cook." Jonathan snarled.
" ooh, sure no problem, father,pot" Andre asked. Out of thin air a pot was formed."here"
Andre passed a pot to Jonathan. Jonathan poured wine and the herbs in the pot and passed it back to Andre. " boil it" he said.
Andre grabbed the pot and pulled out a flare. He opened the flare. Red flame came out with some smoke. The flare quickly turned white " wonder how many flares will it take to boil this. . . " he paused " hey you know we are boiling out the alcohol right Jonat-" he stopped the flare died so he opened another one." So yea no alcohol." Andre finished and vapor started to appease in the pot.
" yeah I know we need a the tea to heal maybe it will wake up Robert." Jonathan said .I looked at the battle and the spiders were getting killed. One after another spiders fell. There were only 3 big spiders left and about five soldiers were on top of one of the female spider, they were furiously stabbing the spider.I looked and noticed that about 10 soldiers formed a barrier between us and the battle. They were our guards.I looked back and Jonathan had the pot. He was pouring the tea in the cups.
" now it might taste strange it might taste good. Just drink it's not for flavor." He said. Jonathan passed the eight cups and we all drank. Instantly I felt better stronger and ready for hell. " wow this is very good I feel a lot better"I said . One 'by one we all rose up.
" hold Robert down" said Jonathan
We all followed the order and held him down. Jonathan grabbed the last cup and opened his mouth and poured it on. There was dead silence. Then Robert came back to live.
" aghhhhhhh!!!!" Yelled Robert " it hurts." Robert fell back to how he was, but now he was gasping for air. We all cheered. Robert rose. He looked at Jonathan and said. " that burned. . . Thanks" he looked at the nine demigods.
" had a good rest?" Robert asked
" not really" said Max
" that sucks finish the last spiders. . . " right on cue the last spider fell dead. " never mind we search for Arachne." Robert said as he started to walk limping. " we must hurry my soldiers only last for 1 hour this time we kill that eight legged bitch." We ran to the tunnel where the big spiders have come from and we went on the final hunt for Arachne and our kidnapped allies.

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