Chapter 8 Arachne

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When my eyes opened I was in a white room " great the infirmary" I said as I rose from the bed that I layed in. My body hurt all of it , almost like being sore but abit more painful.
" Felix " yelled a familiar voice I turned and saw Paulina. She quickly stood up and hugged me. The hugged feel warm she was soft but my body was still in pain.
" H-hey" I finally said
She looked at me and smiled. She leaned in and kissed me. I grabbed her waisted and continued kissing her. I felt better, a lot better. This girl was amazing. She backed away. Again all the love feeling I had slowly vanished.
" how you feel?" she asked
" i feel much better" I said and it was true my body has relaxed and I wasn't in much pain.
At this time Robert entered the room.
"Huh you're Awake " he said
"Are you going to help with Arachnes capture?" He said like it was nothing.
" hmm you still don't talk much huh. . . Good" he said with a cold smile " listen you have been out for three days. The medicine thankfully was able to subdue the poison. . . " he looked at me then at my hand. I wasn't even paying attention I was holding Paulina's hand. " Miguel has been there since you two entered. He is fighting and looking for Arachne He could use help " he said " now you two love birds Ima leave don't stain the room that is gross" he said as he stood up and left the room.
"What?" I said confused I looked at Paulina and she smiled she leaned in and kissed me again. I returned the favor.
The door opened and Robert face popped in.
" hey Felix forgot to tell you. Your father left with your step mother" he said " they're off to find that lycan" he said as he left
Paulina and I stopped kissing
" he's weird "I said
Paulina started laughing
A dark swirl appeared in the floor it made the room feel even more colder
" WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!" Yelled Robert as he appeared out of the dark portal in full combat armor.
"Ahh I said nothing" I said
" you dare to insult me" yelled Robert as the door opened and Jonathan accompanied with Andre walked in.
Robert turned around and looked at them, then finally Jonathan broke the cold tension
" you done playing around" Jonathan said
" yes" Robert said as his portal disappeared" hahahahahahaha" he bursted in laughter the first legit laughter he has done.
" Robert we need to move. Arachne is about to go on the offense." Jonathan said killing Roberts laughter.
". . . " said Robert he rose his hand another dark swirl appeared. " let's go" he said as he walked through the swirl and Jonathan and Andre followed.
I stood up and walked
"I think you're forgetting this" said Paulina. I turned and saw her holding my chain sword and some armor. I walked towards her and retrieved my sword. I looked at the armor with caution.
" thanks but. . . I don't know about the armor." I said
Paulina smiled and just started to put the armor on. I stood there allowing her to put the armor on me. When she finished she just looked at me. She smiled at me I leaned in and kissed her.
" I'll be back" I said with a smile
I turned around and walked through the dark portal. I appeared in the center of the cave I looked around and saw Robert taking a knee.
"Took ya long enough" he said he collapsed the portal closed and a spider walked over Robert. I armed my sword and looked at the spider. Rage fueled me. I have already died by the stingers of spiders it won't happen again. I charge to the spider it jumped to attack me. It's spinneret was already spilling it's poison. I kicked the the body of the spider it just stopped in mid air and I stood connected with the spider. It started to hit me with its legs. They hurt a bit. I slashed all the spiders legs of at the same time. The spider fell on the ground unable to get up. I walked over it with my sword.
Kill it said a voice in me. Interesting enough the voice wasn't mine or my mother's, all I knew is that the voice was familiar. I stabbed the spider right in the center of its body. It quickly stopped moving. I retrieved my sword and walked towards Robert. I kneeled and look for his pulse. It was fading away. I quickly turned him around. I placed my hand over his heart and put pressure.
One, two ,three, four, five I counted as I gave Robert CPR. I heated his rib cage crack. His heart wasn't going back to normal. "Damn it" I cursed he needs mouth to mouth.I leaned in to give him mouth to mouth. Roberts eyes flew open and punched my jaw .
" son of a bitch" he cursed as he sat up
" doc you're alive" I said happy
" agh" he said " why were you performing CPR on me." He said
" your heart was slowing down" I said
" moron that's so the spiders poison won't go through my whole body . . . Agh" he yelled " you broke some of my bones . . . Agh" he continued
" I know I was doing a good job" I said
" I didn't need help I drank the antidote and slowed my blood , I was going to get up in 30 secs" he yelled at me " crap I hate you" he said. " your armor took a beating" I looked at it and saw many dentures probably from the spiders strikes. Wow, I thought and realized that if Paulina had not put this armor on me, I would be dead . . . Again. Robert got up " Arachne is leading this attack now. She's pissed" Robert said. Soldiers came tuning through the only cave open.
