Chapter 1: Death In The Family

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The Gods of Olympus forsaken their heroes, their children. They are all left to die by the hands of monsters, demons, and Titans. While they watch every demigod die in battle they just sit in their thrones and start searching for their next hero to complete what the last one couldn't.
My life was all a lie, My father wanted me away from him, at least that's what I thought. My step-mom tried to bond with me but my father wouldn't permit it, he had an almost protective hatred against me, and I couldn't wrap my head around that fact. It was a question that haunts me, it makes me feel empty as if I were worthless to him.
My father is a master at hunting, expert with a bow. He took my stepmother, my step-brother and me to Las Palma in Panama. A very gorgeous city, which is close to the ocean while on the other side there is forest. For some reason my father was contacted by an old colleague, whose clients were some farmers that had their livestock attacked by wolves, I didn't think it was majorly important, but now I realize it was...
We arrived at Las Palmas by airplane. One of the things I hate doing is flying. Frightened by any sudden movements made by the plane, I sat on my seat feeling home-sick. Pathetic I never had a real house we lived only in apartments, always on the move. Most kids would love seeing the world just how I haves seen but not the feeling of being persecuted. Finally my terror was close to the end "Hello, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing shortly in las Palma, please buckle down, there will be some minor turbulence" said the captain
"As long as I get the hell out of here I don't mind the turbulence", I said
My father stared at me and laughed,
"Ha, you'll like flying one of these days", he said in laughter then paused he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone he stared at it and started to text
"Who is it" said my step mother
"Miguel. . . He has a job for me . . . Hell, I'm getting too old for this. Felix, Caesar you guys are coming with me, we will practice using a bow so . . . " he looked at my little step brother who was asleep and drooling he's turning 10 tomorrow, as a birthday gift my father decided to finally teach him to use a bow.
"Dad. . . ", I said, " you're only 38 . . . How is that old?"
"My body is wasted and tired. You'll understand soon once we go on our 'mission'. You'll see why hunting isn't child's play" he said. I simply nodded
The plane shook and I jumped. "Hello this is your captain speaking. We touched down. Ladies and gentlemen Welcome to La Palma"
I closed my eyes to try to relax. Las Palma panama. Huh wonder what we'll be doing, I thought as the the plane finally stopped.
We got out of the airplane.
"Aaaahhhhhh!!!! Finally out of that death trap", I said. "Hey Caesar, how did you sleep, Shorty?" I teased Caesar.
"Moooom, Felix is being a jerk", he whined
"Felix be nice to your little brother " she said.
"Yes mother", I said just to get her off my back.
" Okay let's go" said dad as he grabbed his luggage and well pretty much everyones. We don't have much luggage because we trashed our clothes. Why we trash them well because our clothes always end up being rags either they get destroy by some sort of incident or we outgrow them. So we simply buy new clothes every month trashing the old ones.
We walked through the airport kinda lost, wandering trying to find a exit. When we got out of the airport a bald man stood out with a sign that had my father's name,
"Ahhh Miguel long time no see " my father said
"Likewise, I wish that I could talk more but we should get going. . . "
Miguel took us to the parking lot in which a white bus was parked. We followed as we got near to the bus. I noticed that my father was looking behind us. Father hurried and started to whisper with Miguel
"Okay . . . Right. . , damn we had no time here " said Miguel as he handed my father his keys " take my car, your wife and I will be safe take your sons and go, there are weapons in the trunk, your weapons now go" my father noded and looked at my step mom, they just looked into each others eyes and left. Father got Caesar and I into the car.
My father rushed into the driver's seat and started the engine. We left into the road with in 10 minutes he started driving through the forest outskirts of La Palma I believed it was just a vacation, like something fun to do, but there was more to it.
