Chapter 6 Training

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78 dead, 193 wounded. For me the battle seemed costly, but for others it seemed as a sweet victory. We entered the gates of our prison with cheers. All around me people were cheering and hugging. I stood alone. Jack and Andrea hugging, hell even Max was hugging a girl. I stood in the middle of the party looking around, being alone. I walked into the base while the party continued. Many people ran out to join the party. I continued walking down the hallway, every step I took, there were less and less people. I stopped in front of a tent. I snapped out of my depressing trans. I popped my head inside the tent. I looked inside to see my father sitting up talking to the medic.
"Thanks doc" my father said.
" don't mention it " he said with a almost mad smile as he looked up to see me
"Come in" he coldly smiled
My dad turned and said "Felix " he rose to hug me but the medic held him down.
"Now I worked hard on those injuries, take it easy." He looked at me something in his eyes I didn't like. Oddly enough it was the first time I noticed. He quickly stood up and passed by me I felt a cold chill go down my spine.
He stopped right behind me and laughed
"Your dad should be dead " he whispered as he walked out the tent.
I turned " son of a b. . ."
" Felix" my dad scolded me
" sorry " I said as we sat in silences
" hey umm felix" my dad paused as he broke the awkward silence " did you catch doc's name" he asked
"Nope" I smiled at my dad
" hmm . . . did you know he's hades son" my father said
" wow as in the lord of the underworld. What the hell, he is a bloody medic. He saves people's lives."
" I know. Ha. He hates his father " he said and stared at me. I looked away.
" now what" I said
" you train " father responded
" I can defend myself " I said
" no you can't " my father said
" yes I can" I said angrily
" Felix I saved your life at least twice" he paused and looked down " . . . So did caesar "he said.
I looked at him shock
"W-w-what do you mean? " i asked
My dad looked at the floor and spoke
" that Lycan , that werewolf he was charging at you. . . Caesar shot arrows at it to buy you some time . . . Then that ly-"
"Otsoa" I interrupted
" then otsoa mauled him to death. He died being a guardian yet he wasn't a full guardian. A hero's death at least"
" dad " I stopped my father train of thought. He looked at me " remember that cyclops. . . He was the only one of its kind. . . why "
" Felix what are you asking? " my father asked
" how rare are cyclops" I asked
" not too rare " interrupted a voice behind us. A big fellow stood in the entrance of the tent we was both large from both height and waist.
"Hello" he smiled " I'm Jonathan "
He introduced himself and went right back to the topic. " cyclops are natural leaders for monsters. They can rally large numbers of monsters. They were the ones who sent all these attacks" he paused " orcs, goblins, lycans, a troll" he stopped to think " huh how was that troll in broad daylight and not turned to stone . . . Odd" he said then turned to me " but yea cyclops lead these attacks, we need to find them and kill them, but they are organized, a bit too good for cyclops brains. Someone is leading them. . . A god perhaps they always fight each other" again he paused to think " huh" he looked at me " you said you were attacked by lycans right?" He asked me
"Yes we were" I said
" the alpha, is he dead?" He asked
" no " I said
" hmm good " he said " you aren't very fond of lycans are you?" He asked again.
" no I'm not " I said with hatred
" your a hunter. Guardian who hates lycans. Guess what, our target is a Lycan . . . Nice" he said
"Were you going with this" my dad asked
" if the cyclops are being lead then we need to know who is leading them. To get to the cyclops we need to find a monster who is high rank to the cyclops. . . Like the alpha" he smiled " I want you to go and hunt that alpha down bring him alive and we will interrogate him. Simple as that" Jonathan rambled
I looked at my dad. He stared thinking. He broke the silences " Felix isn't ready, nor am I healed completely. We can not fight. . . Not yet at least "
" dad " I said
" did that Lycan have something to do with caesar's death?" I asked
My dad was silent
"Dad?" I said
" Felix I'm not sure " he finally said " where is your m-step mother "
I have completely forgotten about mother. "Felix" my father continued " find her, please" I nodded my head. I stood up and past by Jonathan to exit the tent. He just looked at me and grinded. I walked out of the tent back to the lonely hallway. Where is step mom, I thought.
" Felix" a voice that I recognized spoke behind me. I turned to see Miguel
" you survived the battle. Good" he said almost sounding surprise.
" Miguel" I said " where's mother ?" I asked
" hmm she's . . . " Miguel paused to think. " not sure" he finally said
" great" I said I turned around and walked away from Miguel. I decided to explore this base. I was surprise it was massive seven levels. I reached the top floor, all that floor was a room with windows. I walked in and saw my step mother standing in the middle
" mother " I said
No response. I walked closer to my step mother.
" hey ummm mother?" I said as I got closer to my mother. " hellooo " I said playfully I notice that my step mother was taller. I looked down at her feet. She wasn't even touching the floor. I rushed and pulled her down. As I did so I turned her towards me. A force from my step mother attacked me and sended me flying. I landed on my back I got up as quick as possible and moved my hand were my sword should be, but I was unarmed. I looked up at my step mother she was starting to levitate. Her eyes glowed pure white. She looked in a comfortable position and smiled at me but her smile was warm and welcoming.