" retreat, retreat" yelled a soldier
" hold your ground" shouted Robert. The soldiers listen and stopped in front of Robert in the middle of the cave. Robert moved in front of the men, I followed. He pulled a dark bag and reached in he pulled some sort of broken rocks and threw it at the ground.
" I'm gona hate doing this but I have no choice" he kneeled and started to chant. He finished and yelled " lord hades, father aid me send me warriors" as he finished things started to come out of the ground. They were dead soldiers or warriors. Most completely skeleton. Some with rotten flesh on their bones.
" men hold your ground don't let and spider past then wait for further instructions." Robert ordered. The dead warriors followed the orders charged towards the cave as spiders started to pour out.
" archers!!!!" Yelled Robert " fire"
The archers let loose many arrows killing many spiders some stuck to the wall or floor still wiggled in order to try to break free. The dead warriors just killed those survivors, and blocked the entrance. Finally the demigods were save for know.
" Felix there's no rest for us" Robert said " where is Jonathan and Andre " Robert shouted. Andre walked out of the crowed
" I-I-I'm not sure" Andre said
Robert turned and ran towards the entrance of the tunnel. I followed.
" Felix stay back" Robert said
" I'll help you" I said
" no you're not trained impatient and quite frankly you would get in my way." Robert barked at me
" then you train me" I said Robert didn't respond
" Miguel is still there and I will go for him, Jonathan is there too isn't he ." I said Robert turned
" first of all we don't know if they are alive second if you mean with Arachne then maybe." He paused" I'll train you for now." He said and signal a dead warrior to come.
" men we need to advance and find Arachne. Your men must push forward. Kill anything that has more than two legs. . . Go!!! He ordered he turned and looked at me
" let's hope that they are still alive" Robert said as he walked to the battle.
We clashed with many spiders all fell dead. The dead warriors took hit but they just kept going. Frankly I was afraid of them. What if they were against us what if Robert used them against me. Could I win? They are so organized they fight together as if they are one. Can they be re-killed? I poundered.
We advanced and advanced, still no sign of our friends I started to feel bad. If Miguel is dead I would be alone And I couldn't forgive myself for yelling at him.
" pssssf Felix" Robert whispered
" huh what" I said
" we may be in trouble" he said
" why I asked"
"Haven't you noticed these spiders take their victims" he said
" yea I did they stab them with poison either to kill or paralyze them why?" I asked
"Males spiders only do that." He said
" soooo?" I asked
"Females spiders are three times bigger. And they are much more aggressive " Robert turned and saw a spider jump out of the floor. It had a odd smell. Robert fell to the ground , the spider on top of Robert tried to strike him with his fangs. Robert grabbed both fangs and wrestled. Most allies started to stab the spider. Finally it fell dead and Robert was saved.
" crap" Robert say
" you okay" I asked
" yea I'm . . . Fine"he said as he kicked the spider on its side at this point the spiders skin fell from the impact and a dark hole appeared.
Robert eyes widened. He jumped away from the body as he did so a small wave of little spiders poured out of the dead spiders body.small baby spiders marched out of the spider's body.
"Argh gross" yelled a soldier
One spider stopped and started to grow.
"What the hell" yelled another soldier, the new grown spider now as adult attacked. I stepped in and allowed the spider to run in to my chain sword. I quickly followed to kick it out of my sword back into the father's body.
" incoming" I yelled as more spiders grew into their adult stages." Hold your ground" yelled Robert as he Threw more bones onto the floor.. Then a figure jumped over the pile of spiders dropping some sort of liquid he landed in front of me. Jonathan stood looking sad as he opened his mouth and said. "That was a waste of wine. . . Andre" on cue Andre rushed in with two flares on in each hand. Quickly a spider pounced on Andre but he just jumped and kicked the spider on the face. He proceeded to attack another spider who lit on fire and ran into other spiders lighting them on as well. Finally Andre threw his flares into the body of spider witch they all came from. Quickly igniting it. The threat had finished the spiders have been subdue.
