Chapter 7.5 Felix P.O.V Fight or Die

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I sprung up. A spider charged at me I reached for my sword but the spider ram me. I fell to the ground again. The spider walked towards me slowly. I tried to get up but I could only get my upper body up I looked at my legs and stomach. I saw two small blood stains on my shirt. The spider stabbed me with its mandible.
" agh" I coughed up blood.
" Felix!!" Miguel yelled as he ran towards me. The spider inched closer and I kicked it's face.
" piss off" I yelled
The spider pounced on me. I tried to punch and knee the spider. the spider started to stab me with its mandible. " agh" I yelled I grabbed the spider's mandible and held It with my two hands.
" get off me " I yelled. I looked back at Miguel he was a couple of feet away from me. He was fighting two spiders. I saw the spiders using their fangs and their spinnerets. Wait why isn't my spider using its. . . Shhhhnnnkk
"Aghhhhh" I felt the spider's spinneret stab me I let go of the mandible and the spider went in to stab my left shoulder. I didn't even yell in pain. I felt the spider's venom go into my body. My ears started to pop. I couldn't feel any pain anymore it was quite nice. My vision started to fade to the darkness.
" embrace me my son. Embrace your mother and accept your gifts. Do it before it's too late"
I had my eyes open yet I could only see black. It was starting to feel cold my whole body was being covered with the feeling of coldness. I was in the brink of death. Even my own blood that covered me couldn't provide heatness to my dying body.
" mother" I mumbled " lady Artemis, I am your kin, you gave me life. . . Mother help me." I said
My body was fully cold I was dead. My brain was still active tho I felt and heard Miguel's screams he still fighting spiders heard human steps and the clashing of metal against the skin of spiders.
" Felix!!!!" Yelled Miguel " save Felix !!!" He ordered. I couldn't hear anymore. My ear drums were complete destroyed. I have died.
"They are coming in to fast" someone yelled I felt my body waking up I could move my arm, feet, anything I was awake. My eyes opened I could finally see once again. I stood up with more power. A demigod saw me get up. "Y- you were d-declared-dead" he said
" I was now I'm back" I said as I skimmed the demigod I noticed a bow and got a urge to use it. I extended my arm and said " bow, now" the demigod scared quickly handed over his bow. I turned and pulled the string back. And a light arrow appeared I fired it hitting a spider inside his mouth before he struck the kneeling soldier. He turned and saw me. It was max. I quickly started to fire light arrows one after another. Max joined my side, he still fought even tho his leg was injured. Oddly enough a lycan appeared and started fighting the spiders. I pulled the bowstring back and aimed at the lycan.
"Hold your fire!!" Yelled max " he's one of us, he's John" I looked at max otter disbelief. No way that was John, wait he has to be, we left him on the farm alone passed out we abandon him. John . . . You should be dead, I thought with much hatred he's a Lycan his kind killed my brother. No no no he saved my life. A second part appeared in my head. I noticed my light arrows vanishing I am losing concentration. I looked at 'John' as he finished the last spider. I pulled out my chain sword and armed it. The Lycan turned and looked at me. It started to morph back to a teenager. When it finished I looked at him with hatred.
" did you miss me" he coldly smiled
" you should be dead" I said angrily why did I have so much hatred towards him he saved me twice a voice inside me said while another said shut up and kill him he's one of them. I was going mad.
" yea after you left me to die" John said " oh by the way you're welcome, I saved you again." He said
" no you didn't" I said " I died here because of Miguel he. . . " I stopped and looked around where, where is Miguel.
Then I saw him his eyes full of sorrow he has been crying. His gaze met mine and he came running at me. Miguel dropped his weapon and bear hugged me.
" I'm -I'm soo sorry Felix. . . I -I thought you were ready." He said trying to gasp for air
" save it" I scolded
" Felix" he said as he looked at me " I meant no harm. . . "
" I fucking died there" I yelled at him" fight or die I chose both. Hell it was painful." I grasped my sword tighter and moved the sword's edge too Miguel's throat. " do you have any idea how much pain poison causes?" I said
" yes I do . . . when I lost my son. . . I felt poison in my body over and over. . . It's not as painful as losing someone you love." He answered my hold on my sword loosen a bit " y-your son?" I asked " Nathan son of Athena" he said as his voice choked.
" Miguel what is wrong with you." I said the second voice inside me said go easy on him the feeling of losing a son is greater than the feeling of losing a brother. Meanwhile the first voice just roared in anger. I looked at max
" listen up find Arachne " max ordered and looked at me I looked back at Miguel who now was sitting in the floor sobbing. It was pitty full seeing a adult crying. I kneeled and said " what happened to your son" Miguel looked up at me with sadness in his face.
" listen up!" Yelled Jack as he gained everyone's attention. " we will hold our ground till reinforcements arrive. That means making sure no spiders reach this cave." He said everyone looked worried.
"Ahh" said the medic when he fell on his face on the way down to the cave. " I hate this" he said.
" Robert" yelled Jack
" yo " said Robert. He kneeled to tie his boots.
" you okay?" Asked Jack to Robert.
" yea I'm fine. . . I sprained my ankle. It will heal" he said " whose wounded whose dead?" He said
Jack pointed at some soldiers lying on the floor
" right I'll get to work." Robert said as he slowly limped to the soldiers.
Jack and Miguel walked together and talked. I was sitting down my head was spinning. I can feel a burning sensation in my body. I knew it was in my veins. I knew it was the poison the had spider injected me with. I could feel it I was conscious of my body. I could feel the burning sensation slowly disappearing.
"Felix" said a voice beside me I turned to see Robert or doc besides me " show me your arm" he said I did as told. I extended my arm my palm facing up. He quickly pulled a dagger and cut my wrist.
" agh what the" I said
" stop whining" Robert said as he bandage my wrist. The dagger glowed purple. " wow what does that mean." I said
" you should be dead" he said
" you like saying that huh" I said
" who are you, what are you" he said " tell me who is your Godly parent is ? " he asked
" why?" I said
" your blood is eliminating the poison. It could also neutralize the effects of the medicine." He said
" I'm-im . . . " I stopped why should I say that I'm Artemis kin. What has she, at that point I felt my body full of pain.
"Aghhhhh" I yelled Robert rushed to grab me.
" stay calm Felix. Look at me." He yelled
I could feel the poison burn in my veins, not as intense as before but still painful
" curse it. Felix calm down" Robert yelled at me
"Agghhh ahhhhhhh"I could stop the poison was too painful.
"sorry Felix." He said as he lift his face and striked my face. Darkness followed.
Then my mother's voice boomed in my head
" you insolent child I gave you a chance to live. All you had to do is acknowledge me as your mother. Ugh hope you survive this punishment. Good luck my son. Just remember your gifts will return once you acknowledge me" my mother said crazy bitch.

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