"What are you!" I yelled
". . . " she kept her smile up
" leave my mother alone "I yelled at what ever she was. As I did so her smile faded and her mouth opened.
" I am your mother" she said
" step mother" I snarled at her
She smiled " no your real mother don't you recognize my voice." She started to levitate towards me.
"N-n-no" I said as she reached me and place her hands on my shoulder then she lifted the other arm and tapped on my forehead. My head started to hurt.
"Aghhhhh" I yelled in pain
"Hmm" she said
Suddenly the pain stopped I remember my birth a bit too well for my liking and I remember her voice sheis the one talking to me in my head. I felt my step mother's soul and my mother's life forces. I stood up.
" mother, lady Ar. . . " she stopped me from talking
" I'm breaking rules here don't say my name it will attract attention" she said. " you're my only offspring, my only son, I wanted a daughter but you will do."she said
I was mad but happy I met my mother.
" mom what will you have me do?" I said
She smiled again " avenge your dead half brother" she said
"With pleasure" I said " but why?" I asked
" your blood has been spilled your honor and legacy is at the brink of oblivion, it's a disgrace. Someone who carries your same bloodline has died in battle" she said, I got mad but stood quiet. "You must do this by yourself with your resources, no help shall be given" she said
"Mother" I said " why have you abandon me, allowed my family and friends to die" I said in range.
" I haven't done such things . . . I need to go" she said
I stood there quiet and watched as the light faded out of my step mother's eyes. She fell to the ground like a rag doll. I kneeled to pick her up
" what your mother said? " she asked with a great smile
I smiled back" she said hi and that she will pay for child support" I said a bit mad. " let's go dad wants to see you he's wounded. . ." I said
" we're is c. . ."
I cut her off and said " in the underworld" I walked in front of of her as we walked down stairs. She started to sob.
The party still raging on and the scent of alcohol was strong. I waited outside my father's tent as waited for my father to brief my stepmom on what had happen. I closed my eye and waited.
" hey" a female voice said
I opened my eyes and saw I pretty girl about 17. Years old in front of me. I caught the scent of alcohol in her breath
" umm hi " I finally said
She hugged me tightly " you're the new one aren't you" she said " but what are you, you're not a full guardian but you're not a full demigod. What are you?" She asked
"I'm a guardian " I said as I looked away she was too close.
" come" she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her to a room. She closed the door. I looked at her she was really petty and drunk. She leaned in too close to my face " you're cute" she said out of nowhere.
" umm thank you" she leaned in closer and kissed my lips, at she did so Jack entered the room followed by Andrea and they saw the kiss.
"Paulina" Jack yelled as he pulled her away from me and he went to hit my face. I blocked and pushed him away.
" I'm Gonna kill you " he shouted he went for another attacked but I kicked and he ran into my kick. "Aghhhh" Jack looked at me, Andrea held Paulina.
" how dare you touch my sister." Jack yelled at me holding his stomach
" Jack" Andrea said " she's been drinking, you know how Aphrodite children get when they drink, especially you" she said in a teasing tone.
Jack glanced to me and back at Andrea " for being the daughter of Ares you really love when I Drink." He said the he spit out blood from his mouth.
" let's go " he said they walked out.
Paulina looked at me and smiled she threw a kiss at me and giggled.
Great the only friends I had, now have a bad impression of me. Hmm wonder what Max is doing. I got up and whipped the taste of alcohol from my lips it tastes bad mixed with her lip gloss. I walked out of the hallway and saw Andrea waiting for me.
" you're a troublemaker aren't you" she said while I stood quiet looking at her
" first you undress me from my armor, and now you're kissing jacks step sister. . . " she stopped " how you get her drunk?" Andrea asked
" what why would you ask that." I replied
She smiled at me and said " I like Jack when he's a bit easier to kiss and do adult stuff when he drinks but he usually doesn't. As you can see a Aphrodite's child who drinks alcohol makes them even more 'loving' and I want Jack to be a bit more 'loving' with me" she said
I gave her a weird look
" what?" She said " can't I have fun"
"Yea you can but don't give that much information " I said. she laughed and I felt awkward.
"Look" I finally said " I was outside my dad's tent and the she came by talked to me and pulled me to that room then, you guys know what happened. She was drunk when she arrived."
" I know" she said
I got a bit mad " aren't you the daughter of Ares." I asked " yea "she simply replied " sooo shouldn't you worry about war stuff." She smiled at me I knew she consider sex ad a type of battle." I need to go" I said as I got up and walked to my father's tent. I took a deep breath and went inside. My dad was asleep holding my step mother. I looked at them and then I turned and headed out I found a little corner and sat on the corner and closed my eye.
I woke up not in the corner I sat in but in a bed. What the hell I thought. I got up and searched around. I walked in what appeared to be a kitchen in which my father Miguel and my step mother were eating.
" morning " Miguel smiled " quieres huevos?" He asked in Spanish. " Sí por favor" I said.