As we kept going I started hearing things for a time I heard footsteps I looked around and saw nothing
"Dad I . . . There's something on the trees I see something I . . . I don't know what it is but dad . . . I'm scared " said Caesar
"Curse it . . . They're onto us Felix move the seat and find our weapons"
I stayed quiet and did as told. I moved the seat, revealing the trunk of the car in which four cases were laying. Three cases had names that were designated to my dad, Caesar and I. The fourth one said arrows, pretty straight forward i thought. I grabbed my dad's cases and opened it. Quickly I fell in love the bow laying there was a common bow but there was something special about. My father turned and quickly reached for the bow and took it. I snapped out of my trance
"Felix we need arrows get them ready" dad ordered
"Yes dad Caesar get your case and open it" I said. I reached for the box labeled arrows and moved it out of the trunk to me. I opened the cases. There were three quivers full with arrows I gave one too my dad.
"AAHHHH what the hell " I yelled
" damn it they're attacking us" dad cursed
"Daddy. . . W-what are they" Caesar cried
Then I saw the attackers. Wolves yet they seemed bigger and more humanoid .THUMP, they hit the car once again more and more started to come out of the forest, they all had greyish hair with accents of brown, and intense golden eyes.
My father pushed down hard on the car's throttle sending us forward toward the farm. I looked, they were going at the same speed as we were. Dad sped up to get away from the wolfs. Out of raged I broke the back window and and opened the case containing my bow 1 aimed at one of the wolves and fired hitting the wolf in the lower back. The wolf kept chasing the car as if the arrow didn't touch him. I stared in shock my dad exclaimed, "What ever you are about to see, don't be afraid" . Suddenly we were close to the farm yet it was so far, those wolves snarled into the window matching the speed of our car, thrashing their bodies into both sides of the car. One of them jumped on the car's hood denting it in the process. My little brother's head went into my chest as he cried in fear, I put his chin up so he could see my face, and said "Don't let these things smell your fear, they'll sense your weakness, be strong .Please." I asked Caesar. I pushed him away and aimed at the same wolf, only this time it barked at me and jumped on top of the car. It was trying to get in the car, slipping but holding on the wolf inched closer. My dad pulled a knife out of nowhere and through it at the wolf trying to get in. the wolf yelped in pain and felled in to the road. As my brother stopped crying a wolf hit the car and caused it to tilt rolling into the fence of the farm, we hit the fence and were out of control a wolf went underneath the car and jumped at the same time another hit our car from the side we were launched in the air turning. As the car rolled I held my brother close for he had no seat belt, shards of glass cut through my skin as we rolled for what felt like a lifetime. All I could hear was my brother's screams. Then we struck the ground, and all went blank.
I opened my eyes and my father was being dragged out of the car by some sort of large being that did not even look human. I tried to get out of the car, but my brother was just lying down motionless in a part of the hood I froze I saw him loveless I felt a tear come out. "C. . ." "BOOM" the door to my left was ripped open, and it flew at least 100 yards in the opposite direction. Then I looked in the part of the hood where my brother laid, and the spot was empty I sprung back to life and grabbed my bow a wolf struck and tried to slashe me but I shot arrow into its mouth it yelped and left. I looked again for my brother to my surprise he was standing in front of the decimated car holding my father's bow, i started to get out of the car. When I got out my father had a sword and was fighting the wolves I joined and shot arrows at one of the wolves so did Caesar. Surprised to my brothers skilled I let my guard down and the wolf who had fled slashed at me I dodged and hit it with my bow. Big mistake "Crack" the bow snapped in two. the wolf just looked at me and slowly raised it paw ready to kill me I froze once again. I'm going to die I thought. I closed my eyes and heard a yelp coming from the wolf in front of me I opened them and saw my father's sword stuck to the wolf who was on the car "daaaaaaad" I looked as he smiled at me while he was gutted by one a wolf. He collapsed "noooooo" I yelled I grabbed father's sword and pulled it out of the wolf and quickly slashed his head off. It rolled away and blood followed it. A wolf charged at me, I swung my sword cutting the wolf. He blocked trying to defend himself I broke his defense and stabbed him in the head, blood fell from the monster. I felt pleasure for the blood spilled. I yelled "AHHHHHHHH" and removed the sword from the wolf still celebrating a wolf backhanded me and sent me flying to where my father laid. The wolf yelled and got on its four legs ready to charge. The adrenaline I had vanished and once again I was frozen. shut my eyes for a single instance then, I opened them and the wolf came into a full on sprint toward my brother ignoring me. "NOOOO! GET OUT OF ITS WAY CESAR, RUN!". Time seemed to stop. the Monster inched closer to my brother, then in a flash he was gone, and blood sprayed all over the ground. All that remained was a pool of blood. I looked at the beast that killed my brother, that thing stood there in its mouth it was munching a piece of my brother and his shirt. He was enjoying his meal. I couldn't believe what just happened, I bursted into tears.