We cheered. But it quickly faded.
" men charge" yelled Robert " help one of the last guardians. He said and lead the charge. Tunnel to tunnel we ran. Sometimes spiders popes out and attacked us. We took some casualties from this attacks. Hell Andre was attacked but Jonathan got in the way he took the hit. Poisoned Jonathan fell, Robert rushed to his side to inject the antidote. He looked at me.
" Felix lead the charge" he yelled I was too stunned to speak. I lead the attack on Arachne by myself. What If I fail. I was being do rounded by doubt. Damn it I was afraid to letting men into their tombs. I felt something grab my hand and pull me. I turned to see Paulina holding it.
" you're not alone" she whispered her voice filled me with confidence
" men" I yelled " search and rescue kill anything that's as more than two legs and find our friends" I yelled as I rushed to lead the attack. I look besides me Paulina was on my side. A spider jumped from the ground I jumped and landed on top of the Bastard I plunged my sword into the spider's body until it stop squirming. I looked in from Paulina was still leading the attack. I ran to catch up with her. Then a spider pounded into Paulina it plunged it's fangs into her stomach.
" no!!!!" I yelled in rage Paulina collapsed to her knees she looked up at the spider. She then stabbed the spider right on its face. The spider fell dead and Paulina collapsed to the floor I rushed towards her side. I grabbed her waist and pulled her on my knees I grabbed her face.
" Paulina !!!!!! . . . Paulina!!!!" I yelled I then looked at her wounds she was bleeding. . . A lot. I shook her. A dark swirl appeared besides me jonathan Andre and Robert appeared next to me.
" shit" cursed Robert as he saw Paulina. " Andre " yelled Robert " I need fire to heat up this blade" he yelled as he handed Andre a small dagger. Andre quickly popes a flare. It glowed red with smoke then it butted into flames yellow flames. Andre put the knife closer and the flames shifted colors. Blue then white. The blade also started to chafe colors it quickly skipped oranges and went to yellow. Andre pulled the dagger away and gave it to Robert. Andres flare quickly died after it turned white. Robert looked at Paulina she was pale. He quickly looked for the wounds and with a quick jab he put the heater blade on to Paulina's bleeding skin. Paulina yelled in pain. I held her tightly. Her screams died of .
" Paulina!?" I said " paulina. . . Wake up" her eyes were closed and she wasn't breathing.
" Felix leave her to me" Robert said " she's unconscious. The pain of closing the wound and losing to much blood made her lose consciousness I need to get her to the infirmary. She has a open artery. . . " as he said that another dark swirl appeared " this will be the last petal for today I'm almost out of juice." Robert said as he picked Paulina in his arm and walked through the portal.
I stood up and ran . I entered a room in which only four people were in. With me there were now five. Two were on the ground, two were clashing. On the ground there was Jonathan shouting commands at Miguel. Andre was knocked out his body covered in blood. Clashing there was Miguel holding his ground against a half spider half lady. Arachne, she struck Miguel but he just deflected . I pulled my bow's string back and aimed at Arachne but no arrow appeared.
"Crap" I cursed I looked around to see a spear on the floor. I picked it up and a spider appeared. quickly I stepped on it, killing it. I turned and aimed at Arachne. I slowed my breath I looked at Miguel's struggle for survival. I threw the spear.
Arachne grabed it in mid air the turned to look at me Miguel also turned and saw me. His eyes full of joy then he realize that Arachne was going after me now. He stabbed one of the legs. Arachne yelled.
" you're no god you crazy bitch" Miguel barked at arachne. Arachne started to glow. Indulged in a bright glow she started to shift to a human. The glow faded and a female no older than 30 stood in front of Miguel. Damsel in distress Miguel lowered his weapons. She looked at him with despair. She lunged at him hugging Miguel.she was crying and whispered something. Miguel looking puzzled answered back. She laid her head on Miguel's chest. I relaxed a bit.
The female smiled coldly. Miguel eyes widen. The female backed away from Miguel showing the spear that I threw had gone through Miguel's body. He spit blood . Then the female turned back to Arachne. I was paralyzed.
Fight or die. Fight or die was going through my head. Arachne roses one of her legs to Miguel's face. She slowly raised it even more.
" noooooooooooooo!!!!" I yelled

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