My father looked at me oddly " since a when do you talk Spanish?" He said
" I'm not sure" I said
" now that's awesome Felix learn as many languages as possible you will need it" stepmother said
I sat on the table and looked at my parents eating normally. After everything how are we still silent peaceful, how are we a family?
" toma aquí tienes " said Miguel as he placed down some eggs and bacon " gracías" I said. I started to eat my breakfast fast. Miguel laughed at me while my parents got up and left the kitchen.
" want more?" Said Miguel
" no thank you " I said as I rose from the table
"Fffffeeeelllliiiiix" yelled my dad," come here" I quickly walked to my dad. He was in the room where I was sleeping.
" yes dad?" I asked
" I think you lost something" he said as he held his chain sword.
" we're you get it" I asked
" Remember when I got kicked by the troll?" I nodded saying yes " well I was still conscious I landed a couple of feet away from it, so I crawled to get it. Once I got it I passed out due to the pain." He finished and tossed It to me " one last thing, learn how to use it" he said
" where am I supposed to train?" I asked
"We are in a demigod camp" he said " it's a military base people are training. . . Now go!!" I jumped and quickly left the room and out the little house.
Outside there was much movement. Those who were having a hangover were running around the camp.
" come on you lazy assholes move it, quickly!!" Jonathan shouted
I stepped closer to Jonathan. He turned and smiled " hello" he said " I'm Jonathan" he reached out his hand to me I shook hands with him " I'm Felix, umm we met last night" I said. He smiled " I know it's just that I'm bad remembering new names, so I'll do this till I remember your name" he said " Paulina move it don't stop running you like to drink we'll run." He yelled. I looked at her still looking pretty with her black hair running with the wind. " hey Felix, snap out of it" Jonathan broke my trans
" what" I said
" don't check out Aphrodite girls they will trap you with their beauty. They activate a hormone, and you fall for them."Jonathan said.
" how you know this"I asked
" Felix really I'm a general in this camp I know what every Kin of the gods passive ability are" Jonathan said
" passive abilities?" I asked
" abilities gifted or cursed with, they depends on their bloodline." Jonathan replied
" ahh hey who are you?" I asked
" Jonathan last names don't matter here, umm son of dionysus the god of wine" he looks at me with a grin " I can drink and not be drunk or. . . "His smile grew bigger " have the after. Effects of alcohol." He ranted
"Oh I'm Felix, son of ar. . . A guardian ". I said
" hmm ar-a? Hmm seems legit" Jonathan said he looked at me and said " watch your back" as in cue Jack got me in a headlock and flipped me to the ground.
"Ughhh" I yelped
" get up " yelled Jack
" son of a b. . . " I said but then Jack kicked me in my rib cage
" first of all my mother is not a female dog second. . . " he punched my face " huh I'll teach you how to fight without a weapon." I looked at Jack in pain, asshole hit me out of nowhere, I could of taken him on if I knew it was a fight. I stood up Jack looked at me.
" ready for round 2" he said
I jabbed, he moved back to dodge. He then threw a weak jab to my chest then he added power to his hand that was connected to my Chest sending me back. Jack jumped and kicked me on my chest with his leg. he did a air flip and landed on his feet while I landed on my back. " aghhh " I yelled in pain.
" ha dumb guardian" Jack said
" I'll kill you " I said
I got up and charged at Jack. I kicked. While Jack kneeled down and blocked the hit. My foot landed then I went ahead and kicked jack's chest with my other foot. I made contact so I smiled jack's head was down he lifted up his head with a smirk then he proceeded to reveal his hand holding my leg " what the" i said as Jack stood up and sended my leg high up. I fell on my back ounces again "aghhh bloody hell" I coughed out.
"Now stay on the ground Felix "
I layer there with my eyes closed in pain. I Had lost twice to Jack. Damn it
" hey" said a voice
" here a lil something to cheer you up" something soft touched my lips I opened my them to see Paulina right on my face kissing me. My hand reached to hold Paulina's hips while I kissed her. I felt so good. I loved her.
"Paulina" yelled both Jack and Jonathan.
Paulina jumped away from me and those emotions left. I did feel better tho.
"That's enough training for now " said Jack as we walked toward Paulina and took her away. I stood up and got mad I walked towards them but a hand hold me down " hey" said Miguel
I looked up and Miguel was looking at me. Smiling " let's play with sharp objects" he said.
We left to the inside of the main building. We walked to a door located exactly in the middle of the building. Miguel opened the door it was dark Miguel looked at me smiling and said " stay on your feet" he jumped and vanish in the darkness." Great" I said as I walked back and jumped inside the door I jumped to a far distance I hit my arm against a wall and fell down. I fell down I tried to grab something anything but ended up hitting the wa with my hand " ahh crap" I yelled. Kept falling then. . . Thump I hit ground, sand. I looked to see Miguel.
" I told you to stay on your feet" he said teasing
" shut up" I said angry
" ohh someone is mad " he continued to tease " welcome to a dungeon" he finished saying." Fight or die your choice Felix" he turned to face a couple of large spiders racing to eat us.

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