Fueled by anger, I looked around and a few feet a monster was dragging my dad I tackled the monster who was dragging him away. I started punching, and kicking him in a moment of pure anger and hatred I started to punch and kick his skull cracking his nose and cartilage but I also heard my knuckles Pop and crack but I didn't feel pain I was filled with anger, hate, vengeance. Quickly the other wolfmen noticed, the largest came towards me, but I didn't see him for my anger was overpowering my mind. He picked me up above his own head and slammed me into the floor. The whole right side of my body slammed into the ground and my body bounced for brief moment, hearing a pop from my arm, as my body laid on the grass. From sheer pain I let out a brief scream, then my view faded into darkness.
"Wake up Felix. . . WAKE UP!" My eyes bursted open, and my right arm was in pain, my father laid on the floor beside me unconscious. We were inside the barn. I tried to wake up my father ignoring the pain that I felt from my arm, for it was far less than what I had felt by watching my own brother mauled to death. My father woke up in a gasp. "AAAAAHHHHH! AAAGHHHHH!!!!! CURSE THEM ." he paused analysing the environment and then looked at me. "Felix, are you okay, where. . . where is your B-brother. . . W-where are we". I was in too much grief to speak, for I couldn't bring myself to tell him what happened to Caesar in his condition. I let out a cry and tried to hug my father ,but we were to hurt, he was in a worse condition than I was.
Out of nowhere we heard a large voice say, "Open the door you moron", in reply a second party said, "Jeez who knew cyclopes were major jerks", "Hush Lycan, open the door now". As the door opened there I saw the cyclops surrounded by more werewolves than I had seen on the road coming to the farm. As they walked in I noticed the werewolf whom had killed my brother. The werewolf was taking out what looked like my brothers shoe from his mouth and began speaking to the what I thought was wolf pack leader who had jet black hair and green eyes, and he asked, "Do you think that little guy you through on the ground survived", the alpha replied, "I don't know", shocked the other wolf replied, "What, what do you mean you're not sure!". "I mean that boy is different from any other guardian", "He should be dead, just like that little boy I mauled to death", I saw the sadness and shock in my father's face that was bursting in rage. "Now it it wasn't for this kids attacking us we could of con. . . " the Lucan was cut off. The alpha shouted at his comrade and said, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH", in response the other wolf said "WHAT?",
"We don't kill children, weakling",
"How dare you, you know I can be alpha any time I want, I just need to challenge you". The cyclops looked at me and with a powerful voice exclaimed, "Shut your mouths lycans! LOOK!" he pointed at me and the wolves turned their heads towards me, meanwhile changing their forms from large humans to humanoid wolves.
