Chapter 9.5. Felix P.O.V . . . Is There Hope?

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I cried.I couldn't stop crying. Miguel I'm so sorry.I got you killed and I treated you like trash. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Please.
I was inside of a cocoon I felt the floor and every little rock hit me and hurt me.I deserve this Miguel's death is on me. No it isn't, a voice inside said. Miguel lowered his guard and got killed. It's not your fault. Said a third voice. You tried to protect him.I laid in silences. "Great I'm going crazy now."I said
" what!" Yelled a voice outside
I was going crazy. " hello ?"I said
" hi!" Said the voice outside the cocoon. What's going on,I thought. Then we stopped moving. The cocoon was ripped andI was pulled out by Arachne.
" hi!" Yelled Arachne as she threw me against the wall and quickly spiders created a cover that didn't allow me to move.I turned and saw several other people they were all alive and had armor. They were demigods.
" what the hell is going on!"I demanded at Arachne. She slowly transformed into the female who killed miguel.I bursted in rage. " you bitch I'll. . . " a spider went into my mouth . Its hairy body inside my mouth I was disgusted I was about to bite it to push it out but Arachne spoke.
" now don't hurt my baby its blood isn't quite right yet. If you do something to make it bleed it will release poison that will knock you out cold and make you go blind. . . " she smiled coldly " now where were we . . . Ahh yes your question. . . What is going on" she paused and walked around" you see you are in my home I rule this place you are my guest Bla Bla Bla." She said I felt the spider in my mouth bite my tongue so I let out a small shriek. Arachne quickly stepped towards me and pulled out the spider " no bad no biting" she said as she gently grabbed my face and leaned closed." You see" she continued" you and your kind invaded my home. We took it as an act of aggression soI ordered my sentries, the most venomous spiders to attack.I tried to get rid of you but no you guys kept coming. . . " she stopped "you guys have made my forces run low I only have baby spiders, female spiders, and some useless males. Ugh. Now I brought you and all of you here as my guests" she was interrupted by a soldier. Who yelled " as your hostages" Arachne got up morphed back to her large spider and she attacked the defenseless soldier. She ripped him opened and allowed his guts to fall out then she slowly put the guys head in her mouth and ripped it off. Blood pumped from the guys body. It filled the silk red.
Arachne notices the silk" that would look good on the floor" she said. She turned and looked at me. Then at all the prisoners
" don't interrupt me or you will end like him" she yelled
" Arachne!"I yelled at her. " get to the point."
She smiled and walked to me." So my forces are low and your forces are low as well.I mean come on attack after attack how are your kind alive?" She paused " a treaty must be made if we are to survive."I was shocked after many deaths she wants peace. What is wrong with her yelled a voice inside me. Shut up yelled the second voice this might be our only chance to survive.
" what are your conditions lady Arachne "I said .
Arachne smiled "I'm a goddess. . . " no she isn't said the first voice inside me " . . .I will send one of my sons . . ." She paused " this time it will be a human a . . . Demigod, you will train him and raise him. My child will be the proof of this treaty. . ." She looked at her guest " as long as he lives my spiders will help protect your camps every single one of your camps. Of course I plan on having more than one kid so the treaty will survive." Those are my conditions." Arachne finished.
" let everyone go and you have a deal"I said.
" you think I'm stupid!!" She yelled " how willI know you honor this treaty If I have nothing to negotiate, no you all stay with me. . . Now go to sleep" said Arachne. Little spiders crawled out of the silk and one by one bit every demigod in the room.
"I thought you said you weren't going to kill us"I said.
" I'm not, all I'm doing is putting you to sleep nothing much. . . Just one thing there may be some side effects sooo good luck sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite" she smiled as she walked away. The little spider bit meI felt its sting but it didn't hurt.I looked at Arachne walking out of the cave room she left us in. She morphed into the girl and all yetI hated her.I will kill her boomed one of the voices in my head.
Who are you I asked.
Who me said the first voice
Both of you I said
I'm Angel remember me yeaI died said the first voice
I'm Bon hey Felix long time no talk
Wow wow first of all you guys are in my head so we have talked second why are you in my head . . .I started to feel dizzy I looked around me and saw all the demigods asleep the poison had affect them already why has it not affected me yet?
Felix calm down said Bon we are not here exactly we are well dead we are now your conscious why we were chosen we don't know this kid picked us to help you think he didn't talk much then one day he vanished.
A kid ?I said . . . Caesar
Shhhhhh sleep you need your strength said angel
My eyes grew heavy. " Caesar I'm sorry "I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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