Chapter 6

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Kyle was in the pizza shop getting there food while Oliver and I were in the car when I asked the question thatd been bothering me for the whole car ride.

"What happened to him?"

Oliver turned around and looked at me, "What do you mean?"

"Did he get attached to someone or?"

He turned back around, "It was nothing."

"That tense silence that happened 5 minutes ago begs to differ." I quickly replied.

He huffed, "Look just let it go, he'll tell you when he wants to."

"What if he never does?"

"Then never mention it again, am I clear?" He asked.

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest, "When did you become Shawn?"

"What did you just call him?" Oliver immediately turned around in his seat again.

I shifted, "Shawn, why?"

"It's your first day and your already on a fucking first name basis?" Oliver asked, disbelief covering his features.

"Oliver come on, every one loves me." I smirked.


I laughed, "Look with people like him you just gotta get angry, they like that."

"Oh yeah? How do you know that?"

"It logics. He's the leader right? Sooo leaders sometimes get tired of everyone obeying them and being a kiss up. Sometimes a rebellious person is a good change." I shrugged.

"So you just act tough?"

I shook my head, "Oh god no, he makes me genuinely angry."

Oliver narrowed his eyes at her, "You confuse me and I don't like it."

I smiled and shrugged, "Girls are confusing what can I say?"

Kyle came back to the car, carrying there pizza. Oliver leaned over and opened the car door for him and he climbed in. Instantly the whole car smelled like warm pizza and my mouth was watering.

"Gimme gimme gimme!" I yelled reaching up front.

Kyle batted my hands away, "I haven't even closed the door yet, calm down."

I sat back and scowled at him as he closed his car door and then I sat up again, stealing a slice. Kyle turned around in his seat and glared at me, I just smiled as I took a bite out of my pizza.

"Alright now can we go to my house so you guys can get your shit out my room?" I asked after swallowing a bite of pizza.

Oliver shook his head and began driving, "No can do, we have to keep an eye on you."

"Oh for Christ's sake you guys can't just live in my room!" I exclaimed.

"We aren't, were just visiting for a while." Oliver shrugged.

"Look we wanna get out of there just as bad as you want us out." Kyle spoke up.

"Do you guys really have to look after me?"

"Depends. Do you want to die?" Oliver asked, starting the car.

"No." I mumbled.

"Okay then." Oliver pulled out of the parking lot and began driving down the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're taking you home real quick while we," a pause, "run errands."

"How long will you guys be?" I asked.

"Not too long, maybe an hour or two." Kyle shrugged.

"Can I go with you guys?"

"No!" Oliver immediately answered.

I furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Okay?" What was so important that I couldn't know? I was apart of the gang now, they could trust me.

We came to my house and I huffed, "Do I really have to be home alone for 2 hours?"

"It's not gonna kill you." Oliver said.

"Ugh fine!"

"Have fun!" Kyle teased and I glared at him before getting out the car and watching them drive off.

I huffed and walked through the front door, immediately a metallic smell filled my nose. I scrunched my face up in disgust and was about to walk up the steps before I gasped and horror. No no no no!

I ran over to my mom, that was on the steps. Blood trailed down the steps from her shirt. I placed her head in my lap, who would do this? Why? Why would this happen?

"Mom." I choked out a sob.

I quickly remembered my dad, maybe he got out or he was hiding. He had to be alive. I ran up the steps, yelling for him but it didn't take long to realize that the body on the floor upstairs was my dad's. This can't be happening. This isn't happening. Not me! I ran downstairs, tears were clouding my vision.

I ran towards the front door and there written in black spray paint was 'You kill our members we kill your family! B.K.' I yanked the door open and ran outside and down the familiar alley. Of course, how could I be so stupid?! Oliver and Kyle had told me, the Black Knights were after my family. How did I not see this coming. I came to the gang house and sprinted inside and didn't stop until I was in Shawn's office.

He immediately looked up, "What did I-" I cut him off.

"They killed them!" I cried.

He stood up, "Who!?"

"My parents! They killed them!"

He relaxed a bit then sighed, "Are you sure it was the Knights?"

"They spray painted on my door "you kill our members we kill your family" and signed it B.K." I told him, I tried to look less pathetic by wiping my tears but they kept coming back.

"Yup it was definitely them." He huffed.

"What do I do?! I have no where to go and how will I explain this to the police?"

Shawn stood up immediately and yelled, "You won't tell the police anything!"

I looked at him in disbelief, "They killed my family!"

"You got yourself into this mess and now you gotta listen to me! You wont tell the police." He told me.


"That's an order!"

I scoffed, "So what do I do? Live on the fucking streets!? They'll kill me if they see me!" He was being completely irrational about this!

"You'll live here." He sat back down, looking more relaxed than I'd like.

"So I'm supposed to leave my family there?"

"They're already dead, forget about them. We are you family now."

Suddenly I was angry, so severely angry for what the Black Knights did that I wanted to do the same thing to them. I wanted blood to be shed and I wanted them to suffer.

"I want to kill them, I want to make them pay for killing my family, I want to torture them slowly and painfully so they beg for me to just shoot them! I want to make them wish they never fucked with me!" I shouted, rage suddenly took over my body.

Shawn smiled and sat back in his chair, "A natural born killer."

"Help me take them down." It was less of a beg and more of a demand, that seemed to impress him.

"That's alot of work you sure your ready for that?"

"Am I ready? The real question is are you ready?"

The Black Knights had fucked with the wrong one and now they would pay.

Shawn leaned forward and smiled at me, "You're growing on me sweetheart."

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