I soon realized the cyclops didn't see nor was he pointing at me, he was pointing at a band of teenagers, all who were at least 16 years old or older . They had weapons and seemed extremely Confident. the Cyclops order the two Lycans to attack while the rest were ordered to fall back. they charged, the one who killed my brother struck a girl with black hair, he slashed her chest sending her flying "NO!!!" a guy yelled in ranged he swung his sword like a mad man. the lycan yelled in pain and ran away "Coward" yelled out the Alpha as he stabbed a armored boy who collapsed dead, his armor pierced as if it was paper. "Jasper NO!!!!" yelled a guy holding a golden sword "Damn it you three take on that alpha ill help holding him off"
"Yes sir" said all three
"Bon" said the guy with the golden sword " your trap card better work"
"Hey, when have i been wrong"
The leader and the three soldiers clashed the Alpha " This is our first mission you idiot" said the leader
"Ahh true" replied Bon
The Alpha ponced on one of the three and started to eat him. he ripped his armor and bit his neck. blood flew everywhere "AAAAGGGGHHHH"
"James no" said one of the three men while the other stopped dead the cyclopes charged and hit the frozen man. as he went flying he hit the floor and a loud crack was heard, his neck seemed broken for his head has touching his back and blood spilled from his mouth " BONNN!!! NOW"said the leader Bon through a bottle which seemed to contain green fire landing on the cyclopes "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" yelled the cyclopes he rolled on the floor trying to put the fire out but the flame grew bigger and within a few seconds it consumed the Cyclopes. The Alpha leaps from the guy who he bit and started to fall back for he was outnumbered." Curse you all" he ran away. those who remained stand tall and proud but their glory faded quickly as the leader ordered them to check on their fallen comrades. They seemed strong for teens , but even with their skill they stood little to no chance against the monsters. they checked on the guy who was hit by the cyclopes " Damn it he's dead" Bon yelled at the leader " Crap so is Jasper hes dead bastard killed him" said the other man the leader rushed towards the girl.
"Jeniffer you okay" asked the leader .
"Yea im fine Jack" said the Jeniffer
"Thank goodness. . . Bon come here and patch her up"said Jack
"Got it" replied Bon "ouch that looks painful"
Jennifer yelled in pain as Bon started to clean the wound
"Richard how is John doing" the leader asked
"Crap jack, John . . .hes infected that lycan bit him i closed the wound but . . .but he might become one of them we will figure that out later this night" said the last remaining man
"hmmm Bon after you're done with Jennifer give richard the prototype of the antidote" said Jack
"ummm yea sure" replied Bon
" Charlie team to HQ please response" said Jack
"sir we need back up . . . we . . yes . . . sir we located the guardian he's badly injured" Jack stared at me and my father "we need evac we won't hold on much longer. . . Lycans and cyclopes so far. . . What sir we can't move out two of my men are dead two are injured and so is the guardians. No forget that my men are dying ill wait for backup!"
Soon after the remaining five survivors closed in on us and started to treat our wounds i finally felt safe with my father besides me then it hit me again Caesar was dead. I started to sobbed but stopped crying wouldn't bring him back i was going to kill that Lycan and keep his skin for myself as a trophy my anger grew then my fear became reality the Lycan sneaked behind Richard and his arms were ripped from his sockets , meanwhile Jennifer screamed and another Lycan rushed in and grabbed her and she was ripped apart from the waist by the Lycan, and Bon was weaponless but...his...his face was slammed into the wall over and over until his entire head was reduced to nothing but bloody mush on the floor, done by that wolf that killed my brother. Then Jack looked at me, he rushed over to me, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Sorry theres no time". Then grabbed my arm with is left hand, and relocated it into my shoulder socket. "AAAAGGHHH" I felt a painful pop then I was able to move my arm without any pain."Get up, we need to fight and please help me save them" He handed me a bow that belonged to one of his fallen comrades and encouragingly said, "We need all the help we can get, are you ready for this, Guardian?".
The bow was very light, on the bow were blood stains of the fallen allie these teens had. "W-who are you" i said "For now just get on your feet and get ready to fight, we will talk later" the Jack replied. I stood up only Jack and one of his men remained standing. Only we stood standing at the doors of death. What comes after Death or Fear .

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